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The Frances Bardsley Academy for Girls Key Stage 4 "Gladly Lerne Gladly Teche"

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Presentation on theme: "The Frances Bardsley Academy for Girls Key Stage 4 "Gladly Lerne Gladly Teche""— Presentation transcript:

1 The Frances Bardsley Academy for Girls Key Stage 4 "Gladly Lerne Gladly Teche"

2 Welcome Introductions A new key stage The summer results GCSEs and the future

3 Vision and Values Gladly Lerne, gladly teche Our Values Tradition Innovation Community Achievement

4 A Good Learner Reflective Creative Articulate Resilient Empathetic Risk taking Self Aware

5 The Year Ahead

6 Curriculum Linear examination system Re-sits Challenging pass rates

7 Controlled Assessment Replaced coursework Fairness and equity Time Low and High control Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Drama English Language & Literature Geography History ICT MFL (French & German) Music Physics Physical Education

8 Spelling, punctuation and grammar Students will be marked on the accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar and their use of specialist terminology. Extended writing Five per cent of the total marks

9 Importance Opportunity to achieve Display excellence Not just a stepping stone to post-16 education Competition

10 Practical Help Online and downloadable exercises focusing on SPaG s/gcsebitesize/ s/gcsebitesize/ http://www.s- se-revision se-revision

11 Winners of Innovation in ICT, Bett 2014 Trusted in over 400 Secondary Schools in the UK Make Homework Outstanding in 2014

12 How does it work?

13 /

14 Organisation – avoid those detentions Personalised to do list Stay organised Consistently meet deadlines


16 Attendance Good attendance is directly linked to good achievement. Government data shows that only 35% of pupils with poor attendance (less than 85%) achieve 5 GCSEs, including English and Maths, at grade C or above. However, for pupils whose attendance is 95% or more this figure rises to 73%.

17 Punctuality 15 mins detention 30 mins detention Head / SLT hour detention Inclusion If your daughter is ‘only’ five minutes late every morning: 5 x 190 days = 950 minutes per school year 950 minutes per school year = nearly 16 hours of schooling 16 hours of schooling = 16 hours of valuable lesson time = more than 3 whole days!!

18 Behaviour & Expectations Follow rules. Avoid distractions. Always come to lesson with correct equipment. Complete homework on time and to the best of ability. Positive frame of mind.

19 Developing the whole pupil Extra-curricular opportunities School clubs Trips Expeditions Work experience

20 Aiming High Challenge Resilience Support Success

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