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Presentation on theme: "ANNUAL WORK PLAN & BUDGET 2014-15 JHARKHAND MID DAY MEAL SCHEME."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jharkhand at a glance Population3,29,66,238 Male Population1,69,31,812 Female Population1,60,34,426 Density of Population414 persons / Sq. KM No. of Districts24 No. of Sub divisions38 No. of Blocks260 No. of Villages32620 National Highways1844 KMs. State Highways6880 KMs. Total Geographical Area79.70 Lakh Hect.

3 Educational profile Total No. of schools (1 to 5, 6 to 8 and 1 to 8)-41153 Total No. of schools covered under MDM -40948 Total No. of children enrolled in class 1 to 8-5264840 Maximum coverage under MDM in class 1 to 8 -3978713 Total No. of children enrolled in class 1 to 5-3784334 Total No. of children covered under MDM in class 1 to 5-2873188 Total No. of children enrolled in class 6 to 8-1480506 Total No. of children covered under MDM in class 6 to 8-1105525

4 School Coverage under MDM Types of Schools Total No. of Schools No of Schools approved by GoI No of Schools running MDM Primary (1-5)268812645626727 Upper Primary without Primary (6-8)240264239 Upper Primary with Primary (1-8)140321391013982 Total411534063040948 Note :- based on coverage of schools for FY 2013-14

5 no. of Children Children availing MDM (including NCLP) (till Dec, 2013) Year 2013-14

6 Cooking cost per meal Year PrimaryUpper Primary *Remarks Central Share Matching State Share Addition al State Share Total State Share Total Cost/ meal Central Share Matching State Share Addition al State Share Total State Share Total Cost/ meal 2013-142.330.780.221.003.333.491.160.341.504.9901.04.2013 2.510.830.171.003.513.751.250.251.505.2501.07.2013 2014-152.700.890.111.003.704.031.340.161.505.53proposed

7 Size of Programme Sl. No. ComponentsSanctioned Central Allocation State Allocation 1Food Grains97125.34 MTNIL 2Cost of Food grainsRs. 5542.45 lakhNIL 3MMERs. 658.83 lakhNIL 4TCRs. 728.44 lakhNIL 5Kitchen ShedNIL 6Cooking CostRs. 23950.40 lakhRs. 9712.53 lakh 7Honorarium to cook- cum-helper Rs. 6379.95 lakhRs. 2126.65 lakh Year 2013-14

8 No. meals served Number of meals served till Dec, 2013 Year 2013-14

9 Food grains (in Metric.Tons) Allotment, Lifting and Utilization till Dec, 2013 (1 to 5) 59.63% * Note-percentage utilization is against gross allocation. Year 2013-14

10 Food grains (in Metric.Tons) Allotment, Lifting and Utilization till Dec, 2013 (6 to 8, including NCLP) * Note-percentage of utilization is against gross allocation. 64.34% Year 2013-14

11 Cooking Cost (Rs. in Lakh) Utilization of cooking cost (central + state) till Dec, 2013 (1 to 8) * Note-percentage of utilization is against allocation. Year 2013-14

12 Amount (Rs. in Lakh) Utilization of MME and transport assistance till Dec, 2013 (1 to 8) Note – Funds being released to districts against their expenditure and need shortly. Funds couldn’t be released to districts in absence & non-posting of Director, Primary Education. Expenditure against salary and other expenses including transportation cost has been kept in districts as assured liability. Year 2013-14

13 Construction of Kitchen Shed 2006-07 to 2013-14 (upto Dec, 2013) No. of kitchen sheds Note : 8396 kitchen sheds expected to be completed by April, 14 and 6385 kitchen sheds shall be completed by June, 14.

14 Programme Performance till Dec, 2013 ComponentsSanctionedUtilizationPercentage Utilization No. of Schools/Intuitions 4063040948101 No. of Children 3507486287318882 Food grains 97125.16 MTs 59451.49 MTs61 Cooking Cost (central + state) 33662.93 lakh20740.74 lakh61 Honorarium to cook-cum-helper (central + state) 8506.60 lakh5076.46 lakh60 Cost of Food grains 5542.45 lakh2083.65 lakh38 MME 634.22 lakh137.65 lakh22 Transportations 727.54 lakh50.39 lakh7 Year 2013-14

15 Release of Central and State Share to districts (till Dec, 2013) (in lakh Rs.) Year 2013-14 Sl. No. Component Fund received from GoI Release for Central and State For Central Share For State Share Total 1Cooking cost (1 to 5)9115.38 3352.212467.58 2Cooking cost (6 to 8)5254.86 1735.626990.48 3Honorarium to cook-cum-helper3827.983818.791132.074950.85 4M.M.E151.83149.70NIL149.7 5TC193.57000 6Kitchen-cum-store0.00NIL 7Kitchen Devices0.00NIL 8Cost of Food grains2018.21 NIL2018.21 Total20561.8320356.946219.8226576.83

