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THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION The Reformation. Show the schism Judaism 1. Modern 2. Orthodox 3. 4. Christianity Lutherans Calvinists Methodists Wesleyans.

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2 Show the schism Judaism 1. Modern 2. Orthodox 3. 4. Christianity Lutherans Calvinists Methodists Wesleyans Anglican Episcopalian Anabaptist Islam 1. Sunni 2. Shi’a 3. Sufi 4.

3 Catholic Church Founded ≈ 30 CE Ideas of Jesus Christ & Peter Catholic Main Ideas  The Pope is the leader of the faith  Purgatory is a major belief  Confession of sin to a clergy member Geographic area influenced:?????

4 Lutheran Church Founded 1517 CE Ideas of Martin Luther Protestant Main Ideas  To reform the Catholic Church  Prohibit the sale of indulgences  Church services and the bible are in the vernacular Geographic area influenced:?????

5 1. Fill out the following information about the Lutherans: Purpose:  To reform the already existing Catholic Church Salvation is achieved through:  Faith The only source for religious truth is:  The Bible Reforms:  1. Prohibition of the sale of indulgences and viewing of relics  2. Church services and the bible are in the vernacular  3. Focus on biblical teachings, not traditions

6 2. The inquisition was _______ during the Protestant Reformation Inquisition – “trials” performed by the Catholic Church to prevent heresy and non-Catholic beliefs Trials were fair? Torture? The inquisition was strengthened during the Protestant Reformation

7 Calvinists Founded 1517 CE Ideas of Martin Luther Protestant Main Ideas  To reform the Catholic Church  Prohibit the sale of indulgences  Church services and the bible are in the vernacular Geographic area influenced:?????

8 Anglican Founded 1517 CE Ideas of Martin Luther Protestant Main Ideas  To reform the Catholic Church  Prohibit the sale of indulgences  Church services and the bible are in the vernacular Geographic area influenced:?????

9 6. Fill out the following information relating to the ________________. Peace of Augsburg A treaty that divided Europe religiously.  Northern Europe would become… Protestant  Southern Europe would remain… Roman Catholic * Each Ruler gets to choose the religion of their kingdom.

10 Anabaptist Founded 1517 CE Ideas of Martin Luther Protestant Main Ideas  To reform the Catholic Church  Prohibit the sale of indulgences  Church services and the bible are in the vernacular Geographic area influenced:?????

11 The ________ were also known as the __________________. The Jesuits were also known as the Society of Jesus. The Jesuits were founded by Ignatius of Loyola.

12 3. Fill out the following information about the Jesuits: Purpose:  To reform the already existing Catholic Church Salvation is achieved through:  Faith and good works The only source for religious truth is:  Church Tradition Reforms:  1. Seminary  2. Sermons and bibles are in the vernacular  3. Focus on biblical teachings, not traditions

13 7. Fill out the following information relating to the Protestants Northern Europe, Scandinavia England Switzerland, Scotland, Parts of France

14 Daily Review 1. Compare your notes with those of your partner. 2. Fix any discrepancies.

15 Before you leave… 1. Compare your notes with those of your partner. 2. Fix any discrepancies.

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