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Evolution of ACOs in California

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1 Evolution of ACOs in California
Berkeley ACO Workshop May 8, 2015 Jill Yegian, Ph.D.

2 Project Overview: Evolution of ACOs in California
Partnership between IHA and UC Berkeley Participating Physician Organizations AltaMed, Los Angeles Brown and Toland, San Francisco HealthCare Partners, Los Angeles St. Joseph Heritage, Orange Monarch, Orange Funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, April March 2015 Part of a cohort of four grantees studying ACOs across the country Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

3 Evolution of California ACOs
Areas of focus for investigation: Structure Strategy Payment arrangements Performance Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

4 Activities and Timeline
Issue briefs on ACO contracts, hospitals’ role in ACOs, patient engagement 1st round interviews with health plan executives Compare available P4P data for ACOs with other medical groups 2nd round interviews with health plan executives Spring 2013 Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Summer 2014 Fall 2014 Oct. 2014 May 2015 1st round interviews with physician organizations 2nd round interviews with physician organizations “Total Expenditures per patient in hospital owned & Physician Owned POs” published in JAMA Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

5 ACO Product Offerings Monarch Brown and Toland HealthCare Partners
St. Joseph Heritage AltaMed ACO Medicare FFS  (Pioneer)  (dropped Pioneer, now MSSP) ACO commercial PPO ACO commercial HMO Managed Medi-Cal Medicare Advantage Two cases (B&T and Monarch) continuing with Pioneer, one dropped (HCP) in favor of MSSP Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

6 Case studies: Market context
California's long history in managed care Competition from Kaiser Strong interest in ACO arrangements by both POs and health plans in most areas of the state Major expansion of Medicaid population in California Little ACO action in MMC/safety net Launch of California’s exchange Potential for local ACO approach (individual choice) Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

7 Takeaways -- Pioneer Experience
Selective network for patient attribution more successful than “land grab” strategy PCP vs. specialist Risk selection is major issue Difficult to obtain inpatient, ED data for care management Lag in data from Medicare Hospital notification varies Post-acute care transitions present a challenge SNF utilization difficult to manage Mixed financial results Monarch and B&T continuing Pioneer, HCP shifted to MSSP Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

8 Takeaways -- Commercial Experience
Many different variants HMO – shifting back toward full risk PPO – supplementing with care management fee (for all, or just chronic) Both HMO and PPO have shared savings No savings = no bonus, regardless of quality Targets vary – set against market vs. own trend Healthy population – harder to find savings (relative to Medicare) Referral management critical to managing cost Lower cost AND higher patient satisfaction due to lower OOP costs (in- network utilization) Maternity: can’t avoid admission, rely on steerage Mixed financial results Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

9 Takeaways -- Patient Engagement
Difficult to engage PPO and Medicare FFS patients (vs. HMO & Medicare Advantage) Patients may not realize they are in an ACO, skeptical “Inducements” for beneficiaries prohibited Physician-led communication with ACO patients trumps plan- initiated outreach Plans delegating care management Physician organizations may not be familiar to beneficiary Doctor’s office needs to lead, with support from PO and plan Little explicit focus on disparities to date Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

10 Surprise Finding: Hospitals’ Role
Hospitals less active than POs & plans on ACOs Varying success among POs in case study on developing hospital partnerships Several hospital systems in California pursuing vertical integration strategy (plan/delivery system) New models emerging based on hospital network Vivity HMO: Anthem’s joint venture with 7 hospitals in SoCal Notable exception: Dignity Health Hospitals Active pursuit of ACO strategy over last several years CalPERS ACO: Dignity, Hill Physicians, Blue Shield of CA New initiative announced in October with Hill Physicians, Aetna Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

11 JAMA Paper, October 2014 Total Expenditures per Patient in Hospital-Owned and Physician-Owned Physician Organizations in California Authors Jamie Robinson (UCB), Kelly Miller (IHA) Findings Physician organizations (POs) owned by local hospitals are 10% more expensive than those owned by member physicians POs owned by multihospital systems are 10% more expensive than those owned by member physicians Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

12 Issue Briefs – May Publication
Four IHA Issue Briefs to be published in the next month Imperatives and Challenges of Physician- Hospital Alignment (Jamie Robinson) Referral Management and Disease Management in California’s Accountable Care Organizations (Jamie Robinson) ACO Contractual Arrangements in California’s Commercial PPO Market (Tom Williams) A Large Community Health Center Adapts to a Changing Insurance Market (Jill Yegian) Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

13 Research Team Tom Williams – VP & General Manager, Accountable Care at Stanford Health Care; (during study: CEO, Integrated Healthcare Association) (Co- Investigator) James Robinson – Leonard D. Schaeffer Professor of Health Economics, UC Berkeley School of Public Health, Director, Berkeley Center for Health Technology (Co-Investigator) Jill Yegian – Senior VP, Programs, IHA (Co-Investigator) Kim MacPherson – MPH Program Director, Health Policy and Management, UCB School of Public Health (Researcher) Kelly Miller – Program Manager, IHA (Project Manager and RA) Copyright © 2015 Integrated Healthcare Association. All rights reserved.

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