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World War II, 1939-1945 In this lesson, students will be able to define the following terms: Appeasement Blitzkrieg Holocaust Axis Powers E. Napp.

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Presentation on theme: "World War II, 1939-1945 In this lesson, students will be able to define the following terms: Appeasement Blitzkrieg Holocaust Axis Powers E. Napp."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War II, In this lesson, students will be able to define the following terms: Appeasement Blitzkrieg Holocaust Axis Powers E. Napp

2 Hitler wanted to avenge
World War II was in many ways a continuation of World War I. Hitler wanted to avenge Germany’s humiliating defeat. German aims coupled with Japanese ambitions in Asia made it the most destructive war in history. E. Napp

3 Fascist dictators glorified war and set
out to expand their territories through conquest. The member states of the League of Nation did nothing when Hitler rebuilt his army in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. E. Napp

4 When Hitler annexed or took Austria and then claimed part
of Czechoslovakia, the British Prime Minister Chamberlain tried appeasement. Appeasement is a policy of granting concessions to an aggressor hoping to avoid war. E. Napp

5 deal with Stalin to keep
Hitler made a secret deal with Stalin to keep the Soviet Union out of war. When Britain and France finally refused to give Hitler Poland, he invaded Poland and started the Second World War. E. Napp

6 The German army used planes, tanks,
and motorized troop carriers to advance rapidly into enemy territory. This military tactic became known as the Blitzkrieg, or “lightning warfare”. By the end of 1940, Germany controlled most of Western Europe-only Britain remained free. E. Napp

7 In 1941, Hitler betrayed Stalin and launched a surprise
attack on the Soviet Union. However, the fierce winter of froze German combat vehicles before their army could reach Moscow. By 1943, the Soviet army pushed the Germans back. However, the Soviets lost 21 million people fighting the Germans. E. Napp

8 The Holocaust refers to the genocide
(murder of an entire people) of the Jews during World War II. Hitler called his plan the “Final Solution” and built large concentration camps to murder the Jewish people. E. Napp

9 Most Jews were gassed and their bodies
burned in large ovens. Some were spared to do the work of running the camp. Jews were half-starved and subjected to inhuman conditions. Six million Jews were killed by the Nazis. E. Napp

10 Two-thirds of all Jews living in Europe
met their deaths at the hands of Nazis. The Nazis also killed Gypsies, Slavs, political prisoners, the elderly, and mentally disabled people. E. Napp

11 The Holocaust was one of the worst
Human Rights Abuses in the history of the world. E. Napp

12 The Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor in
1941 brought the Americans into the war. E. Napp

13 and the United States were the Allied Powers. It was a brutal war.
Germany, Italy, and Japan were the Axis Powers. Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States were the Allied Powers. It was a brutal war. E. Napp

14 Questions for Reflection:
What were the causes of World War II? What was appeasement and why do you think it failed? How did the strategy of the Blitzkrieg differ from previous war strategies? What was the Holocaust and why was it one of the worst human rights abuses? List the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers. E. Napp

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