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Deep ventilation in Lake Baikal:
1 Deep ventilation in Lake Baikal: a simplified model for a complex natural phenomenon Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering University of Trento Group of Environmental Hydraulics and Morphodynamics, Trento PhD Candidate: Sebastiano Piccolroaz Supervisor: Dr. Marco Toffolon Trento, April 19th 2013 1
Outline Part 1 - A plunge into the abyss of the world's deepest lake
Lake Baikal and deep ventilation A simplified 1D model Calibration, validation, sensitivity analysis and main results Climate change scenarios Part 2 – Back to the surface A simple lumped model to convert Ta into surface Tw Conclusions
A plunge into the abyss of the world's deepest lake
Part 1 A plunge into the abyss of the world's deepest lake
Lake Baikal - Siberia (Озеро Байкал - Сибирь)
The lake of records The oldest, deepest and most voluminous lake in the world 4
Lake Baikal in numbers Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal formed in an ancient rift valley tectonic origin Divided into 3 sub-basins: South Basin Central Basin North Basin Main characteristics: Volume: km3 Surface area: km2 Length: 636 km Max. width: 79 km Max .depth: m Ave. Depth: 744 m Shore Length: km Surf. Elevation: m Age: 25 million years Inflow rivers: 300 Outflow rivers: 1 (Angara River) World Heritage Site in 1996 1461 m 5
Bathymetry Lake Baikal
An impressive bathymetry: maximum depth at 1642 m average depth at 744 m flat bottom steep sides Source: The INTAS Project Team A new bathymetric map of Lake Baikal. Open-File Report on CD-Rom 6
Deep ventilation The physical phenomenon Deep ventilation
Phenomenon triggered by thermobaric instability [Weiss et al., 1991]: density depends on T and P (equation of state: Chen and Millero, 1976) T of maximum density decreases with the depth (P=Patm Tρmax ≈ 4°C) ρparcel< ρlocal 1 bar 10 m water depth 250 m depth 1000 m depth 2000 m Density ρ [kg m-3] Temperature T [°C] ehc strong ew<ehc NO DEEP DOWNWELLING ew>ehc DEEP DOWNWELLING ew weak ew hc external forcing ehc ρparcel > ρlocal
A simplified sketch Deep ventilation The main effects:
deep water renewal a permanent, even if weak, stratified temperature profile high oxygen concentration up to the bottom deep ventilation at the shore wind sinking volume of water Presence of aquatic life down to huge depths
The state of the art Deep ventilation Observations and data analysis:
Weiss et al., 1991; Shimaraev et al., 1993; Hohmann et al., 1997; Peeters et al., 1997, 2000; Ravens et al., 2000; Wüest et al., 2000, 2005; Schmid et al., 2008; Shimaraev et al., 2009, 2011a,b, 2012 Downwelling periods (May – June, December – January) Downwelling temperature (3 ÷ 3.3 °C) Downwelling volumes estimations (10 ÷ 100 km3 per year) Numerical simulations: Akitomo, 1995; Walker and Watts, 1995; Killworth et al., 1996; Tsvetova, 1999; Peeters et al., 2000; Botte and Kay, 2002; Lawrence et al., 2002 2D or 3D numerical models Simplified geometries or partial domains Main aim: understand the phenomenon (triggering factors/conditions) Field measurement campaign (photo credit: C. Tsimitri) MIR: Deep Submergence Vehicle Putin turns submariner at Lake Baikal Walker and Watts, 1995 Estimates vary by one order of magnitude non negligible uncertainties
A simplified 1D model The aims The site The input data
A simplified 1D numerical model A simplified 1D model The aims simple way to represent the phenomenon (at the basin scale) just a few input data required (according to the available measurements) suitable to predict long-term dynamics (i.e. climate change scenarios) The site South Basin of Lake Baikal The input data surface water temperature (measurements + reanalysis) wind speed and duration (observations + reanalysis) Courtesy of Prof. A. Wüest and his research team (EAWAG) ERA-40 reanalysis dataset, thanks to Clotilde Dubois and Samuel Somot (Meteo France) Rzheplinsky and Sorokina, 1977 South Basin 10
Wind - based parameterization:
A simplified 1D numerical model wind downwelling The model in three parts simplified downwelling algorithm (wind energy input vs energy required to reach hc) Available energy (downwelling volume) → T profile Compensation depth - hc Required energy → ehc ehc Wind - based parameterization: ehc ew<ehc NO DEEP DOWNWELLING ew>ehc DEEP DOWNWELLING specific energy input ew ew=ξCD0.5W downwelling volume Vd Vd=ηCDW2Δtw ξ and η: main calibration parameters of the model (mainly dependent on the geometry)
