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Job Search COVER LETTERS. 2  YOU = the Product Sell yourself Like a product or a service.

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2 2  YOU = the Product Sell yourself Like a product or a service

3 3 Reader Analysis

4 4 COVER LETTERS  Reader Analysis Reader = unknown Readers = several Readers = different backgrounds Readers = personnel office staff department managers

5 5 COVER LETTERS  Reader Analysis What criteria will they use to evaluate your credentials? How much/little do they want in the letter? What main points will they be hunting for in your resume?

6 6 COVER LETTERS Readers: (1) Read Job Letters in Stacks your letter = 1 in a pile of letters (2) Tired at the end of a busy day at home impatient (with flowery wording)

7 7 COVER LETTERS Readers: (3) Impatient they want fast & easy data retrieval  page design they do not want flowery wording they do not want hard-to-read FONT size/type

8 8 COVER LETTERS Readers: (4) Picky Grammarians expect quality writing expect proofreading no typographical errors no silly mistakes expect solid use of language  quality of writing = quality of work

9 9 COVER LETTERS Readers: (5) Want Attention-Grabbers Don’t use slickness OR gimmicks Do be tasteful, reserved, professional attach a business card stationary =  white, off-white fonts =  traditional size & type white space =  properly used

10 10 ABC Format

11 11 COVER LETTERS Organization = ABC format A B C

12 12 COVER LETTERS ABC: Abstract Apply for a specific job state the position title Refer to your source regarding the job opening friend colleague newspaper advertisement their Web site Briefly state how you can meet the employer’s main needs your qualifications

13 13 COVER LETTERS ABC: Body Specify your understanding of the employer’s main needs Highlight qualifications from your resume that address these needs only “highlight” do not repeat everything that’s on the resume Avoid mentioning your weak points or deficiencies Keep the Body paragraphs short 6 or fewer lines

14 14 COVER LETTERS ABC: Body Use bulleted or numbered lists to draw attention to 3 or 4 main points Maintain the “you” point-of-view KISS be clear & concise use clear prose Remain professional Develop a unity & coherence (flow) to your letter

15 15 COVER LETTERS ABC: Conclusion Tie the letter together with a main theme or selling point as in a “sales letter” Refer to your attached résumé Explain how & when the readers can contact you to schedule an interview

16 16 COVER LETTERS PLEASE NOTE: Despite the ABC format, Cover Letters are still letters NOT memos So design them as letters

17 17 COVER LETTERS PLEASE NOTE: So design them as “business letters” Block, Semi-Block, Modified-Block style

18 18 COVER LETTERS PLEASE NOTE: So design them as “business letters” Contact information Your name, address, & contact info Recipient’s name, address, & contact info

19 19 COVER LETTERS PLEASE NOTE: So design them as “business letters” Salutation: Proper Title + Full Name + Job Title: To Whom It May Concern: colon, not comma No headings Closing Remark: Sincerely, Respectfully, Don’t forget to sign it!

20 20 Writing Process

21 21 COVER LETTERS 1. SELL YOURSELF determine & tout your qualifications 2. Complete a Reader Analysis know your readers 3. Follow the ABC Format 4. KISS 5. Keep it Professional 6. Proofread!

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