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Starter What is monetary policy?. Types of Government Review Types of Economic Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter What is monetary policy?. Types of Government Review Types of Economic Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter What is monetary policy?

2 Types of Government Review Types of Economic Systems

3 Authoritarian Government 1. Power held by individual or small group. 2. Government has unlimited power. 3. Power often taken by force. 4. Control extends to all aspects of citizen’s lives. 5. Citizens have little voice in government. Absolute Monarchy Dictatorship Totalitarianism Saudi Arabia Qatar Cuba Libya China North Korea Types of Authoritarian Gov’t Countries with Authoritarian Government

4 Democratic Government 1.People participate in political process 2. Role of government is limited Republic United States Argentina Constitutional Monarchy Great Britain Japan Types of Democratic Gov’t

5 Types of Economic Systems Create a foldable on the types of economic systems. I will walk you through process. Once foldable make, the following is the information that must in included in foldable. Traditional Economy Command Economy Market Economy Mixed Economy

6 Pages in Civics book (p. 724, 717) Old Book (p. 578, 574) Traditional Economy: Define How are the 3 economic decisions (what, how, and for whom to produce) made? Provide Example Command Economy: Define: How are the 3 economic decisions (what, how, and for whom to produce) made? Who owns the means of production? Which Type of Gov’t most likely to have this economic system?

7 Pages in Civics book (p. 716, 719) Old Book (p. 524 Market Economy Define: How are the 3 economic decisions (what, how, and for whom to produce) made? Who owns the means of production? Which Type of Gov’t most likely to have this economic system? Mixed Economy Define: How are the 3 economic decisions (what, how, and for whom to produce) made? Who owns the means of production? Which Type of Gov’t most likely to have this economic system?

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