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Introduction to Stochastic Models GSLM 54100

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1 Introduction to Stochastic Models GSLM 54100

2 Outline continuous-time Markov chain 2

3 Continuous-Time Markov Chain
continuous-time analog of discrete-time Markov chain objective: to deduce the long-term average cost per unit time Discrete - time Markov chain { X n } Continuous time Markov chain { ( t )} State Markov property Stationary transition Discrete Discrete P ( X n +1 = j | i , - 1 , …, ) " P ( X t+s ) = j | t i , r x ), 0 < ) = ), " s (> 0) P ( X n +1 = j | i ) = p ij , " P ( X t+s ) = j | t i p ij s ) " , (> 0) 3

4 Differences Between CTMC & DTMC
duration of a state DTMC: one period the consecutive duration staying in a state ~ Geo CTMC: any positive real number the consecutive duration staying in a state ~ exp cost calculation DTMC: cost per visit = cost per unit time at state CTMC: cost per visit  cost per unit time at state 4

5 Cost Calculation in CTMC
ci = cost per unit at state i long-term average cost per unit time ci = cost per visit of state i long-term average cost per unit time 5

6 Sojourn Times of CTMC sojourn time: the time that a CTMC stays at a state in a visit fact: result of the Markov property time excellent good fair bad 6

7 Markov Property of CTMC
P(X(t+s) = j |X(t) = i, X(r) = x(r) for 0  r < t) = P(X(t+s) = j | X(t) = i) for all i, j and for all t, s > 0  given present (i.e., X(t)), the future (i.e., X(t+s)) and the past (i.e., X(r) = x(r) for 0  r < t) are independent present future X(t) = i X(t+s) = ? t t+s known states, X(r) = x(r), 0  r < t past 7

8 Intuitive Justification of i.i.d. Exp Sojourn Times
Ti: the sojourn time of state i just entering state i at t = 0 P(Ti > t) = P(Ti > t|X(0) = i) being a function of i suppose X(r) = i for 0  r  t P(Ti > t+s|X(r) = i, 0  r  t) = P(Ti > t+s|Ti > t) Markov property  P(Ti > t+s|X(r) = i, 0  r  s) = P(Ti > t|X(0) = i) = P(Ti > t) P(Ti > t+s|Ti > t) = P(Ti > t)  Ti ~ exp(qi) 8

9 Definition of a CTMC {X(t)}, a continuous-time, discrete-state stochastic process is a CTMC if   (a). sojourn times at state i, Ti ~ exp(qi), independent of everything else, 0 < qi <  (b). whenever leaving state i, next visiting state j with probability pij > 0, j pij = 1 for the time being, assume pii = 0 for all i, because of the way that we define sojourn times 9

10 Procedure to Define a CTMC
defining three kinds of quantities the states (and the state space) qi for all i (where Ti ~ exp(qi)) and pij for all i, j (where next visiting j with probability pij upon leaving i ) 10

11 Example 8.4.2 one machine, one repairman
working times of machine ~ i.i.d. exp() repairing times of machine ~ i.i.d. exp() working repairing 11

12 state 1: one exp() and one exp() competing
Example 8.4.3 two machines, one repairman working times of all machines ~ i.i.d. exp() repairing times of all machine ~ i.i.d. exp() state N(t) = number of working machines 1 2 N(t) t state 2: two exp() competing exp(2) exp(+) exp(+) state 1: one exp() and one exp() competing exp() exp() 12 state 0: one exp() competing

13 Another Way to Define a CTMC
last example revealing that in a CTMC, events with exponential times to occur competing to be the first one defining three kinds of quantities the states (and the state space) qij for all i, j (where Tij ~ exp(qij) is the duration of the activity that leads to state change from i to j) qi, where Ti = min(Tij, j  i) ~ exp(qi) and qi = j qij 13

14 Two Ways to Define a CTMC
{qi, {pij}}  { Tij ~ exp(qij), Ti = min(Tij, j  i)} Tij ~ exp(qij) Ti = min(Tij, j  i) qi = j qij, pij = P(Ti = min(Tij, j  i)) = qij/qi occurrence of events following Poisson of rate qi random partitioning by pij time to change to state j, Ti1 ~ exp(qi pi1), Tij ~ exp(qi pij) qi, {pij} Ti ~ exp(qi) 14

