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Towards a dedicated legislative instrument on Invasive Alien Species Health and Invasive Risks of Exotic Animals Intergroup.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards a dedicated legislative instrument on Invasive Alien Species Health and Invasive Risks of Exotic Animals Intergroup."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards a dedicated legislative instrument on Invasive Alien Species Health and Invasive Risks of Exotic Animals Intergroup on the Welfare & Conservation of Animals Strasbourg, 27 October 2011

2 Introduction The problem one major cause of biodiversity loss no comprehensive EU instrument rapidly growing driver of biodiversity loss cost of inaction/delayed action >> cost of policy action 12 billion € /year >> 40-190 million € /year Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Transport across ecological barriers Negative impacts on biodiversity, human health and the economy

3 New EU Biodiversity Strategy Target 5, by 2020:  IAS and pathways are identified and prioritized  priority species are controlled or eradicated  pathways are managed to prevent introduction and establishment of new IAS Actions :  Action 15: Strengthen the EU Plant and Animal Health Regimes - integrate additional biodiversity concerns into the Plant and Animal Health regimes by 2012  Action 16: Establish a dedicated instrument on Invasive Alien Species - fill policy gaps in combating IAS by developing a dedicated legislative instrument by 2012 Context

4 Convention on Biological Diversity Three-stage hierarchical approach:  Prevention  Early detection and rapid eradication  Control and/or containment COP 10 Nagoya (18-29 October 2010)  By 2020  IAS and pathways are identified and prioritized  priority species are controlled or eradicated  measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent IAS introduction and establishment Another relevant international process: Ballast Water Convention Context

5 IAS PLANT HEALTH REGIME ANIMAL HEALTH REGIME AQUACULTURE REGULATION Water Framework DIRECTIVE Marine Strategy DIRECTIVE Habitats and Birds Directives WILDLIFE TRADE REGULATION UNDERGOING REVISION IN 2012 Action 15: Biodiversity concerns in EU Animal and Plant Health

6 State of play 2008 – Public consultation and working groups with Member States, stakeholders and experts 2008 - Communication “Towards an EU Strategy on Invasive Species” 2010 – Stakeholders Consultation 2010-2011 – Working groups with Member States, stakeholders and experts All material available online:  etailed&sb=Title etailed&sb=Title  Action 16: Dedicated legislative instrument

7 Technical support Baseline information:  IAS  10,961 alien species in the European environment  10-15 % are invasive  impacts of IAS  Preliminary estimate of cost of inaction: EUR 12 billion/year  Preliminary estimate of cost of action 40-190 million € /year Dedicated legislative instrument

8 Technical support Learning from experience:  Member State policies: fragmented and inconsistent, considerable policy gaps - scope for cost reduction  Other OECD countries: New-Zealand, Australia, US and Canada - better streamlined  MS and OECD-countries provide best practices to be considered at the EU-level  information on costs and benefits of IAS policy measures Dedicated legislative instrument

9 Problem tree Dedicated legislative instrument

10 Dedicated legislative instrument Solution tree (1) Restrictions ontrade/import/marketing/transport/holding (3) Management of prioritypathways (4)Earlywarningrapidresponsesystem Decreaseddamage (5) Eradication,containment, control,restoration Generaldutyof care +liability (2) Restrictions on release in thewild A.Prevention B.Earlywarning rapidresponse C. Management…

11 From problems to solutions A.Prevention 1. Measures to trade/marketing/transport/holding 2. Restrictions on release in the wild 3. Pathway management B.Early Warning and Rapid Response C.Management and Restoration Horizontal issues 1. Communication and awareness raising 2. Liability and financing Dedicated legislative instrument

12 Exotic animals and the IAS legislation Pathways of introduction of IAS in general Trade and travel: species trade, contaminated commodities, stowaway and hitchhikers, dispersal through man-made corridors Vertebrate animals Intentional release:  Hunting/angling  Restoration/conservation  Aquaculture (regulated) Unintentional release (escape):  Pets/ornamental  Zoos/aquaria  Farming

13 Exotic animals and the IAS legislation Terrestrial vertebrates – breakdown by pathway Data from DAISIE project -

14 Exotic animals and the IAS legislation Exotic animal – rules on trade, marketing, holding, releasing.. A. Prevention In general no release into the wild  Considering exceptions or permit system for certain species Trade/import/holding/marketing restrictions may be placed on the most harmful IAS  Considering exceptions e.g. import or holding for ex-situ conservation, or holding for pets already in possession B. Early warning and rapid response Surveillance needed for early warning and rapid response  Considering risk-oriented approach with focus around risk-areas C. Management and restoration Eradication, control or containment  with due consideration for animal welfare All ideas still under consideration!

15 Further planning

16 For updated information see: DG Environment website CIRCA n&vm=detailed&sb=Title n&vm=detailed&sb=Title Contacts:   Towards an EU Strategy on IAS

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