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1 COEUS Lessons Learned JHU School of Medicine Office of Research Administration February 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "1 COEUS Lessons Learned JHU School of Medicine Office of Research Administration February 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 COEUS Lessons Learned JHU School of Medicine Office of Research Administration February 2007

2 2 Lessons Learned (from Feb 5, 2007 RO1 submissions)  1. Personnel (slides 3-20)  2. Modular Budgets (slides 21-26)  3. Budgets w/subcontracts (slides 27-36)  4. Narrative types (slides 37-42)  5. Human subject approvals/exemptions (slides 43-47)  6. Optional forms (slides 48-51)  7. Other items (slides 52-64)  8. ORA Submission (slide 65-70)  9. Revision/Renewal/Copying Proposals (slides 71-78)

3 3 Lessons Learned 1. Personnel  Proposal Detail Screen –“Investigator tab”  Only the Principal Investigator should be added under the Investigator tab  Certify investigator

4 4 Lessons Learned 1. Personnel (cont)  “Proposal Detail Screen – “Key Person” tab Add all other key personnel Add collaborators/other significant contributors  Other significant contributors (will not default into the senior/key person section of the RR budget form. If you want them to appear, you must add them to the “personnel for line item” and assign them a % effort)  Add non-JHU Key Persons (i.e., PI’s from any subawards) Change “Role” of person

5 5

6 6 Manually change the role of Key Persons

7 7 Lessons Learned 1. Personnel (cont)  “Proposal Detail Screen – “Key Person” tab “Running Man” Icon OR “Edit” > “Proposal Persons” Upload biosketch  Investigator, key persons, collaborators, other signficant contributors Change personal info (for this proposal)  Home unit  eRA Commons name  Address Add degrees (for this proposal)

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9 9 “Double click” on each person row, Person Detail screen appears

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14 14 Lessons Learned 1. Personnel (cont)  Rolodex Entries  Non-JHU payroll persons  Create Rolodex Rolodex ID assigned  Rolodex also used for Organization Address for performance site

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16 16 “Maintain” > “Rolodex” Or “Rolodex” Icon

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18 18 If Person is unknown, select “Cancel” > “Edit” > “Add” OR “Add” icon

19 19 Complete Rolodex for non-JHU personnel

20 20 Click on magnifying glass to search and change BOTH items to 733 N. Broadway Street Type an asterisk * to search

21 21 Lessons Learned (cont) 2. Modular Budgets  Create detailed budget in Coeus  Check Modular Budget on Summary page  Select > Edit > Modular Budget Select > sync Manually input the following:  Direct Costs less Consortium F&A  IDC Base  IDC Cost

22 22 Check Modular Budget Box Select “Edit” Select “Modular Budget”

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25 25 Coeus “Suggests” the module amount based on the detailed budget Manually change the IDC base and Funds Requested

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27 27 Lessons Learned (cont) 3. Budgets w/subcontracts  Budget file to send to Sub institution and checklist is available on ORA website

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29 29 Subaward Costs (1 st $25K of sub receives JHU F&A)  If total subaward direct costs are less than $25,000 you will need to create several sub budget lines:  UMD Direct $23,395  UMD F&A $11,318 Subaward direct expense up to $25,000  Amount: $23,395 Subaward F&A expense < $25,000  Amount $1,665 TOTAL OF ABOVE 2 = $25,000 Subaward F&A expense > $25,000  Amount $9,653

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37 37 Lessons Learned (cont) 4. Narrative types  R&R Other Project Information Page  6. Project Summary Abstract of the project (30 lines maximum) Coeus Narrative type: Project_Summary  7. Narrative A 2-3 sentence (maximum) lay description of the project Coeus Narrative type: Narrative  8. Bibliography and References Cited Coeus Narrative type: Bibliography  9. Facilities and Other Resources (describe facilities, i.e., lab, clinical, office, computer) Coeus Narrative type: Facilities  10. Equipment (describe equipment available for the projecT) Coeus Narrative type: Equipment

38 38 Information from the Coeus Narrative section completes this area on the SF 424 forms

39 39 Scientific Section  PHS_ResearchPlan_SpecificAims Item #2 on the SF424 Research Plan  PHS_ResearchPlan_BackgroundSignificance Item #3 on the SF424 Research Plan  PHS_ResearchPlan_ProgressReport Item #4 on the SF424 Research Plan (This is the Preliminary Study/Progress Report)  PHS_ResearchPlan_ResearchDesignMethod Item #5 on the SF424 Research Plan NOTE: Create above documents in a word processing program to follow page limit guidelines (25 pages max), then create separate pdf files for each item above.

40 40 Information from the Coeus Narrative section completes this area on the SF 424 forms

41 41

42 42 Narratives (Other)  Do not upload Table of Contents narrative Checklist

43 43 Lessons Learned (cont) 5. Human Subjects  List approval as “Pending” (even if you have an approved protocol. If project involves human subjects, include the following Narratives:  Target/Planned enrollment table  Inclusion of women and Minorities  Inclusion of children  Protection of Human Subjects

44 44 If Human Subjects are involved, you must include narratives for items 8, 9, 10, 11

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46 46 Lessons Learned (cont) 5. Human Subjects  If human subjects are “Exempt” Under “Special Review Comments Section”  Type the capital letter E and appropriate exemption number (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4).  No spaces between the capital “E” and exemption number.

47 47 For new applications, Select > Pending for Approval If Exempt, Select > Exempt and Under Special Review Comments state “E” and the exemption Number (i.e., E4). No spaces between E and the #.

