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TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Large Force Standards and Dissemination by using Build-up System Force.

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Presentation on theme: "TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Large Force Standards and Dissemination by using Build-up System Force."— Presentation transcript:

1 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Large Force Standards and Dissemination by using Build-up System Force and Torque Metrology for the Sustainable Development In South American Industries Dr. Dae-Im Kang, TC-3 Chairman

2 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Contents  Introduction  Deadweight and hydraulic force standard machines  Build-up system  Build-up force standard machine  Large force dissemination by using build-up system  Summary

3 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Industries in South America  General Index in Economic Conditions(2004)  Industrial Structure Population (Million) GDP (mUSD) Trading (mUSD) Brazil181604,870159,240 Argentina38151,29856,775 Chile15.990,80054,956 Agriculture Forestry Stockbreeding Mining Industry (Iron, Aluminum) Food industry Textile industry Iron industry Automobile industry Aircraft industry 30 % of GDP

4 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Needs of Large Force in South America  High economic growth  1 st industries  2 nd industries  Increase of high technology industries  Increase of heavy industries  Needs of accurate measurement  Needs of high capacity measurement

5 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Deadweight Force Standard Machines KRISS 100 kN DFSM PTB 2 MN DFSM KRISS 500 kN DFSM

6 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Deadweight Force Standards (1) Deadweights Loading frame Force measuring device under calibration Force by gravitational field (g) : local gravitational acceleration : density of air : density of deadweight : Force : mass of weight

7 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Deadweight Force Standards (2)  Most accurate force standard machine (2x10 -5 )  High cost and size for large force  Deadweight force standard machines in the world  4 MN : NIST(USA)  2 MN : PTB(Germany)  1 MN : PTB(Germany), NPL(UK), IMGC(Italy), NIM(China) …  500 kN : KRISS(Korea), NMIJ(Japan), NMIA(Australia), LNE(France), CEM(Spain) …

8 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Hydraulic Force Standard Machines KRISS 2 MN HFSM PTB 16.5 MN HFSM

9 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Hydraulic Force Standards (1) m Control system Unsealed Force transducer working system Leakage Oil Measuring system (pressure balance)

10 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Hydraulic Force Standards (2)  Amplification of force (Q) by hydraulic system  Amplification factor : 200 ~ 1000  Relative Uncertainty : 1x10 -4  Possibility of large force standards  Complex technology and still high cost  Hydraulic force standard machines in the world  20 MN : NMIJ(Japan), NIM(China)  16.5 MN : PTB(Germany)  5 MN : PTB(Germany)  2 MN : KRISS(Korea)

11 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Economic Way for Large Force Deadweight Force Standards Hydraulic Force Standards High cost and size High cost and complex technique Needs of more economic and effective way to generate large force

12 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Build-up Force Measuring System  Three equal force transducers loaded in parallel  Force measurement capability increased to three times  Calibration of each force transducer in a deadweight or a hydraulic force machines  Evaluation of the build-up system  Used in combination the output have to be added or averaged Force transducer F Load button Middle platen Base platen 120 o FT B 120 o FT C FT A x y

13 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Build-up Force Standards (1) Pump Upper compression head Column Cylinder Oil Force measuring device to be calibrated Pressure sensor Motor Ram O-ring Build-up system

14 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Build-up Force Standards (2)  Force comparator with the reference of build-up force measuring system  Easy way to reach large force  Relative uncertainty : 2x10 -4  Build-up force standard machines in the world  30 MN : NPL(UK)  10 MN : KRISS(Korea)  9 MN : LNE(France)

15 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 10 MN Build-up FSM in KRISS

16 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Uncertainty of Build-up FSM  Uncertainty of the build-up system (%)  Repeatability  0.00298  Resolution  0.00005  Interpolation  0.00007  Zero recovery  0.00088  Temperature variation  0.00012  Creep  0.00277  Long term sensitivity drift  0.00289  Reference force  0.005  Combines uncertainty : 0.00712  Uncertainty due to servo control (%)  Repeatability  0.00048  Deviation from target value  0.00025  Resolution  0.00004  Combined uncertainty : 0.00054  Expanded uncertainty of build-up FSM (%)  0.01428  Declination of 0.02 %

17 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Comparison with 2 MN Hydraulic FSM Relative deviation < 0.005 %

18 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Large Force in Industries, Korea 30 MN Pot-bearing Testing Machine  Increase of heavy industries  Needs of larger force  Needs for evaluation of mechanical components such as pot bearings  Testing machines with capacities greater than 10 MN  15 testing machines in Korea

19 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Large Force Dissemination using B.U. 10 MN Build-up Force Standard Machine Calibration of 10 MN Force Transducer Establishment of 30 MN Build-up system Dissemination of large force up to 30 MN 30 MN Build-up system

20 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Summary  Build-up system  Parallel combination of force transducers  Capability of large force measurement  Build-up force standard machine  Force comparator with the reference force from build- up system  Easy and economic way to establish large force standards  Large force dissemination by using build-up system  Large force up to 3 times of the force standards

21 TC3 Workshop, IMEKO XVIII World Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 19, 2006 Thank you for your attention!

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