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History Day Theme Presentation September 25, 2012.

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1 History Day Theme Presentation September 25, 2012

2 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events”

3 Turning Point: a point at which a significant change occurs decisive change of direction departure from long held tradition or rule a point where history effectively turns a corner

4 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Turning Point: a point at which a significant change occurs decisive change of direction departure from long held tradition or rule a point where history effectively turns a corner Climax Landmark Milestone Watershed

5 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Turning Point: An event or set of events that, had it not happened as it did, would have prompted a different course in history.

6 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Turning Point: An event or set of events that, had it not happened as it did, would have prompted a different course in history. * Be careful of “What If” History!

7 Watch out for “What If” history Be wary of “if not for this, then that” analysis

8 Watch out for “What If” history “Without Winston Churchill, the whole world would be controlled by the Nazi’s”

9 Have the students supported their claims with evidence? “Through his leadership during WWII, he saved not only the British people, but the free world”

10 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Challenge to students will be to argue that an historical person, idea, or event is actually a turning point

11 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Ghandi and his implementation of peaceful protest to achieve Indian Independence People

12 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Ghandi and his implementation of peaceful protest to achieve Indian Independence People Ideas James “Crash” Ryan’s idea of seatbelts to improve car safety

13 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Ghandi and his implementation of peaceful protest to achieve Indian Independence People Ideas James “Crash” Ryan’s idea of seatbelts to improve car safety Events 1960 televised Presidential debate changes the role of media in the election process *Should use at least 1 tag word

14 Turning Points should be historically significant Topics should be at least 20 years old September 11, 2001 Hurricane Katrina

15 Consequences A turning point may not be positive for all

16 Consequences A turning point may not be positive for all Ex. Executive Order 9066

17 Consequences A turning point may have unintended consequences

18 Consequences A turning point may have unintended consequences Ex. Borlaug and Green Revolution

19 When does an event become a turning point? Historical perspective

20 When does an event become a turning point? Historical perspective Immediately Ex. Pearl Harbor, dropping of the Atomic Bomb

21 When does an event become a turning point? Historical perspective Immediately Ex. Pearl Harbor, dropping of the Atomic Bomb Retrospect Ex. Stock market crash, oil embargo

22 Not all turning points will have a dramatic event! Ex. Shift from conformist 1950s to radical 1960s and 1970s

23 Turning Points can be controversial Ex. U.S. involvement in Vietnam War

24 A Turning Point can occur in response to crisis or perceived threat! Ex. 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre

25 Cause & Effect Bombing of Pearl Harbor U.S. enters WWII Submarine Warfare Iwo Jima Atomic Bomb Second Sino-Japanese War Tension between Japan And Western powers World War II begins between Axis and Allied powers

26 People, Ideas, Events Use the subtext to narrow within a topic

27 People, Ideas, Events Use the subtext to narrow within a topic Ex. Women’s Suffrage Movement

28 People – Women’s Suffrage Movement Alice Stone BlackwellBelva Ann LockwoodCarrie Chapman Catt

29 Ideas – Women’s Suffrage Movement Th National Woman Suffrage Association and the 15 th Amendment National Women’s Party and political protest

30 Events – Women’s Suffrage Movement 1848 Seneca Falls Convention 1890 Wyoming admitted to the Union as the first state allowing women to vote

31 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Historical Context & Impact are crucial!

32 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Historical Context & Impact are crucial! What was happening before that led to pivotal change?

33 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Historical Context & Impact are crucial! What was happening before that led to pivotal change? What was the significance of the change?

34 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Historical Context & Impact are crucial! What was happening before that led to pivotal change? What was the significance of the change? How will the change alter various aspects of society? Business Government Transportation Religion Education Technology Communication

35 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” Historical Context & Impact are crucial! What was happening before that led to pivotal change? What was the significance of the change? How will the change alter various aspects of society? Why did this change occur at this time and place?

