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Leadership in the revised GP curriculum Rebecca Baron 2012

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1 Leadership in the revised GP curriculum Rebecca Baron 2012

2 The GP in the Wider Professional Environment
Specifically focuses on leadership. In addition the contextual statement patient safety and quality of care is also relevant

3 Key messages 1 The purpose of clinical leadership is to improve health outcomes and patient care Effective care requires co-ordination and commitment from a multi-professional team in partnership with patients Leadership and overall improvement in care as important as acting on behalf of individual patients

4 Key messages 2 Leadership is everyone’s responsibility
As a GP you have a wider social responsibility to use healthcare resources economically and sustainably Then looks at competencies:

5 Primary care management
Co-ordinate with other professionals, team working, listen to others and communicate, promote information sharing Master effective ad appropriate care provision Make available appropriate services – manage own time and organisation of practice, delegate tasks, QIP, gather and analyse information Act as an advocate for patients

6 Remaining areas of competence
Person centred care Specific problem solving skills Comprehensive approach Community orientation – need to reconcile individual needs with overall community and links with commissioning and service improvement Holistic approach

7 The essential features of you as a doctor
Contextual features – local factors, socio-economic factors, local and national health organisation and debates Attitudinal features – being aware of own strengths and weaknesses, positive approach, ethical factors e.g. resources, rationing Scientific features – national guidance and quality improvement methodology

8 Leadership framework

9 Medical Leadership Competency Framework – Personal Qualities
Self awareness Self management Self development Acting with integrity

10 Medical Leadership Competency Framework – Working with Others
Developing networks Building relationships Encouraging contributions Working with teams

11 Medical Leadership Competency Framework – Managing Services
Planning Managing resources Managing people Managing performance

12 Medical Leadership Competency Framework – Improving Services
Ensuring patient safety Critically evaluating Encouraging improvement and innovation Facilitating transformation

13 Medical Leadership Competency Framework – Setting Direction
Identifying the context for change Applying knowledge Making decisions Evaluating Impact

14 Delivering the strategy
Additional two areas: Creating the vision Delivering the strategy /



17 Leadership How to develop yourself What to do Different ways that people do it

18 Leadership Development Tools
Time Management Presentation Skills Audit Chairing a meeting

19 Time Management - urgency/importance matrix
Urgent/important Urgent/not important Not urgent/important Not urgent/not important

20 Chairing a meeting Environment and introductions Facilitation Closure
Arrives on time Room Layout States objectives Establishes timeframe Facilitation Confirms/establishes agenda Summarises key decisions Identifies and confirms action points Encourages group interaction Keeps group to task Manages time……….. Closure

21 Presentation skills Set up and environment Dialogue and delivery


23 ST3 1-12 months Tasks and Timeline ST1 ST2
Who else needs to be involved? What do others need to do? What reading or actions do you and/or the trainee need to do?

24 Reading
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey Simon and Schuster 1989 Effective Leadership John Adair Pan Books 1983 How to Grow Leaders John Adair Kogan Page 2009 Effective Time Management John Adair Pan Books 2002 Eat That Frog Brian Tracy Hodder Paperbacks 2004

25 Further reading The seven habits of highly effective people Stephen Covey Leadership all you need to know David Pendleton and Adrian Furnham The New Leaders Daniel Goleman Peak performance presentations Richard Olivier and Nicholas Janni How to win friends and influence people Dale Carnegie

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