The model in three parts
A simplified 1D numerical model z unstable stable ρ The model in three parts Lagrangian vertical stabilization algorithm (re-arrange unstable regions, move the sinking volume) °C ρ re-sorting starting form the pair of sub-volumes showing the higher instability the mixing exchanges are accounted for at every switch Tρmax z where is the generic tracer and the mixing coeff. Stable Unstable
The model in three parts
A simplified 1D numerical model C z flux The model in three parts vertical diffusion equation solver with source (reaction) terms (for temperature, oxygen and other solutes) cooling higher sat. conc. °C DO the diffusion equation is solved for any tracer given the BC at the surface and R along the water column. oxygen consumption Tρmax flux z geothermal heat flux source geothermal heat flux oxygen consumption
Thermobaric instability > Key factor driving deep ventilation
A simplified 1D numerical model … it is a matter of feedback Lacustrine systems are regulated by a complex network of feedback loops, controlled by the external forcing Self-consistent procedure to dynamically reconstruct Dz Thermobaric instability > Key factor driving deep ventilation Parameterization of turbulent diffusivity remains a main issue in hydrodynamics modeling
Thanks to S. Somot and C. Dubois (Meteo France)
Calibration Calibration Calibration procedure (ξ, η, cmix and Dz,r) Medium term simulations during the second half of the 20th century: comparison of simulated temperature and oxygen profiles with measured data formation of the CFC profile ( ) unambiguous tracer: non-reactive, high chemical stability [e.g. England, 2001] Objective: numerically reproduce particular conditions of the lake during a specific historical period (1980s- 1990s). Available data: reanalysis dataset the reprocessing of past climate observations combining together data assimilation techniques and numerical modeling (GCMs) ERA-40 datasets: wind speed (W) and air temperature (Ta) every 6 hours from 1958 to 2002 Thanks to S. Somot and C. Dubois (Meteo France) 15
Post-processing (downscaling) is necessary
Calibration Reanalysis data: limitations reanalysis horizontal resolution is too coarse (∼ 100 km x 100 km) for the purpose of many practical applications (mismatch of spatial scales) reanalysis data are often affected by inconsistencies due to the lack of fundamental feedback between the numerous natural processes air temperature is available, but the model requires surface water temperature Post-processing (downscaling) is necessary
Statistical downscaling
Calibration Statistical downscaling Transfer function approach: establishes a relationship between the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of observed local climate variables (predictands) and the CDFs of large-scale GCMs outputs (predictors) Quantile – mapping method [Panofsky and Brier, 1968]: assumption xr = generic climatic variable of re-analysis (W, Ta) Xr,adj = generic climatic variable adjusted CDFr = cumulative distribution function of re-analysis data CDFo = cumulative distribution function of observations [e.g. Minville et al.,2008; Diaz-Nieto and Wilby, 2005; Hay et al., 2000] Drawbacks: it does not include information of future climate patterns it is stationary in the variance and skew of the distribution, and only the mean changes it is not indicated to be applied for climate change analysis
Quantile-mapping approach
Calibration Quantile-mapping approach From reanalysis (large scale) to observations (local scale) Wind: seasonal CDFs Temperature: daily CDFs Wr Wr,adj Ta,r Tw,adj
Calibration Temperature profiles 15th of February 15th of September
CFC and dissolved oxygen profiles
Calibration CFC and dissolved oxygen profiles Mean annual
Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis Sensitivity analysis
Results: an evident deviation from measurements and calibrated solution suggesting that a proper calibration has been achieved no dramatic changes are observed in the behavior of the limnic system indicating the suitability and robustness of the fundamental algorithms Sensitivity analysis Aimed at evaluating the robustness of the calibration and the role played by each of the main parameters of the model. Procedure: a new set of 40-year simulations, changing ξ, η and cmix (one by one) within the interval of ± 50% of the calibrated value. 21
Validation Validation procedure Validation
