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There are many different types of governments around our world.

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1 There are many different types of governments around our world.
A World of Governments There are many different types of governments around our world.

2 Limited Governments A limited government is one in which the powers of the leaders are limited. This means that all laws apply to everyone, even the leaders of the country. Example would be United States and Canada U.S – Republic Canada – Constitutional Monarchy

3 Unlimited Government An unlimited government is a government in which the leaders have almost absolute power. This means that the leaders do not have to follow the laws that they set up for their people. EX: former dictator Saddam Hussain

4 Democracy Etymology: Demos (people) and kratos (power)
A form of government in which ruling power is in the hands of the people. Ancient Greece was the birth place of democracy. All male citizens could participate in the Athenian government.

5 Dictatorship A government whose leader has complete control over a country’s government. Ex: Fidel Castro of Cuba

6 Tyranny Etymology: tyrannos
(usurper with supreme power) A form of government in which ruling power is in the hands of a person who has gained power by promising the poor people that he will do good things for them, so they will support him. Sometimes tyrants took power by force.

7 Absolute Monarchy Etymology: Monos (single) and arkein (rule)
A form of government in which ruling power is in the hands of one person who is retains his power for life.

8 Communism A political and economic system in which most or all property is owned by the state and is supposed to be shared by all. The government controls most aspects of people’s lives. Communism became one of the most powerful forces in the world after World War 2. Examples: Cuba and the former Soviet Union

9 Fascism This form of government headed, in most cases, by a dictator. It involves total government control of political, economic, cultural, religious, and social activities. Fascism resembles Communism. Ex. Adolph Hitler

10 Fascism continued Between 1936 and 1945 both Germany and Italy were under fascist rule. Hitler and Mussolini

11 Theocracy Etomology: theos (God) and kratein (rule).
A form of government in which God, or a god, is recognized as the supreme ruler. The state may be ruled by priests or other religious leaders acting in God’s name; by a king thought to have divine power; or by authorities governing according to religious laws. Example: The Roman Catholic Church

12 Oligarchy Etymology: Oligos (few) and arkein (rule)
A form of government, which ruling power is in the hands of a few powerful people (usually the wealthy upper class.) This type of government was common in ancient times.

13 Republic A nation or state in which the citizens elect representatives to manage the government, which is usually headed by a president rather than a monarch. The U.S. is a Republic The Ancient Romans were the first to create this form of government.

14 Socialism Socialism is a system in which the government gets involved in economic activity. Found in many European countries.

15 Constitutional Monarchy
A government headed by a king or queen who has little or no political power. The real power lies with a governing body of elected representatives and headed by a Prime Minister. Examples: United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan

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