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The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Our Vision To fulfill our role in Guelph and the world. To have each person fully engaged.

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Presentation on theme: "The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Our Vision To fulfill our role in Guelph and the world. To have each person fully engaged."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Our Vision To fulfill our role in Guelph and the world. To have each person fully engaged and being used by God to fulfill their unique calling. To raise up successive generations who hunger to give their lives to Jesus and see the Kingdom come. Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed.

2 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Spiritual Warfare V– Recap Recap 1.Like it or not we exist in a Spiritual Conflict. 2.The conflict started (Genesis 3) not with Adam and Eve being overpowered fight but with deception! (John 8:32) 3.Major deception is the we see ourselves as King not God. 4.Forgotten our Mission –Make disciples and Rescue the lost and Reconcile them to Jesus. (Matthew 28:16-20) 5.Just as Jesus left His Spirit with His disciples so he has left his Spirit with us ensuring we go about the task with His presence in us! (Colossian 1:27)

3 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Spiritual Warfare V– Recap 6.The enemy’s intention is to always draw us into sin because sin separates us from relationship with God who is the source of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17) 7.Repentance and forgiveness are most critical elements of breaking the enemy’s power because they restore us into Relationship with our loving heavenly father and remove the enemy’s right of accusation. 8.Oppression or Demonization is not demonic “possession” but means “under the influence of” Temptation, Sin or Sin against us FootholdHandholdStronghold

4 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Spiritual Warfare V– Demonic Oppression How do they get “in, on, around” to influence? Occult back ground (Idolatry)– Exodus 20:2-6 Personal Occult background - Deut 18:10-12, I Sam16, 28 Prenatal Influences Soulish Domination - Manipulation Generation Inheritances Pressures in early childhood Sin “against” us “Momentary” point of weakness or exposure Sinful acts or habits

5 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Spiritual Warfare V– Demonic Oppression Characteristic activities of Demons Entice Harass Torment Enslave Addiction (Entice +Enslave) Defile Deceive –Pride opens the door to deception Weaken, Make Sick, Tired or Kill Temptation, Sin or Sins against us FootholdHandholdStronghold Demonized People Lack Peace in some area of Life

6 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Spiritual Warfare V– Demonic Oppression How do we get delivered? Be Humble Be Honest Confess our Sin (1John 1:9) Repent of our Sins Break with Sinful, relationships, practices, behaviors Forgiveness towards others Temptation, Sin or Sins against us FootholdHandholdStronghold Forgiveness Confession & Repentance Relationally invite God into the Freedom Journey

7 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Spiritual Warfare V– Demonic Oppression Why are some “not delivered” Lack of Confession & Repentance Lack of Forgiveness Self Centeredness – Desire for attention Not Separated by the waters of Baptism Part of a larger Battle – Need corporate support

8 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. Spiritual Warfare V– Demonic Oppression How do we keep our Deliverance? Make Jesus King of all areas of life (Matthew 12:34-45) Put on a Garment of Praise (Isaiah 61:3) Put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:13-17) Live by God’s Word (John 8:32) Fact- Word of God Faith- Believe the facts Feeling – Submit to fact Submit to Jesus and resist the Satan (James 4:7) Cultivate the right Relationships (II Cor 6:14-18)

9 The Guelph Vineyard Love God. Love People. Lives Transformed. When you Pray for Someone …. Ask..”What is God doing?” Let them answer Let’s ask God what He wants to say about this Let them Respond Listen Affirm and pray Tongues Encourage and releasing the spirit Thanks Identity established in Christ “More Lord” Back to our identity His identity His love and presence Don’t try to coach and teach

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