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Certified Marine Investigator I (CMI-I) Membership.

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Presentation on theme: "Certified Marine Investigator I (CMI-I) Membership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Certified Marine Investigator I (CMI-I) Membership

2 Introduction Additional member benefit Additional member benefit Contemplating advanced certification Certified Marine Investigator II (CMI-II) Contemplating advanced certification Certified Marine Investigator II (CMI-II) Limited to members in good standing Limited to members in good standing

3 Certified Marine Investigator I CMI-I’s have experience and training in areas other than their area of expertise CMI-I’s have experience and training in areas other than their area of expertise Will be able to: Will be able to: Assist in gathering of evidence Take statements Write reports Provide testimony Otherwise assist the marine industry

4 CMI Committee Program supervision and guidance Program supervision and guidance Oversee application process Oversee application process Prepare, proctor and grade exams Prepare, proctor and grade exams Revocation and suspension of certification Revocation and suspension of certification Enforcing continuing professional education requirements Enforcing continuing professional education requirements Recertification Recertification

5 CMI-I Qualifications Be of high moral character Be of high moral character Meet minimum education/experience Meet minimum education/experience Pass the uniform CMI-I examination Pass the uniform CMI-I examination Maintain required continuing professional education Maintain required continuing professional education Pay annual Association dues Pay annual Association dues Abide by IAMI Bylaws and the Code of Professional Ethics of IAMI Abide by IAMI Bylaws and the Code of Professional Ethics of IAMI

6 Educational Requirements Applicant must have: Applicant must have: –High School Degree –State Recognized GED

7 Experience Requirement A minimum of three years experience A minimum of three years experience Experience must be related directly or indirectly to: Experience must be related directly or indirectly to: –Marine Matters –Criminology/Law Enforcement –Insurance

8 Eligibility to sit for exam Minimum of 250 credits through any combination of the following: Minimum of 250 credits through any combination of the following:

9 Credits for other certification 80 max for proof of at least one recognized certification calculated at 40 credits for the first certification and 10 credits for each additional (e.g. SAMS, NAMS, CFE, CPCU, etc.) 80 max for proof of at least one recognized certification calculated at 40 credits for the first certification and 10 credits for each additional (e.g. SAMS, NAMS, CFE, CPCU, etc.)

10 Credits for advanced education 20 credits for a 2 year associates degree or technical/vocational certificate from a state/federally approved program 20 credits for a 2 year associates degree or technical/vocational certificate from a state/federally approved program 40 credits for a 4 year college degree 40 credits for a 4 year college degree 20 credits for a doctorate or equivalent postgraduate degree 20 credits for a doctorate or equivalent postgraduate degree

11 Credits for experience 100 credits (max) for experience calculated at 10 credits per year for up to 10 years in a field related directly or indirectly to: 100 credits (max) for experience calculated at 10 credits per year for up to 10 years in a field related directly or indirectly to: –Marine Matters –Criminology/Law Enforcement –Insurance

12 Credits for training 100 credits (max) for training, at least 75 must be from IAMI sponsored training programs. 100 credits (max) for training, at least 75 must be from IAMI sponsored training programs. –30 credits for annual training seminar –10 credits per day for regional training seminar Credit shall be given for attending two prior Annual Training Conferences and/or 4 days of prior regional training within the last 5 years Credit shall be given for attending two prior Annual Training Conferences and/or 4 days of prior regional training within the last 5 years

13 Credit for instruction 20 credits (max) for courses or lectures taught within the last two years calculated at 5 credits for each with a maximum of 4 20 credits (max) for courses or lectures taught within the last two years calculated at 5 credits for each with a maximum of 4

14 Credit for authoring 20 credits (max) for books, articles or papers authored within the last two years calculated at 5 credits for each with a maximum of 4 20 credits (max) for books, articles or papers authored within the last two years calculated at 5 credits for each with a maximum of 4

15 Example: John Doe SAMS & NAMS certification = 50 credits SAMS & NAMS certification = 50 credits 4 year degree = 40 credits 4 year degree = 40 credits 15 years experience = 100 credits 15 years experience = 100 credits Training Training –2 IAMI Annual Conferences = 60 credits Taught HIN 101 X 2 = 10 credits Taught HIN 101 X 2 = 10 credits Total credits = 260 (eligible for exam) Total credits = 260 (eligible for exam)

