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The Sun King King Louis XIV of France. Your Task Pay attention to the power point and the lecture Raise hand to ask questions, when appropriate Add to.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sun King King Louis XIV of France. Your Task Pay attention to the power point and the lecture Raise hand to ask questions, when appropriate Add to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sun King King Louis XIV of France

2 Your Task Pay attention to the power point and the lecture Raise hand to ask questions, when appropriate Add to your BuzzWord notes, when necessary At the end answer the two questions: –What is the significance of Louis XIV’s nickname, “The Sun King”? –In a well developed paragraph, explain how Louis XIV was an absolute monarch. Cite specific examples.

3 Louis XIV ruled France from 1643 to 1715 Royal robes Sword on hip Wig Luxurious fabrics Shoes with heals (to add height = power) Extravagant surroundings Powerful pose

4 The Early Years Member of the House of Bourbon Took the throne at age 5 Chief minister, Cardinal Mazarin, held actual power (as Cardinal Richelieu had for his father, Louis XIII) Age 23, Mazarin dies, Louis begins to govern personally

5 “Louis Quatorze” Believed in “absolute monarchy” – all power comes from God, kings are God’s representatives on earth, therefore royal power is absolute Ruled by divine right “L’etat, c’est moi” – “I am the State” Minister of finance, Jean Baptiste Colbert, worked hard to raise the money needed for all of Louis XIV’s projects

6 “Peace at Home; War Abroad” His government supervised military recruiting, training, supplies, and promotions Enlarged the army 4 times it’s original size Practiced mercantilism in the colonies Felt unified religion was key to a unified people Canceled the Edict of Nantes in 1685 Encouraged art, particularly Baroque style (dramatic, grand, ornate, emotional, encouraged by the Church) Neoclassical (simple, direct, sharp colors) popular in paintings an literature of the time

7 Palace of Versailles

8 Royal residence Hundreds of rooms Detailed landscapes Symbol of absolute monarchy Elaborate ceremonies (waking, dressing, each meal, etc) attended by nobility very expensive to build – drained treasuries

9 Palace of Versailles

10 Balance of Power Each nation tried to increase it’s own power though foreign policy to prevent any one nation from gaining too much power Concerned with the power of the Hapsburgs Wars against the Netherlands and the Holy Roman Empire Lost War of Spanish Succession (1702-1713) –opposed the transfer of French controlled territories –Louis grandson was allowed to be Spain’s king, but the 2 countries were not allowed to merge

11 Your Task Answer these two questions: –What is the significance of Louis XIV’s nickname, “The Sun King”? –In a well developed paragraph, explain how Louis XIV was an absolute monarch. Cite specific examples.

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