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Work Cited: No Plagiarism 1.Listen to manager read entire task sheet. 2.With a partner read through the Work Cited Format Sheet. 3.Now look at the references.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Cited: No Plagiarism 1.Listen to manager read entire task sheet. 2.With a partner read through the Work Cited Format Sheet. 3.Now look at the references."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Cited: No Plagiarism 1.Listen to manager read entire task sheet. 2.With a partner read through the Work Cited Format Sheet. 3.Now look at the references on your Note Taking Chart for the CHD report. 4.On a word document write out your references using this format. 5.Once you have finished go to this website and type in your URLs and see if you wrote them correctly. Fix your mistakes! Extension activity: Work on your CHD Report. EL.5.4.4 2006 Research Process Use organizational, such as citations Research Process and Technology: Use organizational features of printed text, such as citations, endnotes, and bibliographic references, to locate relevant information. Noise Level 1 What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. I’m ready to be a master. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during workshop. during workshop. Great! During workshop you may try the Masters Test for this skill. Project Connection Huskies for Hearts

2 Works Cited Format Sheet Book Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title. Year. Example: Heinrichs, Ann. This Land Is Your Land, Maryland. 2003. Reference Title of Reference. Volume Number (#). Year. Page. Example: World Book Encyclopedia V13. 2001. P.240. Internet Title of site. Site address. Example: Maryland Tourism.. Interview Interview with ________________, type of interview. Name of person interviewed. Date of interview. Example: Interview with my great grandmother, Mary Miller. Personal interview. Mary Miller. October 12, 2009. Definitions Plagiarism- copying someone else’s writing and using it in your writing without including the author’s name Works Cited- giving credit to someone else’s words used in your writing

3 Sharpening Your Skills 1.Listen to leader read task sheet. 1.Begin by looking at your objectives for this week. Here are a list of priorities you should have on your Weekly Objectives. Write your goals on goals chart. All items should be saved on the S drive Presentations for P2P Project to get help Presentations for P2P Project to get help Geometric Landscape Design Vocabulary test for this week Passport to Reading CHD Report Incomplete Station Work 3. If you are struggling with a skill please write it on a post-it and place on Parking lot. 4.When there is only 5 minutes left record what you accomplished on your Weekly what you accomplished on your Weekly Objectives and goal chart during the station. Objectives and goal chart during the station. Materials Needed Laptop Passport to Reading Pencil Materials Needed Laptop Passport to Reading Pencil 5.W.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer's purpose. b. Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details. d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.

4 Each Student write a goal you set for yourself during this station Name Goals Completed

5 Reading World Literacy Connection: Reading Comprehension 1.Gather all Materials. 2.As a group read Nosey and the Porcupine. 3.After reading, evaluate and determine the authors purpose. 4.Fill in the Clues Chart to help you determine the purpose. 5.Debrief with your group. What was the skill? Plus/Delta. How did everyone do during the station. Extension activity: Write any words you were not familiar with on the bottom of the chart. Materials Needed Text book Authors Purpose Chart 5.2.3 Recognize main ideas presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that supports those ideas. 5.4.5 Use note-taking skills when completing research for writing. Noise level 1 Project Connection This story does not relate to project but the unit story does connect to P2P Project and teaches the same skill. What will happen if… Road Block Go to workshop I don’t get it. You have more time during workshop. I didn’t finish. Great! During workshop you may try the Masters Test for this skill. I think I’m a master.

6 Name:Bronze Medal Winner Silver Medal Winner Gold Medal Winner Following Directions Followed only two of the task on the task sheet with minimal evidence of discussion. 4…5….6…7 Followed most of the task on the task sheet and showed evidence of discussion. 8…9…10…11 Followed all of the task on the task sheet complete Venn diagram(complete debrief activity) 12…13…14….15 Authors Purpose The student wrote only 1 to 2 clues. 4…5….6…7 The student wrote only 2 to 3 clues with details. 8…9…10…11 The student wrote 3 to 5 clues using strong evidence of authors purpose. 12…13…14….15 Group Collaboration Group struggled during activity, one student did not contribute to product. 4…5….6…7 Group members showed ability to positively contribute to product. 8…9…10…11 Group members showed ability to positively contribute to product and motivate each other to be successful. 12…13…14….15 Read World Rubric