48 48 Lessons Learned 6. Optional Forms  Action > > select “Forms” tab: Manually select to include the appropriate optional forms for your application. Be sure to select the appropriate budget type.  PHS Modular Budget If your budget is modular, select this optional form.  RR Subaward Budget Subaward budgets are not required for Modular applications at time of submission. Non-Modular budgets should include an uploaded subaward budget.  PHS Cover Letter If PI includes a cover letter requesting assignment, select this optional form.  RR Budget If you are submitting a detailed budget with costs >$250K, select this optional form.

49 49 PureEdge Documents  Required Components: SF424 (R&R) (Cover component) Research & Related Project/Performance Site Locations Research & Related Other Project Information Research & Related Senior/Key Person PHS398 Cover Page Supplement PHS398 Research Plan PHS398 Checklist  Optional Components: PHS398 Cover Letter File PHS398 Modular Budget Research & Related Budget Research & Related Subaward Budget Attachment(s) Form

50 50

51 51 Action > > Forms tab Select appropriate optional forms

52 52 Lessons Learned 7. Other  1.Appendix material  2. Student health insurance  3. Performing Organization Info  4. Validate Action > > Validate  5. Other Human subject/Vertebrate animal protocol numbers Yes/No Questions Biographical Sketch  6. Application types

53 53 Lessons Learned 7. Other (cont)  1. Appendix Edit > Narrative > Select  Narrative Type called: PHS_Appendix Up to 4 appendices may be loaded.

54 54 Lessons Learned 7. Other (cont)  2. Student health insurance cost element not including IDC. To remedy, save your budget, delete this line item and add the line item again. Old CUFS object Code 4017 (used by the Homewood schools for "Student Health Insurance Fee", is now Coeus cost element 654012. This cost element is EXCLUDED from the F&A base. Old CUFS object Code 4150 (used by East Baltimore for "Student Health Insurance") is now Coeus cost element 960306. This cost element is INCLUDED in the F&A base. For any proposals with a status of "in progress" that have use cost element 654012 as Student Health Insurance, this line item should be deleted, and re-added. For those proposals that went out the door using 654012, the proposals calculated F&A. For any new proposals, departments must select the correct cost element.

55 55 Lessons Learned 7. Other (cont)  Proposal Detail Screen Organization  Change to SOM (2 places)  Make sure eIS questions match the Yes/No questions in Coeus eIS is not interfaced to Coeus

56 56 Change the Performing Organization info Under “Organization” & “Performing Organization” Use * (asterik) to search under ID Select “000004”

57 57 Search ID column with * (asterik) Select “000004” (SOM Info)

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62 62 Lessons Learned 7. Other (cont)  Validate Often  Action > > Validate

63 63 Second First First complete the Validation checks to be sure all required Coeus fields are completed. Second select Grants.Gov to validate in

64 64 Lessons Learned 7. Other (cont)  Submission Types Resubmission – revision, i.e., a revised or amended application Renewal – competing continuation  Requesting additional funds  Competes with all other application Resubmission – an application previously submitted but not funded

65 65 Lessons Learned 8. ORA Submission  Departmental Submission to ORA  Main Menu > Edit > Submit for Approval  Add comment  Hit “Approve”

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68 68 Lessons Learned 8. ORA Submission (cont)  Electronic Information Sheet (eIS)  Printed copy of: From the Coeus Narrative screen  a. Project Summary (Abstract)  b. Budget (see printing budget slide)  c. Budget justification  e. Facilities/Equipment  f. Subcontract paperwork (if applicable) Applications containing subcontracts, submit the following to ORA Printed budget information Budget justification Sub project summary (workscope/abstract) Documentation of sub institutional approval (email, letter, etc).

69 69 File > Print Select PHS 398 Select Detailed Budget and Budget Entire > “Print” Modular Budget – (Print out internal budget sections)

70 70 Non-Modular Budget – Print all budget periods To access this screen Main menu “Action” > “” Move to “Forms” tab Select “RR Budget V1-1” > “Print”

71 71 9. Revision/Renewal/Coping  Proposal Development Module Screen Enter Sponsor Proposal Number  Grant number assigned by NIH (RO1 GM012345). Enter GM012345 in the field for Sponsor Proposal Number Enter the original Institute Proposal record number  Search using magnifying glass The last 10 yrs of ReSource records were converted and now have a Institute Proposal (IP) record number Applications using Coeus for submission, creates the IP Proposals not using Coeus, the eIS creates the IP record  Required Narrative type: PHS_ResearchPlan_Introduction to Application

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76 76 Copy a Proposal  Highlight proposal (in any status)  Select Edit > Copy proposal Budget (final or all versions) Narrative New Coeus number assigned  The following items need to be completed for the copied proposal:  Obtain logo (Proposal Detail Screen)  Certify investigator (Proposal Detail Screen > Investigator)  Budget – mark as and complete  Check optional forms (Action > > Forms)  If Modular budget (check modular budget on budget detail screen)

77 77 Coeus Overview  System Access Information, On-line documentation, Glossary, Icon Cheat Sheet, and Proposal Development Checklist available. In Coeus, select Help> ions Topics  Technical problems with the Coeus system: email call 410-516-HELP(4357) Getting Help with Coeus

78 78 ORA Website Additions  Visit ORA website for Coeus information: Narrative type checklist Today’s presentation Subcontract budget file to be sent to sub (along with a checklist of required documents) How to search for Institute Proposal Numbers

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