16 Budget Provision for FY 2014-15 in state budget (in lakh Rs.) Sl. No.Component Budget Provision for 2014-15 For Central ShareFor State ShareTotal 1 Cooking cost and honorarium to cook-cum-helper36998.8916660.0053658.89 2M.M.E828.81NIL828.81 3TC740.00NIL740.00 4Kitchen-cum-store3600.001200.004800.00 5Kitchen Devices500.00NIL500.00 6Cost of Food grains5630.00NIL5630.00 Total48297.701786066157.70

17 Requirement of Recurring Funds : 2014-15  The proposal is made on the basis of actual no. of average children. However the no. of children is likely to increase in 2014-15. Therefore, budget for 2600000 children’s for Primary and 900000 children’s for Upper Primary for 2014-15 may be sanctioned for 251 days.  Requirement of cook cum helper is calculated @ Rs. 2000.00 per cook per month for 10 months. Component For Primary ClassFor Upper Primary ClassFor NCLP SchoolsTotal Funds required Central Share State Share Central ShareState Share Central ShareState Share Central Share State Share C. Cost14072.685212.107976.492968.9250.3518.7422099.528199.76 Honorarium11491.006894.600.00 11491.006894.60 T. Cost390.910.00222.670.001.410.00614.990.00 Cost of Food grain2974.290.001694.210.0010.690.004679.190.00 Total28928.8812106.709893.372968.9262.4518.7438884.7015094.36 In lakh Rs.

18 Force & Lift Pump Kitchen Garden in school of Ranchi district Best Practices  SMS based monitoring of MDM in Dhanbad district on pilot basis and its replication in other districts.  Kitchen gardens.  Construction of Kitchen sheds with old estimate of 60 thousand per kitchen by providing additional funds under IAP in Ranchi and some other districts.  Additional water point connection to school hand pumps with support of UNICEF under SSHE. Construction of Kitchen Shed in convergence with IAP in Ranchi district. Additional Water Point

19 Plan Under MME 1. Proposal for salary/honorarium for human resources under MDM authority (in lakh Rs.) Sl.Name of PostNo. of PostMonthly HonorariumAnnual HonorariumType of Selection State Level 1Director, Authority MDM11.0012.00Deputation 2Deputy Director20.6515.60Deputation 3State Program officer20.5513.20Contract/ Deputation 4Financial Controller10.506.00Contract 5State MIS Coordinator10.354.20Contract 6State Programmers for state level PMU of SMS based monitoring 20.358.40Contract 7Data Entry Operator40.157.20Contract 8Accountant-cum-clerk20.256.00Contract 9Fourth grade employee40.083.84Contract State Total163.8876.44 Divisional Level 1Data Entry Operator50.16.00Contract District Level 1District Program Coordinator/Officer240.2572.00Contract 2Computer Data Entry Operator240.128.80Contract District Total480.35100.80 Block Level 1Block coordinator/Data Entry Operator2590.08248.64Contract Grand Total3283.56431.88

20 MME 2. Proposal for Recurring expenditure for Management Monitoring and Evaluation of MDM. (in lakh Rs.) Sl.NoLevels Items (Recurring) No of Units Annual Expenditure 1State Hiring of office building, Vehicles, Stationery, Seminars, Meetings, documentation and repair maintenance etc. 122.84 2Division Stationery, Electricity, Telephone etc. 51.50 3District Stationery, Electricity, Telephone etc. 2472.00 4Block Fuel, Stationery, Electricity, Telephone etc. 259@ Rs. 1000 per month/block 31.08 5School 1. Stationery, Electricity and repair of cooking devices 41153 schools @ 300 per unit 123.45 2. Funds for mobile recharge of school HMs for SMS based monitoring. 41153 schools @ 300 per annum per school 123.45 Total 374.32

21 MME 2. Proposal for Non-Recurring expenditure for Management Monitoring and Evaluation of MDM. (in lakh Rs.) Sl.NoLevels Items (Recurring) No of Units Annual Expenditure 1State Establishment of State level MDM authority (furniture, fixtures and other essential equipments). 1 (one time)10.00 Total 10.00

22 Summary of MME Budget Manpower for MDM Authority431.88 Recurring Expenditure374.32 Non-recurring Expenditure10.00 Total816.20 (in lakh Rs.)

23 Compliance of GoI directions reg. AWP&B 2014-15 The Annual Work Plan and Budget 2014-15 has been approved Chief Secretary, Jharkhand. Adequate budget provision in the State Budget for Central and State share has been made. Annual Data of all schools have been entered. Majority of monthly data has been entered. Monthly data entry of all schools for the period April, 13 to Dec, 13 has been ensured to almost totality.



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