7 Plants without seeds Project Connection Project Greenhouse Irwin Gardens/P2P Sc 5.4.7 Explain that living things, such as plants and animals, differ in their characteristics, and that sometimes these differences can give members of these groups (plants and animals) an advantage in surviving and reproducing. NOISE LEVEL 1 Materials Pencil Journal of Knowledge Science textbook Venn Diagram 1.Listen to the Station Manager read the task sheet. 2.Gather your materials. 3.With a Partner, read and take notes in their Journal of Knowledge on the these to sections. Share out what you learned: 1.What Are Mosses? Pages A58 and A59 2.What Are Ferns? Pages A60 and A61 4.Share your notes from your section and do the Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting mosses and ferns. 5.Turn your work into the rotation basket when done. Extension Activity: Read pages A62 and A63. List the differences in the life cycles of mosses and ferns. What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. I’m ready to be a master. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during workshop. during workshop. Great! During workshop you may try the Masters Test for this skill.

8 Mosses and Ferns Mosses Ferns Group Members: _______________________________ ___________________________ _______________________ ________________________ __________________________

9 Project Greenhouse PBL: Plant Parts, Celery NOISE LEVEL 1 ½ 1. Listen to the leader read the task sheet. 2. Gather your materials. 3.Each group member will insert Plant Parts title on content page of Journal. 4. Follow along using Page 1 and 2 lab sheets. 5.After completing lab sheet follow Experiment Chart to complete set-up of celery experiment. Extension activity is listed on Experiment Chart. Materials: Science Journal Celery Stalk Experiment Chart Food Coloring Narrow-mouthed bottle Hand lens knife Standards: 5.4.3 Write informational pieces with multiple paragraphs that: present important ideas or events in sequence or in chronological order. 5.4.1 Organization and Focus: Discuss ideas for writing, keep a list or notebook of ideas, and use graphic organizers to plan writing. 5.4.7Explain that living things, such as plants and animals, differ in their characteristics, and that sometimes these differences can give members of these groups (plants and animals) an advantage in surviving and reproducing. Project Connection Irwin Gardens and P2P

10 How Does water get to different parts of a plant? Write a hypothesis: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Use a hand lens and observe the plant parts of celery. List parts. ____________ ____________ ____________ On left side of journal, draw a picture of what you see. 1 How Does water get to different parts of a plant? Write a hypothesis: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Use a hand lens and observe the plant parts of celery. List parts. ____________ ____________ ____________ On left side of journal, draw a picture of what you see. 1

11 Label plant organs you see on the picture. Seeds Fruit Flower Leaves Roots stem Experiment: With a partner take a celery stalk and follow the direction to complete the experiment. See Experiment chart. Once you have your experiment set up write a hypothesis on what you think will happen in the next 7 days. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ 2 a. Celery Picture

12 Math: Another Dick and Dom Adventure Materials Needed: Laptop Headphones Materials Needed: Laptop Headphones Project Connection: Greenhouse Project Project Connection: Greenhouse Project What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. I’m ready to be a master. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during workshop. during workshop. Great! During workshop you may try the Masters Test for this skill. 1.Listen to station manager and gather all materials. 2.With a Partner or on your own, go to this Dick and Dom adventure linkDick and Dom adventure link 3.Complete each task on the video. 4.Once you are finished, click on the quiz link. 5.Take the Decimal Quiz. 6.Print your results and turn in to the bin. 7.Clean up your table area. Extension: Play this game to build decimal skills. Click here for LinkClick here for Link 5.1.1 Convert between numbers in words and numbers in figures, for numbers up to millions and decimals to thousandths. Example: Write the number 198.536 in words. 5.1.2 Round whole numbers and decimals to any place value. Example: Is 7,683,559 closer to 7,600,000 or 7,700,000? Explain your answer. 5.1.3 Arrange in numerical order and compare whole numbers or decimals to two decimal places by using the symbols for less than ( ).

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