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Group & Team Dynamic Objectives (pg 168-180) Identify 5 characteristics of effective teams?Identify 5 characteristics of effective teams? List the four.

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Presentation on theme: "Group & Team Dynamic Objectives (pg 168-180) Identify 5 characteristics of effective teams?Identify 5 characteristics of effective teams? List the four."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group & Team Dynamic Objectives (pg 168-180) Identify 5 characteristics of effective teams?Identify 5 characteristics of effective teams? List the four stages of team development?List the four stages of team development? Breakdown 3 primary concerns of most team membersBreakdown 3 primary concerns of most team members Explain how you can run an effective meeting?Explain how you can run an effective meeting?

2 Team Collection of individuals who are identified by others & themselves as a group who work together to accomplish a common goalCollection of individuals who are identified by others & themselves as a group who work together to accomplish a common goal Each member’s conduct affects the actions of all team membersEach member’s conduct affects the actions of all team members Team dynamics- unique talents of each individual to achieve shared goalTeam dynamics- unique talents of each individual to achieve shared goal

3 Characteristics of Effective Teams 1.Goals 2.Rules 3.Roles 4.Communication 5.Participation

4 Goals Know your target, you have a much better chance of hitting itKnow your target, you have a much better chance of hitting it (SMART)(SMART) Specific / Measurable /Action /Realistic & Relevant / Time based Specific / Measurable /Action /Realistic & Relevant / Time based

5 Rules Guideline for membership, conduct, performanceGuideline for membership, conduct, performance –Group rules –External rules

6 Roles Specific job or task assigned to a team Roles can shift-need not be permanent

7 Communication Teams need to know what’s happening Objective, honest, focused on team goal—not personal matters=ability to do job Constructive criticism encourages performance improvement

8 Participation Participation = balanced Focus on performance & collective improvement Work of the team as a whole comes first Members build on each other’s strengths & make up for any weaknesses

9 Team Dynamics leader or coach has a major influence on team dynamics One of the team leader’s most important tasks is Preventing distractions from interfering w/team’s work

10 4 Stages of Team Development according to Tuckman’s model:according to Tuckman’s model: orming torming orming erforming Graphics courtesy of

11 Forming Stage meet & begin to create relationships among themselves & their leadermeet & begin to create relationships among themselves & their leader defer decisions to their leaderdefer decisions to their leader limited commitmentlimited commitment concerned about futureconcerned about future Trust not yet developedTrust not yet developed focus on task rather than long-term goals or resultsfocus on task rather than long-term goals or results

12 Storming Stage Personalities clash as try to overcome tendency to focus on their needs communication may be unproductive, or even damaging Some may be unwilling to accept group rules or norms Some may confront each other or the leader Unwilling to fully trust one another

13 Norming Stage begins to work together as a wholebegins to work together as a whole result of leader’s patience, guidance, & role modeling, team members begin to see the advantages of teamworkresult of leader’s patience, guidance, & role modeling, team members begin to see the advantages of teamwork Trust grows: members share experiences, training, & activitiesTrust grows: members share experiences, training, & activities Give each other feedback, share thoughts & ideasGive each other feedback, share thoughts & ideas Standards & shared work ethic developStandards & shared work ethic develop Support one another & differences become less divisiveSupport one another & differences become less divisive Team spirit emergesTeam spirit emerges

14 Performing Stage Team works at its best “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts” Team’s vision, roles, and processes are clear Communication is open Communication is open Members feel free to share their own views They have a high degree of trust in their leader and each other Focus is on continuing to improve performance rather than simply on completing a task Thinking about long-term goals They make up for gaps in each other’s skills and knowledge & help each other learn

15 Miracle on Ice 1980 Olympic Games Coach Brooks “This moment is yours. When you pull on that jersey, you represent yourself and your teammates. And the name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back! Get that through your head!”


17 Running an Effective Meeting Running an Effective Meeting important team-building toolimportant team-building tool Poorly run meetings waste everyone’s timePoorly run meetings waste everyone’s time Points to consider: Decide if appropriate Can be canceled: does team really need to meet? Can an e-mail do the job? Are key decision makers available? Does it need to be rescheduled? Define purpose Decide whom to invite Decide when and where Plan how you’ll record information Send out agenda Start on time & follow the agenda

18 Concerns of most team members Concerns of most team members Fitting in Who’s in charge & most influence Getting along /depending on others


20 Review Identify 5 characteristics of effective teams?Identify 5 characteristics of effective teams? Goals – Rules – Roles – Communication - Participat ion Goals – Rules – Roles – Communication - Participat ion List the four stages of team development?List the four stages of team development? Forming / Storming / Norming /Performing Forming / Storming / Norming /Performing Breakdown 3 primary concerns of most team membersBreakdown 3 primary concerns of most team members Fitting in/who’s in charge & most influence/get along & depend on others Fitting in/who’s in charge & most influence/get along & depend on others Explain how you can run an effective meeting? appropriate / purpose /who/ when & where / record / agenda/on timeExplain how you can run an effective meeting? appropriate / purpose /who/ when & where / record / agenda/on time

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