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Pens, Paper, … & Cell Phones? Examining how modern technology can enhance learning in the classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Pens, Paper, … & Cell Phones? Examining how modern technology can enhance learning in the classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pens, Paper, … & Cell Phones? Examining how modern technology can enhance learning in the classroom

2 To Do On a blank piece of paper, set up the following: Ways technology has contributed to education Ways technology has disrupted education Technology you would like introduced or used more in education

3 Smart Rooms? Like the movie “Smart House,” a smart house or room uses ambient intelligence (or utilizes technology) to increase the range of services a building can provide for its occupants QwgLEA QwgLEA

4 Let’s Make Our School ‘Smarter’ Brainstorm a list of different distinct areas that might benefit from becoming ‘smarter’ Now, in small groups, pick a room & complete the following: ◦1. Take notes on the layout & current uses of the room ◦2. What technology is already in place & how is it utilized to meet those goals? Is it effective? Can it be improved upon? ◦3. What other needs/goals might be met in this location that might be enhanced by technology? ◦4. How would you design this room/area to efficiently use space/technology/& allow access? ◦Would you want to go to a school like this? OR here? learning-hits-n-j-high-school-in-form-of-virtual-classrooms/ learning-hits-n-j-high-school-in-form-of-virtual-classrooms/

5 Specific Technologies Now, pick one device (cell phone, music player, game device, camera, iPad, chromebook, etc) ◦Choose 1 academic subject area to focus on. Design an activity that uses technology in a way that is relevant to the subject. ◦Your activity must: ◦1. State an objective including the lesson subject, skill & role of technology ◦2. Indicate how the activity will be presented to the class (explain in writing) ◦3. Include a sample assignment that uses the technology

6 Discussion Questions 1. Is it ever acceptable to answer a cell phone in class? If so, when? 2. Should cell phone use in school ever have been a ‘big deal’? 3. Did administrators initially treat cell phones with suspicion & distrust merely because they were slow to adapt to new realities or are there good reasons why institutions should look upon cell phones warily? 4. What are the ethical implications of changing a rule merely because it has become unenforceable? What is the alternative?

7 Questions continued 5. Do students really need cell phones for learning? 6. In your opinion do cell phones enhance or distract from learning objectives? 7. How should schools respond to cell phone violations, such as unauthorized classroom use?

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