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Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011. 2005 co-member of Council on Collaboration – forerunner to Spiritual Care Collaborative Conversations regarding.

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Presentation on theme: "Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011. 2005 co-member of Council on Collaboration – forerunner to Spiritual Care Collaborative Conversations regarding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011

2 2005 co-member of Council on Collaboration – forerunner to Spiritual Care Collaborative Conversations regarding college development were occurring in a variety of regions Approval in principle to the development of core curriculum

3 Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011 2006 Affirmed requirement for faith endorsement Ethics chair to become Board member College development monies were identified for each region Idea of using a conference planner was discussed Dacum is underway

4 Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011 2007 Association of Counseling Therapists (Ontario) first mentioned Research award established Aboriginal Cultural Helper program at Royal Alex was affirmed SCC becomes a reality Sullivan report Agreement with L’AIISQ signed Research committee formed within PPC

5 Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011 2008 peer intervention training begins for Ethics joint complaints vetting: Chair of Ethics/ESC/PPC Faith Affiliation endorsement survey: 32% want to retain endorsement; 58% wanted to relinquish it Member Emeritus be established Validation survey of competencies underway Core Curriculum is being pursued by Peter Van Katwyck officially recognized the Aboriginal Cultural Helper Program at Royal Alex in Edmonton

6 Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011 2009 Collaborate with SCC on North American conference in Florida Revision of step 2 process for Certification of Specialist. Ethics module to be required every 5 years Ethics considers peer intervention and professional investigator Struggles within SCC emerge JCPC became electronic journal Increasing bursary and grants from foundation Core curriculum presented to organization

7 Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011 2010 October consultation with GoGiraffeGo: Competencies/Research/Lobbying targets CASC/ACSS name officially adopted New mission statement adopted Specialist certifications accept 2 year masters Provisional's require course in adult education Ethics affirms peer intervention and trained investigator Judicial Committee is to be replaced with expert reviewer PPC notes the voice of Pastoral Counsellors needs to be heard Spiritual Care Competencies are circulated to membership for approval Student membership category established as of September 2011 APC withdrew from SCC

8 Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011 2011 constitutional changes make name and mission official Some reporting from task groups A new Logo was debated concluding in retention of long time logo Endorsement that is no longer dependent on faith communities alone Question as to how new name presumes a need for a change to our language and practices With competencies completed, scope of practice is to be next focus major computer upgrades are coming Ontario college is much closer to reality regional boundary change for Ontario portion of Manitoba and NW Ontario discussion about continuity and promotion: board ‘elder’; internal development/ external relations staff person/mission director ?? liability insurance expanded to educators and students

9 Selected overview CASC/ACSS 2005 - 2011 Discussion What actions stand out from this overview? What observations do you have about the organization from this overview?

10 Sullivan Report 2007 RECOMMENDATION: Review, confirm/revise core mission and message –Mission statement was revised and affirmed by the membership in 2010

11 Sullivan Report 2007 MISSION: To promote excellence in spiritual care and counseling practice, education and research PURPOSE: CASC/ACSS is committed to the education, certification and support of spiritual care professionals in their practice of spiritual care, counseling and education

12 Sullivan Report 2007 Also on the website: CASC/ACSS is a national multifaith organization which is committed to the professional education, certification and support of people involved in pastoral care and pastoral counselling. We provide educational programs for lay persons and clergy who are preparing to become chaplains, pastoral counsellors, ministers, priests, or community based pastoral care workers. We also provide education and certification for supervisors and specialists. CASC/ACSS is concerned with a holistic approach to health care and personal development with a special focus on spiritual and religious care

13 Sullivan Report 2007 RECOMMEDATION: Determine what CAPPE (CASC) can provide to spiritual care providers and their employers Clarity on ‘product’ allows prospective members and employers to know what they can expect from the profession - i.e. product must be a major factor in future decisions, actions and programs.

14 Sullivan Report 2007 Examples of ‘products’: Standards of practice Code of Ethics Competencies Educational processes and certification Peer Reviews Liability Insurance JCPC

15 Sullivan Report 2007 RECOMMEDATION: Commission a discussion paper on the definition of ‘Spiritual Care’ –define 'Spiritual Care’ and what it means in practice –lead a national consultation including participants from faiths and professional areas with whom the organization wishes to work

16 Sullivan Report 2007 RECOMMEDATION: Write a national ‘code of practice’ –To be used as a foundational document for registering practitioners, revising the education curriculum and the code of ethics

17 Sullivan Report 2007 RECOMMEDATION: Mechanisms must be put in place to get the message out broadly and credibly to the many communities –retain professional communication consultants to develop an outreach campaign to: –Market to institutions that currently or may employ spiritual care practitioners –Make clients of these institutions aware of the services provided by CAPPE members

18 Sullivan Report 2007 Discussion: What stands out for you from these recommendations? What do you recall having accomplished? Is there still work that you believe needs to be done?

19 Go Giraffe Go Report 2010 Observations benefits of spiritual care are not well understood among medical staff and administration or even “end users” (general public)

20 Go Giraffe Go Report 2010 Observations you remain the experts on you - stick to your values and goals Your profession is in crisis, but you have –a dedicated membership –some allies and potential allies out there

21 Go Giraffe Go Report 2010 Recommendations 1. Organizational Structure and Culture –Review and revise your own organizational structure to align to your priorities, instead of putting the priorities into the existing working groups.

22 Go Giraffe Go Report 2010 Recommendations 2. Political –Make a list of other national organizations you want to be aligned with and ask for help –Source a lobbyist - if you can get enshrined in the Health Act you are a long way to your objectives and goals –Learn the language of healthcare administration and government and parallel your language with it.

23 Go Giraffe Go Report 2010 Recommendations 3. Marketing/Communications/Media –Develop a crisis communication plan – you need to be leaders, experts and spokespeople when a crisis happens –Get Media training and a media package; identify a few key individuals who can talk with the media; people who will be available and responsive to media enquiries

24 Go Giraffe Go Report 2010 Recommendations (Marketing cont’d) –Develop a communications plan for inside and outside of your organization –Develop a social media strategy; get on YouTube as experts in Spiritual Care –Develop marketing materials to interest other organizations –Develop marketing materials for recruitment of new members Develop your website

25 Go Giraffe Go Report 2010 Recommendations 4. Membership –Develop a membership growth strategy –Become more truly diverse –Widen the door to becoming a member

26 Go Giraffe Go Report 2010 Discussion What stands out for you from these recommendations? What do you recall having accomplished? Is there still work that you believe needs to be done?

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