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Radiology Packet 34 GI Contrast
5 mo old M Golden Retriever “Remi”
HX = presented for evaluation of vomiting for 7 days
5 mo old M Golden Retriever “Remi”
5 mo old M Golden Retriever “Remi”
RF The stomach is displaced cranially and it contains a small amount of barium. Very large barium filled loops of bowel are visible, there are far too many large loops present for this to be all colon. Also, the “hairpin turns” and “stacking” of loops is characteristic of small bowel distension. The bladder is displaced caudally into the pelvic canal. RD Small intestinal obstruction Next Surgery
9 yr old MC DSH “Shadow” HX = History of vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss. Survey rads were taken as well as a systematic UGI.
9 yr old MC DSH “Shadow”
9 yr old MC DSH “Shadow”
9 yr old MC DSH “Shadow”
9 yr old MC DSH “Shadow”
9 yr old MC DSH “Shadow”
9 yr old MC DSH “Shadow”
9 yr old MC DSH “Shadow” RF RD
On the survey films there are segments of SI which are dilated beyond normal limits with fluid and gas. Also, there is slight reduction in mid-abdominal detail and spondylosis of L6-7-S1. At Time 0 note the normal stomach position. At Time 15 minutes the leading edge of the barium column widens and there are irregular filling defects here. At Time 30 minutes more of the distal portion of the SI are dilated. At Time 45 minutes there is continued dilation of the SI and the point of obstruction is now detected as a tapering, pointed constriction of barium seen in the mid abdomen on the lateral view and along the mid-right abdominal wall on the VD film. At time 1.5 hours the obstruction is again evident and one segment of SI is noted to be thickened in the mid-ventral abdomen to the right. At time 2 hours the dilated loop of bowel caused by the obstruction is clearly seen from the remaining SI. RD Partial mid-distal small intestine obstruction, most common cause in an older cat is a neoplastic process such as adenocarcinoma.
13 yr old FS DSH “Spotty” HX = thirty day history of vomiting, regurgitation after ingestion of solid food
13 yr old FS DSH “Spotty”
13 yr old FS DSH “Spotty” RF RD Next
A negative contrast gastrogram was performed and the air outlines a clearly defined opaque structure in the pyloric antrum. The structure does not change position between the 2 views indicating that it is relatively fixed in position. There are incidental findings of luxation and degenerative joint disease of the left coxofemoral joint. In the VD view a mineral opacity structure is superimposed with the pelvic canal, it is a type of projectile likely from a pellet gun. RD Gastric foreign body Next Surgical removal
11 yr old M Golden Retriever “Bosley”
Hx = two day history of vomiting, has a history of pica
11 yr old M Golden Retriever “Bosley”
11 yr old M Golden Retriever “Bosley”
11 yr old M Golden Retriever “Bosley”
11 yr old M Golden Retriever “Bosley”
RF In the one hour films the pyloric region of the stomach and the descending duodenum have an abnormal appearance, the bowel lumen is narrow and has a plicated appearance. In the VD view there is asymmetrical narrowing of the lumen of the descending duodenum which is often described as an “apple core” lesion. The barium outlines granular material in the ascending duodenum. In the 1 hr 45 min films there has been some further progression of a small volume of contrast into the jejunum. RD Delayed gastric emptying due to abnormality of the pylorus/descending duodenum Most likely these radiographic changes are due to an infiltrative bowel lesion, intestinal adenocarcinoma is the top differential
3 mo old F GSD “Dukey” HX = presented for regurgitation
3 mo old F GSD “Dukey”
1 yr old F Newfoundland “Chelsea”
HX = history of regurgitation and weight loss
1 yr old F Newfoundland “Chelsea”
1 yr old F Newfoundland “Chelsea”
1 yr old F Newfoundland “Chelsea”
1 yr old F Newfoundland “Chelsea”
RF On the lateral view of the survey films there is an air lucency over the cranial mediastinum with a soft tissue opacity ventral to this. Also, there is a thin soft tissue structure overlying the caudal vena cava. On the VD survey film there is a widened cranial mediastinum and a linear soft tissue structure left of the spine. On the esophogram contrast medium outlines and defines an abnormally enlarged esophagus. RD Megaesophagus
3 mo old F GSD “Dukey”
3 mo old F GSD “Dukey” RF The lateral survey film of the thorax demonstrated a large air-filled esophageal diverticulum cranial to the heart. The trachea was displaced ventrally by the esophagus. On the esophogram a large diverticulum was noted cranial to the heart base. The diverticulum was created by a focal narrowing of the esophagus just cranial to the carina. Also, the contractions in the esophagus distal to the focal narrowing appeared weak. RD Persistent right aortic arch Next Surgery
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