Limited amount of available information a classical validation of this model with an independent set of data is not possible adjustment phase ∼ 50 – 100 years asymptotic equilibrium T ∼ 3.37°C Indirect validation: long-term simulation, starting from arbitrarily set initial conditions and verifying the achievement of proper equilibrium profiles of the main variables. Initial conditions: isothermal (T=3.98°C) and anoxic profiles (DO=0 mgO2 l-1) Boundary conditions: a series of 1000 years randomly generated from the ERA-40 reanalysis dataset Limited amount of available information (used to obtain a reliable calibration): if the model properly describes the fundamental processes, numerical results are expected to converge toward the actual observed conditions, after an adjustment phase depending on the IC. Same external forcing as those of current conditions numerical results are expected to converge toward the actual observed conditions, after an adjustment phase depending on the IC. 22
Temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles
Validation Temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles 15th of February Mean annual
Main results Characterization of seasonal dynamics
cycle of temperature thickness of the epilimnion diffusivity profile N2, S2 and Ri profiles In-depth analysis of deep ventilation timing of deep ventilation vertical distribution of downwellings main downwelling properties: and energy demand vs. 24
Seasonal cycle of temperature (mean year)
Main results Seasonal cycle of temperature (mean year) Measurements (data courtesy of Prof. A. Wüest, unpublished data) Simulation (1000-year simulation, mean year) Map of residuals (modeled - measured temperature profiles). RMSE ∼ 0.07°C MAE ∼ 0.03°C MaxAE ∼ 0.78°C
Main results Downwelling properties mean annual sinking volume ( ) and temperature ( ) Warm season: smaller and colder events Cold season: larger and warmer events Present model: statistics based on the 1000-year simulation results (long dataset) events beneath 1300 m depth Literature estimates: measurements collected near the bottom short observational periods (from a few years to a decade) significant variability between the single authors (depending on analyzed events) is probably underestimated [Wüest et al., 2005; Schmid et al., 2008] Statistical analysis of these parameters has been allowed thanks to the availability of the long-term series of simulation results
Wind-speed parameterization:
Main results Downwelling properties relationship between and the specific energy required to reach hc Is this a contradictory result? Warm season: smaller and colder events Cold season: larger and warmer events Wind is stronger during the cold season (Oct-Dec) Wind-speed parameterization: is larger during this period … specific energy input ew ew=ξCD0.5W downwelling volume Vd Vd=ηCDW2Δtw ec is higher in winter … and is higher. One would expect colder in winter than in summer Seasonality of ec due to the typical thermal structure of the epilimnion
Thanks to S. Somot and C. Dubois (Meteo France)
Climate change Climate change The aim investigate the future response of the limnic system to climate change estimate the possible impact on deep ventilation The scenarios Constructed on the basis of the outputs from GCMs forced with different greenhouse gases (GHG) concentration projections (IPCC 2007) CMIP5 datasets: wind speed (W) and air temperature (Ta) every 3 hours for the 3 different scenarios (rcp2.6, rcp 4.5 and rcp8.5) and the following periods , and Thanks to S. Somot and C. Dubois (Meteo France) 28
CMIP5 data: limitations
Climate change CMIP5 data: limitations mismatch of spatial scales, simplification of natural phenomena, no information regarding Tw (as for re-analysis data) due to their different derivation, CMIP5 data cannot be considered as the prosecution of the re-analysis series downscaling Coarse resolution, global scale climate patterns compatibility bias in the ascending branch Bias during the whole year
Data processing: downscaling
Climate change Data processing: downscaling Wind speed (W): a novel procedure has been developed, based on the quantile-mapping approach, but also accounts for potential modifications in both intensity and seasonality of wind speed. Air temperature (Ta): a simple lumped model to convert Ta into surface Tw to assess the possible impact on lake temperature (ΔTw) quantile-mapping approach, including ΔTw (delta method) ΔTw Conversion… Air 2 Water Ta,r Tw,adj ΔTw Tw,fut
