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Iaorana! Welcome to Bernadette’s Family Newsletter and Web Pages! Eaha Te Parau Api! Bernadette Sarcione Publisher Eaha Te Parau Api is published monthly.

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Presentation on theme: "Iaorana! Welcome to Bernadette’s Family Newsletter and Web Pages! Eaha Te Parau Api! Bernadette Sarcione Publisher Eaha Te Parau Api is published monthly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iaorana! Welcome to Bernadette’s Family Newsletter and Web Pages! Eaha Te Parau Api! Bernadette Sarcione Publisher Eaha Te Parau Api is published monthly for the pleasure and enjoyment of our family and friends all over the world. First Edition. Copyright March 2006. First Edition. Copyright March 2006. Richard Sarcione Suzanne Sarcione Oea Tauraatua Richard Sarcione Suzanne Sarcione Oea Tauraatua Editor Island News Youth and Sports Editor Island News Youth and Sports

2 Bernadette’s Family Newsletter Eaha te parau api! What’s New! Bernadette’s Family Newsletter Eaha te parau api! What’s New! Suzanne Marie’s 36 th Birthday Fete on March 3, 2006! Suzanne Marie’s 36 th Birthday Fete on March 3, 2006! The early morning calm of the waves breaking on our barrier reef was interupted by the sudden thundering roar of Bernadette’s wake up call scattering the flock of red jungle fowl roosting on the trees behind our apartment. "Dick!, Oea!, Tevai! Off your butts and on your feet! Breakfast is on the table!’’ "We have many things to do today to prepare Suzanne’s birthday party tonight! " "Tevai will sweep the floor with the broom niau and help me prepare the food!" "I’m cooking Suzanne’s favorite menu tonight. " "Oea will bike into Uturoa and pick up the groceries, ice cream,soft drinks, and fresh bread. " Don’t forget to buy your mother a new pair of savates / flip-flops for her birthday present!’’ Bernadette said looking at Oea. "Ask the counter girls to gift wrap them for you!" "I’ll order the birthday cake from my cousin and ask him to deliver it this afternoon before six pm.’’ ---/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////--- ‘‘Dinner is served! ’’ Bernadette called out to Suzanne-Marie, her Tane, Oea, Tevai, and Papy Dick rushing to take a chair around the dining room table. ‘‘Tonight we have Suzanne’s favorite menu!’’ ‘‘An oven baked Italian style ground beef loaf in tomato sauce with bacon and mushrooms!’’ ‘‘Buttered Thai corn and French potato puree!’’ ‘‘I’ll make the before dinner prayer!’’ She said giving everyone her famous angelic smile. Page 1..

3 ‘‘Let me do it ! Papy / Grandfather Dick.’’ Tevai called out snatching the box of matches and filling the dining room with the warm orange glow of Suzanne’s candles perched atop her chocolate and whipped cream layer birthday cake. ‘‘ Make a wish and blow out the candles when we finish your birthday song!’’ Bernadette whispered to her daughter taking a deep breath. ‘‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! ’’ ‘‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! SUZANNE- MARIE!’’ ‘‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!’’ It was close to midnight when the last birthday gift was opened and the last plate of chocolate cake and ice cream was devoured. When Papy Dick finished washing his mountain of pots, pans, and dishes; everyone went to bed under the silver gray light of a smiling moon, fell into a deep sleep to the soothing rumble of the waves breaking on our barrier reef, and dreamed of dancing spinner dolphins celebrating Suzanne’s birthday joy with us. Page 2.

4 Our 8 year old adopted grandaughter Tevai holding up a Dragon Fan from Hong Kong. A Good Luck Birthday Gift to Suzanne Marie from her best friend Hinano from Bora Bora. Tevai belongs to Tamari’i Uturoa Dance Group performing on the TAHITIAN PRINCESS and PAUL GAUGUIN Cruise Ships. Inter-island News! Tahitian Watermelon Farmers bring their delicious red fruit by interisland freighter from Huahine and sell them cash and carry from their pickup trucks in downtown Uturoa. Page 3.

5 We invite our family and friends to E-mail us news and photos we will post on my Reader’s Page. We also invite E-mail and photos from our tourists who spent a holiday in Tahiti and her Islands, went on a tour with Suzanne or Bernadette, and and would like to share their experiences with us. Your letters should be on WORD,12 pt Times New Roman and digital photos should be compressed for Web Pages. We’ll edit or excerpt from your letters to fit our electronic newsletter! Reader’s Page! We invite our family and friends to E-mail us news and photos we will post on my Reader’s Page. We also invite E-mail and photos from our tourists who spent a holiday in Tahiti and her Islands, went on a tour with Suzanne or Bernadette, and and would like to share their experiences with us. Your letters should be on WORD,12 pt Times New Roman and digital photos should be compressed for Web Pages. We’ll edit or excerpt from your letters to fit our electronic newsletter! Stelino Matuanui Sarcione and his Family Stelino Matuanui Sarcione and his Family My son, Stelino, 38 years old lives in Moorea with his wife Sylvana and his two sons Matuanui, 17 years old and Raheinui 12 years old. Sylvana works for the Social Service at the Mayors Office on Moorea. Stelino is a fine Island Carpenter making custom made kitchen cabinets, tables, and furniture from New Zealand Kauri wood and Melamine. Stelino built a Cabinet Shop behind his home where he and two Tahitian employees cut and assemble their fine cabinetry. The finished cabinets are transported in their flat bed truck and installed in their clients new homes on Moorea and Tahiti. Stelino and his family are active in their Tahitian Protestant Church on weekends. Oea’s father Marc Oea Tauraatua lives in Tahiti where he works at Tahiti Faaa Airport as a Security Agent. Marc lives with his new Vahine Melinda a hotel receptionist in Papeete. Oea and Marc share a interest in boxing and body fittness. Oea splits his school vacations with his father Marc in Tahiti and his mother Suzanne in Raiatea. We’ll say Parahai! / Goodbye in Tahitian until our next newsletter! Look forward to your visiting our Web Page Site in April! Bernadette! page 5

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