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PCA Extension By Jonash.

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Presentation on theme: "PCA Extension By Jonash."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCA Extension By Jonash

2 Outline Robust PCA Generalized PCA Clustering points on a line
Clustering lines on a plane Clustering hyperplanes in a space

3 Robust PCA Rrbust Principal Component Analysis for Computer Vision
Fernando De la Torre Mochael J. Black CS, Brown University

4 PCA is Least-Square Fit

5 PCA is Least-Square Fit

6 Robust Statistics Recover the best fit for the majority of the data
Detect and reject outliers

7 Robust PCA

8 Robust PCA

9 Robust PCA Training images

10 Robust PCA Naïve PCA Simply reject Robust PCA

11 RPCA BBTdi di B BTdi = ci In traditional PCA, we minimize
Σni = 0 (di – B BT di)2 = Σni = 0 (di - Bci)2 EM PCA Limσ -> 0(D = BC + σ2I) E-step C = (BTB)-1BTD M-step B = DCT(CCT)-1 BBTdi di B BTdi = ci

12 RPCA Xu and Yuille [1995] tries to minimize
Σni = 1 [ V i(di – B ci)2 + n(1-Vi) ] Hard to solve (continuous + discrete)

13 RPCA Gabriel and Zamir [1979] tries to minimize
Σni = 1 Σdp = 1 [ wpi(dpi – Bci)2] Impratical for high dimension “Low rank approximation of matrices by least squares with any choice of weights” 1979

14 RPCA Idea is to use a robust function ρ
Geman-McClureρ (x,σ) = x2/(x2 + σ2) Σni = 1 Σdp = 1 ρ[ (dpi–μp –Σkj = 1 bpjcji), σp] Approximated by local quadratic function Use gradient descent The rest is nothing but heuristics


16 Robust PCA - Experiment
256 training images (120x160) Obtain 20 RPCA basis 3 hrs on 900MHz Pentinum III in Matlab

17 Outline Robust PCA Generalized PCA Clustering points on a line
Clustering lines on a plane Clustering hyperplanes in a space

18 Generalized PCA Generalized Principal Component Analysis Rene Vidal
Yi Ma Shankar Sastry UC Berkley and UIUC


20 GPCA Example 1

21 GPCA Example 2

22 GPCA Example 3

23 GPCA Goals # of subspaces and their dimension Basis for subspace
Segmentation of data

24 GPCA Ideas Union of subspaces = certain polynomials Noise free case

25 Outline Robust PCA Generalized PCA Clustering points on a line
Clustering lines on a plane Clustering hyperplanes in a space

26 GPCA 1D Case

27 GPCA 1D Case Cont’d

28 To have a unique solution,
GPCA 1D Case Cont’d MN = n+1 unknowns To have a unique solution, rank(Vn) = n = Mn- 1

29 GPCA 1D Example n = 2 groups pn(x) = ( x – μ1) ( x – μ2)
No polynomial of degree 1 Infinite polynomial of degree 3 pn(x) = x2 + c1x + c2 => Polynomial factor

30 Outline Robust PCA Generalized PCA Clustering points on a line
Clustering lines on a plane Clustering hyperplanes in a space

31 GPCA 2D Case L j = { X = [x, y]T: bj1x + bj2y = 0 }
(b11x + b12y = 0) or (b21x + b22y = 0)…

32 GPCA 2D Case Cont’d (b11x + b12y = 0) or (b21x + b22y = 0)…
Pn(x) = (b11x + b12y)…(bn1x + bn2y) = 0 = Σck xn-k yk

33 GPCA 2D Case Cont’d Take n = 2 for example…
p2(x) = (b11x + b12y)(b21x + b22y) ▽p2(x) = (b21x + b22y)b1 + (b11x + b12y)b2 , bj = [bj1, bj2] T if x ~ L1, then ▽p2(x) ~ b1, otherwise ~ b2

34 GPCA 2D Case Cont’d Given that {yj ε Lj}, the normal vector of Lj is bj ~ ▽pn(yj) 3 things… Determine “ n ” as min{ j: rank(Vj) = j } Solve cn for Vncn = 0 Find normal vector bj

35 Outline Robust PCA Generalized PCA Clustering points on a line
Clustering lines on a plane Clustering hyperplanes in a space

36 GPCA Hyperplanes Still assume d1 = … = dn = d = D – 1
Sj = { bjTx = bj1x1 + bj2x2 + … + bjDxD = 0}

37 GPCA Hyperplanes MN = C(D+n-1, D)

38 GPCA Hyperplanes

39 GPCA Hyperplanes Since we know n, we can solve for ck
ck => bk by ▽pn(x) If we know yj on each Sj, finding bj will be easy

40 GPCA Hyperplanes One point yj on each hyperplane Sj
Consider a random line L = t * v + x0 Obtain yj by intersecting L and Sj yj = tj * v + x0 Find roots tj by … Pn(t v + xo)

41 GPCA Hyperplanes Summarize We want to find n to solve for c
To get b (normal) for each S, find ▽pn(x) To get label j, solve pn(yj = tj * v + x0) = 0


43 One More Thing

44 One More Thing Previously we assume d1 = … =dn= D – 1
Actually we cannot assume that… Please read section 4.2 & 4.3 … by yourself Discuss how to recursively reduce dimension


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