Temperature profiles Climate change 15th of February 15th of September
Risultati Profili T DO 15th of February 15th of September
Oxygen profiles Climate change
The main changes are expected for the RCP8.5 scenario: evident enhancement of deep water renewal (larger and colder downwelling volumes, strong oxygenation) the major impact is expected from modifications of the wind forcing (intensity and seasonality) Risultati Profili T DO Mean annual
Part 2 Back to the surface
Air2Water Conversion Ta → Tw 1/2 The model The key equation
Tool: a simplified, physically-based multi-parametric model that solves the heat exchanges between lake and air Air2Water Air2Water The model A simple lumped model to convert air temperature (Ta) into surface water temperature (Tw) of lakes model Main forcing factor: air temperature Ta Ta Tw physical parameters Main result: surface water temperature Tw The key equation Heat budget in the well-mixed surface layer physically-based multi-parametric model that solves the heat exchanges between lake and air
1 The heat budget Air2Water
A simplified parameterization of the net heat exchange seasonal forcing (hp. sinusoidal) residual “gradient” with atmosphere residual effect of Tw 1 effect of time-dependent stratification: dimensionless depth of the surface well-mixed layer (Tr is the deep temperature, for dimictic lakes =4°C) Different versions of the model: 8-parameter (pi, i=1..8) 6-parameter (pi, i=1..6) simplified inverse stratification (winter) 4-parameter (pi, i=3..6) seasonal forcing included in the other periodic terms (p4, p5)
An application to Lake Superior (4 par. model)
Air2Water An application to Lake Superior (4 par. model) Selection of parameters based on Nash efficiency index (108 Monte Carlo model realizations with uniform random sampling) calibration validation T air T water model 4 par. model 8 par meas.
… using satellite data Air2Water
T air meas. T water model 4 par. model 8 par meas. (data: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) The model has been applied to other lakes Baikal (Russia), Great Lakes (USA-Canada), Garda (Italy) and Mara (Canada) The model is suitable to reproduce the evolution of Tw at long time scales seasonal, annual, inter-annual hysteresis cycle and inter-annual fluctuations
a simplified numerical model has been developed to simulate deep ventilation and analyze downwelling dynamics in profound lakes (Lake Baikal) Conclusions Conclusions Main results: a simplified numerical model has been developed to simulate deep ventilation in profound lakes (Lake Baikal) the model allows for a suitable description of seasonal lake dynamics and a proper evaluation of downwelling features (e.g and ) some preliminary evidence about the existence of significant feedback loops among the different physical processes has been found (e.g. ec vs ) thanks to its simple structure (low computational cost) and suitable parameterization (necessary to investigate evolving systems) such a model is appropriate to predict long-term dynamics (i.e. climate change scenarios) a novel downscaling procedure and a simple physically-based model to convert air temperature into surface water temperature have been devised, which are suitable to be applied in climate change studies Tools 38
Diatoms viewed through the microscope. Image by Dr. G.T. Taylor
Further activities: further research is expected to explore the coupling of physical and biological processes (e.g. plankton dynamics) further research is needed to better understand the complex network of interactions between the numerous physical processes that take place in the lake the model could be used to investigate the convective dynamics in the other very deep lakes in the world (e.g. Lake Tanganyika, Crater Lake) and possibly also is some deep alpine lakes (e.g.Lake Tahoe, Lake Como, Lake Geneva, Lake Garda) Air2Water is expected to be applied to lakes having different characteristic (e.g. geometry, climate, mixing regime) in order to assess the possible response of the lake to different climate conditions. Light micrograph of diatom Amphorotia hispida discovered in Lake Baikal, Diatoms viewed through the microscope. Image by Dr. G.T. Taylor Lake Garda (Italy)
Thank you Thank you
Mysterious ice circles in the southern basin of Lake Baikal (Nasa Earth Observatory, April 25, 2009; Balkhanov et al., TP 2010)
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