16 Claiming credit Credits shall be claimed on the application to sit for the Examination and proper proof must be submitted where required Credits shall be claimed on the application to sit for the Examination and proper proof must be submitted where required

17 Application procedures Application obtained from: Application obtained from: –IAMI HQ –IAMI Website –IAMI Training Conference Application forwarded to the CMI Committee Application forwarded to the CMI Committee Review and determination of eligibility made within 60 calendar days of receipt Review and determination of eligibility made within 60 calendar days of receipt

18 Application procedures (cont.) CMI Committee determines: CMI Committee determines: –Application filled out correctly –Supporting documentation provided –Computation of credits is accurate –Forwards to IAMI Board of Directors within 14 days IAMI Board of Directors complete final review and approve within 14 days of receipt IAMI Board of Directors complete final review and approve within 14 days of receipt

19 Application procedures (cont.) CMI Committee notifies applicant of acceptance within 14 days of receiving approval from Board CMI Committee notifies applicant of acceptance within 14 days of receiving approval from Board Approved application valid for one year from the date of notice Approved application valid for one year from the date of notice Exam must be taken within one year unless good cause can be shown to the Board why approval should be extended another year Exam must be taken within one year unless good cause can be shown to the Board why approval should be extended another year

20 Application rejection Applicant/application determined ineligible due to: Applicant/application determined ineligible due to: –Incomplete application –Lack of supporting documentation –Lack of qualifying credits –Other reasonable disqualifying reasons Applicant will be sent a letter within 14 days after the determination explaining the reasons for rejection Applicant will be sent a letter within 14 days after the determination explaining the reasons for rejection

21 Re-filing rejected application Must re-file within one year of rejection Must re-file within one year of rejection No additional fees for re-filing No additional fees for re-filing If second filing is rejected, applicant must reapply by submitting new application and fee If second filing is rejected, applicant must reapply by submitting new application and fee Rejected applicant shall have the right to appeal Rejected applicant shall have the right to appeal

22 The examination True/false and multiple choice questions True/false and multiple choice questions “Closed book” examination “Closed book” examination No more than 150 questions No more than 150 questions

23 The examination (cont.) Topics may include: Topics may include: –HIN 101 –Accident reconstruction –Basic admiralty law –Basics of a marine survey –Repair fraud –Basic claims handling –Fraud (title, insurance, etc.) –Anatomy 101 (boat, motor and engine) –Interview techniques –Etc.

24 The examination (cont.) Cheating Cheating –Immediately asked to leave –Immediate review conducted by no less than three members of the CMI Committee –If determined there was no cheating, applicant can resume test and will be given additional time in proportion to time it took to review –If determined applicant did cheat, forfeit application fees and precluded from re- applying for two years

25 The examination (cont.) Exam given at the Annual Training Conference and from time to time at other locations designated by the Board Exam given at the Annual Training Conference and from time to time at other locations designated by the Board Test shall be proctored Test shall be proctored No more than three hours No more than three hours Must present proper identification Must present proper identification

26 The examination (cont.) Shall be graded within 30 days Shall be graded within 30 days Graded by CMI Committee member Graded by CMI Committee member Reviewed for accuracy in scoring by another committee member Reviewed for accuracy in scoring by another committee member Board notified within 14 days of applicant names and scores Board notified within 14 days of applicant names and scores Board notifies applicant within 14 days whether the applicant passed Board notifies applicant within 14 days whether the applicant passed Information kept under exclusive control of IAMI and not disseminated for any purpose Information kept under exclusive control of IAMI and not disseminated for any purpose

27 The examination (cont.) If applicant did not pass: If applicant did not pass: –Right to request a copy of their exam to determine accuracy of scoring and challenge the integrity of the questions –Must be requested within 30 days of receipt of notification –Challenge must be made in writing detailing the contested scoring and reason why the question(s) is being challenged

28 The examination (cont.) If applicant did not pass: If applicant did not pass: –Mailed to IAMI HQ by first-class mail with return receipt requested no later than 30 days from receipt of examination –Failure to abide by this deadline or process will be deemed a waiver of the applicant’s right to continue the review

29 The examination (cont.) “Grandfather” exam “Grandfather” exam –Excess of 300 credits –Must comply with all other qualifications –Provision expires one year from inception of program

