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Partogram and Obstructed Labour H

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1 Partogram and Obstructed Labour H
Partogram and Obstructed Labour H. Gee MD, FRCOG Consultant Obstetrician

2 When is a Woman in Labour?

3 Good Management of Labour

4 First StagePatterns of Aberrance
Three types These are NOT diagnoses SIGNS Only Secondary Arrest correlates with recognised pathology CPD about 30-40% What of the rest Some will respond to augmentation overcome CPD improved rotation/flexion PDL Powers Abnormal mechanisms/de-flexion ???? cervix

5 Patterns of Aberrance Prolonged Latent Phase
Slow cervical dilatation before Active Phase established 20 hrs Nullips & 14 hrs Multips Primary Dysfunctional Labour Progress< 1 cm/hr before Active Phase slope established Incidence: Nullips 26%, Multips 8% Secondary Arrest Cessation after normal active phase dilatation Incidence: Nullips 6%, Multips 2% Classical definitions A lot of speculation about pathology causing these

Invented in Africa 1960’s Identify delay Identify increasing risk To determine place of delivery No comparative or controlled trials Common sense value recognised

7 Active Phase Cervicograms - Philpott & Castle
10 8 6 4 2 Alert Line Action Line Cervical Dilatation (cms,) Time (hrs.) Philpott Rhodesia ? Ethnic differences - some evidence to say so

8 WHO Partograph Study Reduced incidence of prolonged labour (8.3% vs 4.5%) Decreased need for augmentation (32% vs 13%) Increased spont vag del (74% vs 78%) Decreased caesarean section (9.8% vs 6.8%) * Effect of fixed management policy - not so much the Partogram Reduced prolonged labour Decreased oxytocin use CORRECT D OF LABOUR Increased spont. Delivery CS improvement does not reach sta. Sig. Lancet 1994 343; (Nullips) * not Statistically Sig

9 Why not done? Result from Malawi audit

10 Partograph assessment by progress of labour and augmentation, by type of facility Results from Malawi audit

11 Second Stage Descent Rotation Duration Passive Active(Pushing)

12 Current situation Midwife tells you CS needed Problems Is she right?
Do you understand the problem & implications. Are there alternatives? e.g. forceps/vacuum in second stage

13 New situation You are team leader because of this course When called
You assess patient Power/passages /passenger You improve care by whole team

14 Parity & Obstruction Nulliparous Inertia Multiparous Uterine Rupture

15 COMPONENTS OF LABOUR The powers The passages The passenger
Uterine contractions The passages bony pelvis, and soft tissues The passenger fetus

16 Powers Essential for good progress Assessed by Palpation
Cervical Dilatation Flexion Rotation Assessed by Palpation Frequency 3-5 in 10 min. Augmented by Oxytocin & Amniotomy

17 The Passages Bony pelvis Absolute cephalo-pelvic disproportion
Kyphosis, Scoliosis, poliomyelitis, maternal dwarfism, ricketts, pelvic fracture. Soft tissue fibroids, ovarian tumour, pelvic kidney, fat, cervical stenosis, cervical cancer, vaginal\vulval atresia, vaginal septum.

18 The Passages Disproportion Head Not Engaged CS essential PPH
> 4/5 Palpable abdominally VE: high head, caput+++, moulding+++ CS essential PPH Risk increased in Prolonged/Obstructed labour

19 The Passenger-1 Large Fetus Idiopathic Pathologic macrosomia,
Increasing Parity Pathologic macrosomia, diabetes Fetal abnormalities hydrocephalus conjoined twins hydrops fetalis

20 The Passenger-2 Malposition Malpresentation Occipito-Posterior
Mento-Posterior Malpresentation compound presentations shoulder brow face

21 Signs of Obstruction Maternal Fetal Tachycardia Pyrexia Ketosis
Dehydration Fetal Fetal heart rate abnormalities

22 Treatment General Specific Re-hydration
Anti-biotics (if infection suspected) Specific According to diagnosis Caesarean section

23 Caesarean Section in Obstruction
Cesarean Section Problems Impacted head – dis-impact before start PPH IV sytno/ergometrine/misoprostol ready Bladder Injury Leave catheter in for 10 days if blood stained Infection IV antibiotics

24 Post delivery Reflective practise- team leader

25 Improve Partogram Use 4 hourly ward rounds/teaching
Critical incident review What was wrong? Audit Change Re-audit

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