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Where Is Your Next Stop? - A Peer Sharing Session School of Science OBE Team 20 Nov 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Where Is Your Next Stop? - A Peer Sharing Session School of Science OBE Team 20 Nov 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where Is Your Next Stop? - A Peer Sharing Session School of Science OBE Team 20 Nov 2012

2 Outline  OBE Introduction  Peer Sharing  Begin with the End in Mind  Time Management Know-how  Communication  Understanding Myself  Discussion

3 What is outcome-based approach to learning? How may this approach help you learn? Outcome-Based Learning

4 What is Outcome-Based Learning ? Course Title: Introduction to Biochemistry The course aims to introduce to students the fundamental knowledge and mechanisms of Biochemistry. Key topics include the building blocks of biomolecules, membranes, nucleic acids, proteins, nucleic replications and protein biosynthesis …… Course Title: Introduction to Biochemistry On completion of this course, student will be able to: explain the basic concepts of Biochemistry; design experiments showing the basic concepts and principles of DNA as the genetic material, DNA replication, etc.; show awareness of biochemical topics relevance to social and daily life …… Both are describing the same course, but can you see the major difference of their focus? In the old days ……Under an outcome-based approach……

5 Outcome-Based Courses Activities designed to help you achieve the outcomes Assess how well you have achieved the outcomes Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Assessments What we expect you to be able to do after completing the course KnowledgeSkillsAttitude Teaching & Learning Activities

6 How could it help you learn? Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) = Learning guide Assessments (ILOs = Study Tips) KnowledgeSkillsAttitude Teaching & Learning Activities = Check your progress Understand your own strengths and weaknesses!

7 Apart from learning… Relax after exams Watch a movie Is it relaxing? Why not? Ask myself: Movie not suitable? Haven’t read reviews? Forgot to ask comments from friends? Still under stress? Should do other things instead? e.g. Karaoke, sports, hiking, etc. Next Time!

8 Peer Sharing

9 Begin with the End in Mind* Wisely Choy BSc (Physics), MPhil (Physics) School of Science, HKUST *Remark: From the book "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey






15 Imagine… People loving going on holiday. Imagine you are planning a long trip (say 4-year long). Where do you want to go? What do you want to see? What do you want to do? What holiday guide will you use? (if there is any!)

16 Time Management Know-how Timothy Wang Biochemistry, Year 3

17 OutlineBasics Myths Expectations mismatch Multi-tasking Time management quadrants Prioritization Applications Visualization Tools

18 Basics >> Myths 0 Expectations mismatch 0 Students: 6-10 hours 0 Teachers: 26-30 hours 0 Multi-tasking 0 Circle and square

19 Basics >> Quadrants TVB drama series 3 players awaiting for 1 more English skillsAssignment due next hour I. Urgent Important II. Not urgent Important IV. Not urgent Not important III. Urgent Not important

20 Basics >> Quadrants 0 Why not go for Urgent/Important? 0 Stress 0 Murphy’s law

21 Basics >> Quadrants 0 Prioritization 0 Sources of matters 0 “5 matters to do in university” 0 Study; be a committee member; live in halls; do part-time jobs; go dating 0 Anything else? 0 Goal setting 0 In terms of importance to YOU 0 Balance and trade-off

22 Applications >> Visualization 0 “Didn’t realize it” syndrome 0 Visualize your goal and work out a schedule of achievement 0 Tools 0 Diary (schedule book) 0 Google Calendar!!!

23 Applications >> Visualization


25 Conclusion 0 Set out your goal 0 Visualize your goal 0 Work out your plan 0 Do important things when they’re not urgent


27 COMMUNICATION Where is your next stop? 27 20th Nov, 2012

28 PEOPLE IN UNIVERSITY  Students Locals Non-locals (International, Mainland)  Professors  University Staffs 28

29 LANGUAGES CChinese Cantonese Putonghua EEnglish OOther? 29

30 ENGLISH  Speaking  Writing  Reading 30

31 SPEAKING  Make friends with exchange and international students (casual) Or even go on exchange yourself!  Speak up in class (academic) Ask questions Participate in discussion  Presentation (academic) Practice (Library Room)  LANG courses (academic) 31

32 WRITING (TIPS) 1.Make use of topic and concluding sentences. 2.Avoid using any contractions (e.g. Instead of “It’s” use “It is”). 3.Spell out all numbers lower than ten (instead of using 1, 2, 3 etc). 4.Make use of quotations (remember to cite it!) 5.Use synonyms to replace similar words. 6.Draw out your conclusion (squeezing out another half a page or a page, depending on the length of the rest of the paper). 32

33 WRITING (CON’T)  Read textbooks (academic) Can learn the scientific terms and how to write precisely  When writing reports and essays… (academic) Make good use of computer and internet Make good references (cite your sources)  Exams (academic) Don’t avoid writing exams with essay-type questions and just go for those with MC questions only 33

34 READING  Science Journals (academic) Abstract Introduction Material and Methods Results Graphs Tables Figures Discussion References 34



37 Discovering My Interest Knowing My Strength and Weakness Exploring My Potential Abilities Building Up My Goal

38 Outcome-Based Learning How to induce the 4 factors ?

39 Commit and enjoy activities with passion Reflect how well you have achieved the outcomes and modify further outcomes Intended Learning Outcomes Self-Reflection What you expect yourself to be able to achieve after completing the task KnowledgeSkillsAttitude Activities Outcome-Based Learning

40 INTERESTED IN BEING A TEACHER ? Intended Learning Outcomes Knowledge Challenges in Teaching Skills Effective Teaching Skills Attitude Passion

41 Strength, Weakness and potential Abilities Enjoy Passion Commit Activities

42 What have I done ?Good or Bad ?Mission completed ? Modify any outcomes ? Building Up My Goal ! Self-Reflection

43 Interest Teaching is Fun! Love volunteer service! Strength Good at teaching Passion in teaching Weaknes s Teaching is challenging No idea to deal with students emotion Goal Join more teaching activities Explore more effective teaching skills

44 Discussion 4 Groups A - Begin with the End in Mind B - Time Management C - Communication D - Understanding myself

45 The end Thank you for your participation! For enquiries about OBE: Please call us at 2358 5756 For enquiries about learning difficulties: Please contact Advising Team at 2358 5776

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