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Part 1: Basic information on METIS 1.Basic facts about METIS (What is METIS?) 2.Key factors in the development of METIS Emphasis on the importance of.

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2 Part 1: Basic information on METIS

3 1.Basic facts about METIS (What is METIS?) 2.Key factors in the development of METIS Emphasis on the importance of active Inter-university cooperation. Focus on those directly involved with the research process: researchers and research managers. 3.HARVEX: an example of a METIS “spin-off” at the service of the researchers and the research institutes. Structure of the presentation

4 METIS = Web-based CRIS used by all (13) Dutch universities (so it is a national system). developed by Radboud University Nijmegen. Database used is ORACLE, middleware: Java and ColdFusion. 90% CERIF-compatible, easily adaptable to full CERIF-compatibility. Development of functionality steered by a national user group which meets every 2 months. Interfaces with other existing systems and applications in the research information universe, both on the input and the output side. Input-side: tools for automatic input of publication data from other databases, etc… Output-side: automatic output of harvestable metadata files, etc…. Add-ons or spinn-offs: specific applications built “on top of” METIS Basic facts

5 Data stored in METIS: 1.Description of the research (projects, programs,…). 2.Information on the researchers. 3.Data on the research institutes or departments. 4.The research input or research capacity: The time spent on a given research by a researcher, measured in FTE’s (full time equivalents) The money invested by financiers / sponsors of the research. 5.Research output or results: Publications (books, articles, reviews, etc…) Lectures Multimedia productions: audio, video… Patents etc… Basic facts

6 1.The fact that METIS is based upon active cooperation between the participating universities. First of all: “2 (let alone 13) universities know more than 1” concerning the definition and development of useful or required functionality. The METIS user group is a substantial and fruitful think-thank and creative resource for the development of the system and every university has her (equal) say in the development process. This approach has promoted the adoption of METIS by the universities, and so for it to become a national university system, which subsequently has significantly strengthened the position and status of METIS. –Towards the govern m ent and the governmental agencies involved in research policy and evaluation: METIS no longer merely adapts to (follows) rules and regulations, but from now on METIS is taking into account by authorities when defining such regulations, e.g. for research evalutation. –Towards the academic fields or disciplines on a national level: METIS more and more appears on the agenda of the national consultative bodies and meetings of academic disciplines, e.g. the Field of Medicine. Shift in steering METIS; from technical and asministrative to the scientific disciplines. –Within a given university: faculties and institutes are more willing to accept a system which has a national status. Now: more and more universities and faculties use METIS as basis for budget allocation. Two key aspects for success

7 2.The added value for those involved with the research process: researchers and research managers and administrators. No matter how technically advanced: an empty CRIS is useless. In order to assure an effective and sufficient filling of the system, it has to have clear advantages or added value for the two key players in this respect: the research administrators/managers on the one side and the researchers themselves on the other. With this “ground rule” in mind, the focus in the development of METIS has been heavily on the usefulness and attractiveness for these two groups, e.g.: Interfaces for automatic input from other databases (Web of Science, MedLine) or document registration tools (Endnote, Reference Manager), so relieve researchers and administrators from (the need of) “double registration” of data in METIS, already stored elsewhere. Important also: METIS becomes more and more integrated in the data handling of governmental funding providing authorities (NOW). Personal METIS: a module for direct registration of data by the researcher himself. Management module: a tool for administrators to create a “one page overview” of aggregated management information (in- and output) for research projects. Profiling tools for the researchers, giving them the opportunity to produce various CV-like personal profiles for various stakeholders. Two key aspects for success

8 Management module

9 HARVEX: an exemplary spin-off The modules and tools just mentioned are at the same time illustrations and consequences of the two core aspects of METIS: the interuniversity cooperation on the one hand and the emphasis on primary players in the field of research on the other. They can be seen as add-ons (or spin-offs) to METIS, brought forward by a given university, developed as a prototype by the latter in cooperation with the technical development team of METIS at Nijmegen university and afterwards incorporated in the “METIS package”, i.e. put at the disposal of the other METIS universities as well. One of the most interesting of these add-ons or spin-offs to METIS up to now, is an application still under development, called ProMas (Profile Management System). The application is developed within the framework of a separate project with the codename HARVEX, which stands for “Harvestable Excellence”. The HARVEX project is a cooperation between the ERIM-institute of the Erasmus University Rotterdam and the technical development team of METIS at Radboud University Nijmegen.


11 Project information Harvex Partnership ERIM: Erasmus Research Institute of Management (EU Rotterdam) UCI: University Information Centre (RU Nijmegen). Budget: 300 K euro (50% covered by DARE program) Result: Prototype PROMAS Duration: September 2004 – December 2005 Academic responsible: Prof. Dr. H. Van Dissel (ERIM) Project leader: Mark Oskam (ERIM) Leader development team: Hans Schoonbrood (RU)

12 Objective and outcome of HARVEX Objective: To give the researcher the possibility to: 1.Create his/her academic profile in a user friendly manner from various existing resources, containing information on the core elements of his/her scientific work (research, publishing, teaching). 2.To archive and manage thes profiles in a systematic way.. 3.To present the profile in a selective way and various formats (XML, HTML, RTF, PDF) towards relevant stakeholders. End result or product: Prototype of the Profile Management System (PROMAS), a software tool which allows the above mentioned functions.

13 Context: Stakeholders Venture Capitalist Corporation (s) Funding Agency (s) Science Journalist (s) (BA/MA) Students (Post) Doctoral Students Department University Board Research Office Reviewer (s) Peers Journal (s) Association (s) Scientist Evaluator (SEP/ECOS)

14 Focus on (Scientific Career of) researcher VISIBILITY, IMPACT & RECOGNITION

15 The instrument: PROMAS PROMAS: Pro file Ma nagement S ystem Elements of the academic profile: 1.Basic information (METIS + EDS) 2.Research information (METIS + DARE), including 3.Publications (output) 4.Teaching information (SIN Online) 5.(other) Personal information (PIR)

16 PROMAS: Profile Management System Middleware Open Source

17 1.Goal of the PROMAS system is to supply information on request of an actor or machine (harvestable). 2.The information supplied in a profile is totally and automatically derived from other resource systems. 3.The system offers the researchers the possibility to create various (different) profiles targeted to specific stakeholders and to edit and add information to a profile at any stage. 4.Apart from this PROMAS has some pre-defined “default” profiles (e.g. According to the standard format of the web site of the institute of the researcher in question), and 5.Offers the scientist the possibiliy to present the information in various formats. PROMAS: a summary











28 Information on some related initiatives. Teaching and education Open Source Portfolio Initiative (OSPI), Electronic Portfolio Consortium, ePortfolio research and development community, European Portfolio, eFolio Minnesota, EDUCAUSE/Internet2 eduPerson taskforce: Research: Community of Science (COS) workbench: ISI Highly Cited:, RAE demo standardized CV: Personal Mobility: UK academic employment support: European Curriculum Vitae Format: References

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