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LPISD Acceptable Use Guidelines 2010-2011. La Porte ISD students are fortunate to have access to a wide variety of technology to help make learning more.

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Presentation on theme: "LPISD Acceptable Use Guidelines 2010-2011. La Porte ISD students are fortunate to have access to a wide variety of technology to help make learning more."— Presentation transcript:

1 LPISD Acceptable Use Guidelines 2010-2011

2 La Porte ISD students are fortunate to have access to a wide variety of technology to help make learning more interesting and engaging. With this privilege comes some responsibilities. This presentation will explain the guidelines which students must follow in order to adhere to the LPISD Acceptable Use Guidelines.

3 All students and their parents/guardians are required to sign an AUG contract in order for the student to access the LPISD network. This document was included in the registration packet and is kept on file in the school administration office.

4 Students who refuse to sign the required AUG document or who violate district acceptable use policy shall be subject to loss or restriction of the privilege of using equipment, software, or other technology resources.

5 LPISD reserves the right to access any user folder at any time. All internet sites visited will be logged and can be reviewed for compliance with the La Porte ISD Acceptable Use Guidelines.

6 What is Acceptable Use?

7 DO: Use LPISD technology resources for * educational use

8 DON’T: Use LPISD technology resources for * commercial use * political lobbying * bullying or threatening

9 DO: * Keep account information private * Take care of district network resources and equipment

10 DON’T: * Share account information with anyone for any reason * Modify another person’s data * Change computer or account settings * Damage equipment

11 DO: * Conserve bandwidth * Use network resources to complete the activities assigned by your teacher

12 DON’T: * Stream music * Stream video * Play non-educational games * Slow down the network in any way

13 DO: * Cite your sources * Use quotes and graphics for educational purposes * Always give credit

14 DON’T: * Use borrowed material as your own * Plagiarize Violations of copyright and intellectual property are violations of LAW

15 DO: * Use material from reliable, accurate sources * Access material that complies with the LPISD AUG * Immediately exit material that is not appropriate

16 DON’T: * Use material that is inaccurate or out-of- date * Access material that is abusive, obscene, discriminatory or threatening * Share or discuss material that is not appropriate

17 CONSEQUENCES * Loss of network privileges * Disciplinary action * Appropriate legal action

18 What does AUG mean? Why do we have an AUG?

19 Your friend has forgotten their password. They ask to use yours. What do you do? What should your friend do?

20 During PLATO, a classmate is listening to music while completing the lesson. Is this acceptable? Why or why not?

21 While researching a topic for a project, you find an entertaining site by someone named Mack Smack. Is it okay to use this site as a reference? Why or why not?

22 While researching a topic for your government class, you find a helpful web site maintained by the University of Texas School of Law. Is it okay to use this site as a reference? Why or why not?

23 A friend has a demo copy of a game you have been dying to play. He brings it to school on a thumb drive and downloads it to the student Y: drive for you to make a copy. Is this acceptable? Why or why not?

24 You found the perfect photo online for your Biology project. You copy it into your paper and give information about who took the photo and where you found it online. Is this acceptable? Why or why not?

25 Your teacher discovers that you are watching a video about skateboarding. The assignment he gave you is on the diet of frogs. He removes you from the computer and hands you an encyclopedia to work from. Is this acceptable? Why or why not?

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