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Published byBertina Patrick Modified over 9 years ago
Eesti osalus Euroopa Tuumauuringute Keskuses (CERN) CERN - üks teaduse infrastruktuuri teekaardile kantud 20 objektist TÜ, KBFI, TTÜ, Tartu Teaduspargi ühisdelegatsioon 12-14.04
Osalesid 1. Raivo Stern (KBFI) 2. Martti Raidal (KBFI) 3. Marco Kirm (TÜ) 4. Alvo Aabloo (TÜ) 5. Toomas Noorem (TTP) 6. Enn Erme (TTP) 8. Aivo Anier (TTÜ) 9. Tanel Tammet (TTÜ) 10. Tauno Otto (TTÜ) 11. Raivo Sell (TTÜ)
CERNi liikmed 20.04.2011 Euroopa Liidu töötleva tööstuse tehnoloogiaplatvormi arengutest Eestis 4
20.04.2011 Euroopa Liidu töötleva tööstuse tehnoloogiaplatvormi arengutest Eestis 5
20.04.2011 Euroopa Liidu töötleva tööstuse tehnoloogiaplatvormi arengutest Eestis 6
CERN Openlab = 4 kompetentsikeskust
Arvutivõimsus 2,9 MW
Jahutus- võimusus: 2,3 MW
Väljakutsed: Click - 1-mikroniline masstootmine - vajab uusi meetodeid (CERNis on oma metroloogialabor) CMS Tracker – oluline light-weight materials - komposiidid, spetsiifiline probleem siin soojuse ärajuhtimine
Soomlased CERNis Soomest osaleb konsortsium: LUT, Aalto, Jyväskylä, Helsinki Soomlasd lõid Finnish National CERN Strategy a-l 2003, nüüd rahastus 4,1 milj € aastas (2009) Vähemalt 30% saab riik tagasi sissemaksetest tööstustellimuste kaudu, Soome saab tagasi üle 100%, nt: – Exel oy - carbon composite profiles - andurite korpused – Metso Powder - endcaps – Rocla oy - lhc transport robots
Soome Riiklik CERN Strateegia (2003) Kõrgtasemel rahvusvaheline koostöö tuuma- ja osakeste füüsika eesliinil Rakendusuuringud kiirendi, detektori ja arvutiteaduse osas Teadustöö kogemuste omandamine konkurentsivõimelistes rahvusvahelistes projektitiimides Soome tööstuse ja ärirakenduste oskusteabe arendamine CERNi teadustulemuste kasutamine teaduskasvatuses ja kodanike teadlikkuse tõstmisel 20.04.2011 Euroopa Liidu töötleva tööstuse tehnoloogiaplatvormi arengutest Eestis 22
Võimalikud arengud 1) saata Eesti esindaja (roteeruv), kes oleks kursis juhtuvaga (Soomel on see olemas) 2) komplekteerida 3-4 tehnikatudengist grupp Nii algas ka Soome 40 a tagasi, ametlikult liitus Soome CERNiga20 a tagasi, pärast NL lagunemist Igal aastal Soome saab CERN-is 17 kohta 3- päevasele kursusele õpilastele ja 2-3 kohta kursusele õpetajatele
Suvetööd (Soome näide) Mechanical Engineering Number of employees: 2 Preferred student profile: Technical University student in Mechanical engineering (Machine design, Engineering Materials, Mechatronics, Mechanics of Materials, Applied Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, HVAC, or other suitable). The projects and exact tasks will be chosen and tuned following the trainee‘s study background and interests. Training period: 1.6. - 31.8.2011 (exact dates negotiable)
Job description: The trainee‘s tasks will be chosen from the following activities: CO2 cooling for the CMS Experiment: To participate in studies on applying of environmentally-friendly two-phase CO2 for cooling of electronics and particle detectors. Experimental test setups are currently under operation and the trainees tasks will be in running tests, analysing results, and designing of improvements to the test setups. Another possible task involves designing new particle detector mechanical structures in which CO2 cooling will be integrated.CO2 cooling for the CMS Experiment Reverse engineering and robotic interventions in the CMS Experiment: To participate in the development, application and field-testing of methods for measuring complex equipment of large dimensions and difficult accessibility, and feeding the measured geometry data to 3D CAD models. The trainee‘s tasks can also be focused on the design and choice of methods and equipment to work in difficult-to-reach areas. CLOUD Project: To participate in the operation and upgrade design of an experimental setup that studies cosmic radiation influence on Earth‘s cloud formation, and on the climate change. The setup is placed in a particle beam at CERN and consists of an ultra-clean measurement vessel in stainless steel, a thermal housing operating at -90C to +100C, gas supplies, cooling-, ventilation-, data acquisition- and control systems. CLOUD Project Vt lisaks
Engineering Design of the RF structures for CLIC Number of employees: 1 Preferred student profile: Mechanical engineering studies (preferably 2 years or more). The student should be interested in challenging multidisciplinary product development. Special skills required: 3D CAD software, FEM software
Job description: Position for a mechanical engineering summer trainee is available in the frame work of the radio frequency (RF) structure development for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC). The ongoing CLIC study is developing the accelerator technology for a future linear collider. The student will be integrated in the EU-funded IAPP Mechanics project team that aims to devise an industrialisation scheme to enable the mass manufacturing of the required CLIC RF components. The work will consist of 3D mechanical design for CLIC RF structures and finite element thermal and structural simulations to support the technical development for the project. The working tools will be CATIA 3D-CAD and ANSYS FEA. Content of the work will be closely connected to design of high precision mechanics as well as consecutive manufacturing and assembly. The exact job description will be adjusted to the interests and competences of the student.
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