15 Transition Diagram Example 8.4.2: N(t) = # of working machine at t
1 2 1 2 15

16 Birth and Death Processes
a CTMC such that qi,j = 0 for |i-j|  1 birth rate at state i: i death rate at state i: i 2 1 2 1 1 0 n 2 n n1 3 n+1 n 16

17 Standard M/M/1 Queue Poisson arrivals of rate , exponential service of rate , single server, infinite buffer 2 1 n 17

18 M/M/1 Queue with Finite Buffer
Poisson arrivals of rate , exponential service of rate , single server, finite buffer of at most N customers in system 2 1 N N1 18

19 Standard M/M/c Queue Poisson arrivals of rate , exponential service of rate , c servers, infinite buffer 2 1 3 c+1 c 2 c1 (c-1) c 19

20 M/M/c Queue with Finite Buffer
Poisson arrivals of rate , exponential service of rate , c servers, finite buffer of size N, N  c 2 1 c1 (c-1) 2 3 c c c+1 N1 N 20

21 M/M/ Queue Poisson arrivals of rate , exponential service of rate ,  number of servers, infinite buffer 2 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 21

22 Finite-Source Queue with Exponential Servers
K machines, i.i.d. working times ~ exp() R repairmen, i.i.d. repairing times ~ exp() 2 1 K R1 (R-1) 2 3 R R R+1 N1 2 N (K-1) (K-2) (K-R+2) (K-R+1) (K-R) (K-R-1) 22

23 Limiting Behavior of a Positive Irreducible DTMC
an irreducible DTMC {Xn} is positive  there exists a unique nonnegative solution to j: stationary (steady-state) distribution of {Xn} 23

24 Limiting Behavior of a Positive Irreducible DTMC
j = fraction of time at state j j = fraction of expected time at state j average cost cj for each visit at state j random i.i.d. Cj for each visit at state j for aperiodic chain: 24

25 Limiting Behavior of a Positive Irreducible CTMC
if {pj} satisfy cj = cost/time at j dj = cost/visit at j 25

26 Intuitive Derivation of Expressions for Average Cost
for cj, cost per unit time T: a large positive number time at state j  pjT cost induced by state j  cjpjT total cost  j cjpjT cost per unit time = j cjpj 26

27 Intuitive Derivation of Expressions for Average Cost
for dj, cost per visit T: a large positive number time at state j  pjT mean time in state j per visit = 1/qj approximate number of visits in pjT  qjpjT cost induced by state j  cjqjpjT total cost  j cjqjpj cost per unit time = j cjqjpj 27

28 Examples Example 8.6.1 stationary distributions of the queueing systems M/M/1 M/M/c M/M/ M/M/1 with finite buffer M/M/c with finite buffer finite-source queue with exponential servers 28

29 Expected Time Taken to Visit a State
0 = E(time taken to visit state 2 for the first time|X(0) = 0) define 1 = E(time taken to visit state 2 for the first time|X(0) = 0) 2 1 2 29

30 Exercise The arrivals of potential customers (cars) to a two-mechanic garage follow a Poisson process of rate . The garage has space for two cars; cars that find the garage full go away and never return. At any moment, a car service requires only one mechanic. 30

31 Exercise (a). Suppose that service times are i.i.d. exponential random duration of rate , and that the service and the arrival processes are independent. (i). Model the problem as a CTMC. You may draw out the transition diagram of the chain after you have defined the state and state space. (ii). The chain should be positive. Find its stationary distribution. (iii). Each served car pays a lump sum of $c for its service, and the garage pays each mechanic $r per unit time. Find the long-term net revenue rate ($ per unit time) of the garage. (iv). In addition to (iii), suppose that the garage pays back a served car $h for each unit time that the car stays in the garage. (Woo! A car can actually earn some money if its service is longer than c/h.) Find the long- term net revenue rate of the garage in this case. 31

32 Exercise Model the following parts as CTMCs. Each part should be modeled independently from others and from part (a). For each part, first define the state and state space and then draw its transition diagram. (b). There are two. Any service completed by the first mechanic is of exp(1) and that by the second mechanic of exp(2). When a car comes, if only one mechanics is idle, the mechanic picks up the job; if both mechanics are idle, the car is assigned to the mechanic who has taken longer rest since last service completion. 32

33 Exercise (c). There are two types of service, A and B, provided by the garage. For any of the two mechanics, a type A service ~ exp(A) while type B ~ exp(B). Each car needs only one type of service: type A with probability p, 0 < p < 1, independent of everything else, and type B otherwise. The service times are independent from each other and from the arrival process. 33

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