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Presentation on theme: "THE HOLOCAUST."— Presentation transcript:


2 Adolf Hitler Born in Austria Wanted to be an artist
Served at the very end of WWI Became disenchanted with life and adopted the rhetoric of an Austrian official where his anti-Semitic beliefs were fostered Reich's Chancellor in 1933 Final Solution begins in 1933

3 Life before and after

4 How can you tell? Learning to identify the genetic characteristics of a Jewish person

5 Measuring… Measuring the length of a nose to determine the background of a person

6 Nazi propaganda Explains how the race will be corrupted if Jews are allowed to marry into the Aryan race

7 Nazi propaganda—continued

8 Star of David

9 Identities stolen Poster explaining which group was to have the accompanying identification

10 Kristallnacht--1938

11 Einsatzgruppen Mobile killing squads followed the German army
Eventually ruled inefficient, and killings reverted back to concentration camps

12 Einsatzgruppen-continued

13 Being sent to the concentration camps

14 Arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau
“The Platform” Jews sorted into groups, male & female; fit and unfit

15 Arrival at Auschwitz-continued

16 Male workers at the camps

17 Female camp workers

18 Sorting the belongings after arrival

19 High altitude medical experiments

20 Tools of death

21 Ovens of the crematorium

22 Mass grave

23 Death

24 Glasses left behind

25 Hair

26 Shoes left behind

27 Prosthetics

28 Sobibor Death Camp--Poland

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