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Teamwork Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress;

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Presentation on theme: "Teamwork Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teamwork Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success. Henry Ford Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

2 Where are we going? Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

4 What Is a Vertical Team? A Vertical Team is a group of teachers from different grade levels in a given discipline who work cooperatively to develop and implement a vertically aligned program aimed at helping students acquire the academic skills necessary for success. Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

5 Why Vertical Teams? Teachers meet and share curriculum ideas and teaching strategies Enhances skill development and creates a “seamless” curriculum Makes rigorous academic work accessible to more students Introduces critical academic skills in earlier grades Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

6 Goal: Create Students who are College and Career Ready
Students who are college and career ready in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language will: •Demonstrate independence •Build strong content knowledge •Respond to the varying demands of audience, task purpose, and discipline Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

7 •Comprehend as well as critique •Value evidence
•Use technology and digital media strategically and capably •Come to understand other perspectives and cultures Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

8 Building the Vertical Team
Successful vertical teams have: Administrative support Vision and rationale Frequent meetings with planned agendas Voluntary, inclusive membership Willingness to share ideas and strategies with all faculty Middle school participation Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

9 Establishing aVertical Team
Select an effective team leader who can facilitate the work of the Vertical Team. Create and implement a curricular plan of action. Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

10 Major Activities Identify and develop curriculum strategies.
Vertically align curriculum toward the Common Core Standards. Assess student progress toward the Common Core Standards. Share effective classroom strategies and resources. Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

11 Steps to Building a Team
Initial meeting - explain the concept, sign-up teachers who wish to participate, set date for first team meeting: (Nov. 6) Second meeting - identify skills/concepts critical to student success by grade level Additional meetings - set up vertical curriculum - build one skill per meeting Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

12 Meeting Goals Write a mission statement Set goals for the year
At the first meeting of each year, invite all members of the discipline to join the team Set the dates/time for all meetings for the year at the first meeting (March?) Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

13 Steps for team building (cont.)
Continue meetings even when attendance lags Keep everyone informed of meeting activities Allow time for team-building experiences (refreshments) - share successes, air grievances, use these experiences to build your vision for success Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

14 Continue the team building
Meet at least 4 times per year Meet at different schools each time Remember P. T. Barnum, not everyone will come every time, but someone will come every time Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

15 Keep it going! Revise goals each year
Review and revise mission statement each year Review and revise curriculum alignment each year Don’t expect immediate effects - give it five years Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

16 The Time Has Come! “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.” –Victor Hugo Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

17 Teamwork Coming together is a beginning; Keeping together is progress;
Working together is success. Henry Ford Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

18 Resources Common Core Standards Initiative
Florida Common Core Standards Initiative Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

19 Contact Information Joy Patterson English Vertical Team Consultant Melbourne Central Catholic High School 100 E. Florida Ave. Melbourne, FL 32901 Telephone: (321) Fax:(321) Joy Patterson, English Vertical Team Consultant

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