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The Nervous System Our Control Center. What controls our body functions? When you Blink? When you breath? When you smell a fart? When you are hungry?

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Presentation on theme: "The Nervous System Our Control Center. What controls our body functions? When you Blink? When you breath? When you smell a fart? When you are hungry?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nervous System Our Control Center

2 What controls our body functions? When you Blink? When you breath? When you smell a fart? When you are hungry? Have to go pee?

3 The Nervous System Brain Anatomy Functions Sensory system Anatomy Functions

4 Central Control The Brain Cerebral Cortex (Cerebrum) Cerebellum Pons Medulla Oblongata (Brain Stem) Spinal Cord

5 Cerebral Cortex Largest part of the brain Responsible for: – Motor Skills, Judgment, Analytical reasoning – Emotions, Sensations, Storing data – Memory, Speech

6 Cerebellum Coordination Balance Reflex motor activity

7 Pons Consciousness Sleep

8 Medulla Oblongata Brain Stem Breathing Pumping the heart Hunger Urination Swallowing Gag reflex

9 Nervous Systems Central Nervous System Brain Spinal Cord Retina Peripheral Nervous System All of the other sensory nerves

10 Spinal Cord 43 cm long in females / 45 cm in males Connects the peripheral nerves to the brain Nerve “Roots” extend to connect to certain sections of the body

11 Spinal Cord

12 Nerve Cells Neurons Ganglia Connect with multiple cells to make up nerve tissues

13 Sensory Organs Eye Ear Olfactory Cells Taste Buds

14 Eye Cornea Lens Iris Pupil Retina Optic Nerve

15 Ear Outer ear Middle ear Inner ear

16 Olfactory System Cells that detect odors in the air and sends chemical messages to the brain

17 Taste Buds Papallea Average: 10,000 in your mouth Sends signal to brain about what you are tasting Bitter Sweet Sour Salty

18 Papillae Small hair like cells that taste what you eat

19 The Nervous System Problems Severe a nerve = loss of signal flow Compress nerves = impede nerve flow Epilepsy = Seizures Cataracts = Clouding of the lens in the eye Otitis media = inner ear infection

20 The Nervous System Controls everything that our body does

21 The Nervous System Without it we are unplugged

22 Works cited [Internet]. 2000-2010. [Date accessed 2010 Sept. 27] Available from: of-the-brain-and-its-functions.html of-the-brain-and-its-functions.html Epilepsy foundation [Internet]. Landover, MD. [Date accessed 2010 Sept. 27] Available from: Kids health [Internet]. 1995-2010. [Date accessed 2010 Sept. 27]. Available from: National institute of deafness and other communication disorders [Internet]. Bethesda, MD [Date updated 2010 Sept.; Date Accessed 2010 Sept. 27]. Available from: Science Week [Internet]. 2004. [Date accessed 2010 Sept. 27]. Available from: 3.htm 3.htm Anatomy, Physiology and pathology of the human eye [Internet]. 1998-2010. [Date accessed 2010 Sept. 27]. Available from: The Human eye [Internet]. [Date updated 2009 Nov.; Date accessed 2010 Sept. 27]. Available from:

23 Works cited - images

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