36 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” “Heart of the Story” is the Turning Point Heart of the Story Historical Context Short & Long Term Impact Thesis Statement Title

37 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” U.S. Government & War

38 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” U.S. Government & WarSupreme Court Decisions

39 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” U.S. Government & WarSupreme Court Decisions Transportation

40 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” U.S. Government & WarSupreme Court Decisions Transportation Science & Technology

41 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” U.S. Government & WarSupreme Court Decisions Transportation Civil Rights Science & Technology

42 2013 NHD Theme – “Turning Points in History: People, Ideas Events” U.S. Government & WarSupreme Court Decisions Transportation Civil Rights Science & Technology Sports

43 Top 25 News Stories of the 20 th century 1.U.S. drops Atomic Bomb (1945) 2.Men first walk on the moon (1969) 3.Japan bombs Pearl Harbor (1941) 4.Wrights first fly airplane (1903) 5.U.S. women win the right to vote (1920) 6.JFK assassinated in Dallas (1963) 7.Nazi Holocaust exposed (1945) 8.World War I begins (1914) 9.Court ends “separate but equal” (1954) 10.U.S. stock market crashes (1929) 11.Antibiotic penicillin discovered (1953) 12.DNA’s structure discovered (1953 13. Soviet Union dissolves (1951) 14. Richard Nixon resigns (1974) 15. Germany Invades Poland (1939) 16. Communists take over Russia (1917) 17. Ford creates assembly line (1913) 18. Soviets launch first satellite (1957) 19. Einstein conceives relativity (1905) 20. Birth control pill approved by FDA (1960) 21. New polio vaccine works (1953) 22. Hitler named chancellor (1933) 23. M.L.King, Jr., assassinated (1968) 24. Allies invade France on D-Day (1944) 25. Deadly AIDS disease identified (1981) “Stories of the Century, 1900-2000,” Newseum, (accessed September 3, 2012)

44 Advanced Topic Tips

45 Ask a different question of a well studied topic

46 Advanced Topic Tips Ask a different question of a well studied topic Ex. “What did Jackie Robinson do during the Civil Rights Movement”

47 Advanced Topic Tips Avoid Biography!

48 Advanced Topic Tips Avoid Biography! Ex. Study a smaller part of someone’s life with more depth Hubert Humphrey

49 Advanced Topic Tips Avoid Biography! Ex. Study a smaller part of someone’s life with more depth Hubert Humphrey Elected Mayor of Minneapolis in 1945 1948 Democratic Convention Elected Vice President in 1964 – unclear stance on Vietnam War

50 Advanced Topic Tips Find a “Sub-Iconic” Topic

51 Advanced Topic Tips Find a “Sub-Iconic” Topic Who were other leaders of the Civil Rights Movement besides MLK?

52 Advanced Topic Tips Find a “Sub-Iconic” Topic Who were other leaders of the Civil Rights Movement besides MLK? Medgar EversHarry T. and Harriette MooreRoy Wilkins

53 Advanced Topic Tips Get to the Roots of a Current Event

54 Advanced Topic Tips Get to the Roots of a Current Event Middle East and anti-American sentiments Arab and Ottoman Empire British Imperialism Formation of a Republic “Six-Days War” “October War”

55 Advanced Topic Tips Analyze a Common Topic from a Different Perspective

56 Advanced Topic Tips Analyze a Common Topic from a Different Perspective What was the perspective of Parliament on the American Revolution?

57 Advanced Topic Tips Connect a Local Topic to the National Narrative

58 Advanced Topic Tips Connect a Local Topic to the National Narrative Ex. Farm protests during the Great Depression in rural Minnesota

59 Pitfalls of the Theme Arguing multiple “turning points” within a topic Good overview of an historical event, but no evidence before or after the topic to prove it was a turning point Overuse of the phrase “turning point”. Use synonyms to get your point across

60 “A turning point is ultimately a construct of historical reflection, and a historical unit of analysis, rather than an event that reveals itself to the people living through it at the time.” - Roger Launius, curator National Air and Space Museum

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