30 Continuing professional education Must maintain IAMI membership Must maintain IAMI membership Provide proof on the anniversary of certification by first-class mail that they have taken 6 classes of which three must be in the fields of: Provide proof on the anniversary of certification by first-class mail that they have taken 6 classes of which three must be in the fields of: –Marine/boating –Criminology/law enforcement –Insurance or ethics Three must be IAMI sponsored Three must be IAMI sponsored

31 Mandatory 5 year recertification Recertification application received from: Recertification application received from: –IAMI HQ –IAMI Website –IAMI Training Conference Submitted 30 days prior to date of expiration, no later than 60 days after certification has expired Submitted 30 days prior to date of expiration, no later than 60 days after certification has expired

32 Mandatory 5 year recertification Must meet minimum continuing professional education requirements Must meet minimum continuing professional education requirements Member in good standing Member in good standing Still employed in marine industry, criminology/law enforcement, or insurance Still employed in marine industry, criminology/law enforcement, or insurance Attended at least one annual training conference or 3 regional training days Attended at least one annual training conference or 3 regional training days

33 Revocation/suspension of certification Investigations conducted by the CMI Committee Investigations conducted by the CMI Committee Shall be private and confidential Shall be private and confidential Shall be conducted with the principles of due process in mind Shall be conducted with the principles of due process in mind Witnesses may be interviewed, documents requested, and a hearing conducted Witnesses may be interviewed, documents requested, and a hearing conducted The CMI is under a duty to cooperate, failure to do so shall be immediate grounds for revocation The CMI is under a duty to cooperate, failure to do so shall be immediate grounds for revocation

34 Revocation/suspension of certification Investigation process may be conducted: Investigation process may be conducted: –In person –By telephone –Email –Letters –Fax –Any combination of above CMI Committee findings/recommendations shall be submitted in a report within 30 days after the completion to the Board of Directors CMI Committee findings/recommendations shall be submitted in a report within 30 days after the completion to the Board of Directors

35 Revocation/suspension of certification Board of Directors may accept or reject, in part or in whole, the findings and recommendations of the CMI Committee or request further investigation or clarification Board of Directors may accept or reject, in part or in whole, the findings and recommendations of the CMI Committee or request further investigation or clarification

36 Revocation/suspension of certification Grounds for revocation or suspension include, but are not limited to : Grounds for revocation or suspension include, but are not limited to : –Attempt to or commission of fraud or dishonesty –Improper conduct or conduct injurious to IAMI –Lewd or lascivious conduct –Conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude, fraud, dishonesty, or misrepresentation

37 Revocation/suspension of certification Grounds for revocation or suspension include, but are not limited to (cont.): Grounds for revocation or suspension include, but are not limited to (cont.): –Material misrepresentation committed in the application process –Defaming or otherwise injuring the reputation of another IAMI member, except as may be permitted by law such as being an adversarial expert witness and being asked to comment on the work of another member

38 Revocation/suspension of certification Revocation shall result in immediate expulsion as a member of IAMI Revocation shall result in immediate expulsion as a member of IAMI May re-apply for IAMI membership after a one year waiting period May re-apply for IAMI membership after a one year waiting period Ineligible for certification again Ineligible for certification again

39 Revocation/suspension of certification CMI may take curative measures for the complained conduct, such as: CMI may take curative measures for the complained conduct, such as: –Taking classes in ethics –Making restitution –Issuing an apology –Seeking rehabilitative assistance –Etc.

40 The appeals process If member thinks certification was improperly revoked or suspended, they must specify in writing their reasons and supporting evidence within 60 days If member thinks certification was improperly revoked or suspended, they must specify in writing their reasons and supporting evidence within 60 days If a telephonic or in-person hearing is requested, it should be specified in writing If a telephonic or in-person hearing is requested, it should be specified in writing The Board of Directors or it’s designee shall oversee the appeals process The Board of Directors or it’s designee shall oversee the appeals process

41 Confidentiality All matters shall be confidential All matters shall be confidential IAMI shall use it’s best efforts to ensure confidentiality IAMI shall use it’s best efforts to ensure confidentiality

42 Fees Application/Re-application fee Application/Re-application fee –$95.00 Examination/Re-examination fee Examination/Re-examination fee –$175.00 Re-certification Re-certification –$95.00 All fees are non-refundable All fees are non-refundable There is a $20.00 returned check fee There is a $20.00 returned check fee

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