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Capacity Building Programme of Handicap International in South East Europe Module 4 – Seminar on Quality of Social Services Tirana, December 2008 Michael.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity Building Programme of Handicap International in South East Europe Module 4 – Seminar on Quality of Social Services Tirana, December 2008 Michael."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity Building Programme of Handicap International in South East Europe Module 4 – Seminar on Quality of Social Services Tirana, December 2008 Michael Crowley - Ireland

2 Council of Europe Action Plan 2006 - 2015 To promote the rights and full participation of people with disabilities in society : Improving the quality of life of people with disabilities 2006 - 2015

3 Council of Europe Action Plan 2006 - 2015 Participation in Public & Political Life Participation in Cultural life Information & Communications Education Employment, Vocational Training & Guidance Built Environment Transport Community Living

4 Council of Europe Action Plan 2006 - 2015 Health Care Rehabilitation Social Protection Legal Protection Protection against Violence & Abuse Research & Development Awareness raising

5 Quality in Social Services Sector Overview Quality Systems Brief History European Quality Approaches European Modernisation Developments – Europe( Sl 8) Market Requirements – Guus (Slide 10 Trond) European High Level Perspective ( Sl 18) State of Art - Quality in Social Services (Sl 23) Core Elements Clarification Terminology

6 Quality Framework in Social Services Sector Development Strategy – Quality Framework Implementation Strategy Audit / Monitoring Strategy Funding / Compliance Strategy National Authority Perspective( Sl 40 EIQA) Service Provider Perspective (Sl 39 EIQA) Service User / Client Perspective( Sl 41 EIQA)

7 EQUASS Assurance Leadership Rights Ethics Partnership Participation Person Centred Comprehensive Result Orientated Continuous Improvement

8 DRAFT Residential Services for People with Disabilities -HIQA Quality of Life Staffing Protection Development & Health Physical Environment Governance & Management

9 DRAFT Residential Care Settings Children & Young PwD - HIQA Quality of Life Staffing Safeguarding & Child Protection Education, Development & Health Children’s Rights Health & Safety Governance & Management

10 Social Platform Dignity& Rights Service Results Tailor made Services User Security Participation & Empowerment Holistic& Continuous Partnership Skilled Professionals Transparent & Accountable

11 European Quality of Life Principles EASPD Values Quality of life for all Dignity Emotional well-being Equal opportunities Interpersonal relations Independent living Material well-being Participation in and Personal development Contribution to society Physical well-being Self-determination Social inclusion Equal rights

12 Golden Quality Principles Social Platform Quality Services : Respect human dignity and fundamental rights Achieve results Tailor-made to each individual Ensure security to all users, including the most vulnerable Participative and empower users to take decisions on their own Holistic and continuous Provided in partnership with communities and other actors Provided by skilled professionals working under good employment and working conditions Managed in a transparent way and are accountable

13 European Requirements for Quality in Social Services of General Interest 1. Rights 2. Person centred 3. Comprehensiveness 4. Participation 5. Partnership 6. Result Orientation 7. Good Governance Source: Positioning Paper Disability High Level Group June 2007

14 Quality Standard Further Education & Training - FETAC Communications Equality Staff Recruitment & Development Access, Transfer & Progression Programme Development, Delivery & Review Fair & Consistent Assessment of Learners Protection for Learners Subcontracting / Procuring Programme Delivery Self Evaluation of Programmes & Services

15 HIQA Draft Residential Standard  7 Sections  Quality of Life > 4 Standards - 35 Criteria  Staffing > 1 Standard – 15 Criteria  Protection > 2 Standards – 25 Criteria  Development & Health > 2 Standards – 23 Criteria  Rights > 5 Standards – 35 Criteria  Physical Environment > 2 Standards – 18 Criteria  Governance & Management > 3 Standards – 26 Criteria  19 Standards  177 Criteria

16 Quality Standard for Special Training Centre - QA00/01 Policy Standards Service Standards Management Standards Financial Standards Quality Standards

17 Service Providers Perspective Outcome Measurement Michael Crowley Business Excellence Executive Rehab Group Tirana, December 2008

18 Outcome Measurement European Context Service Provider Context Service / Funding Contractual Agreement

19 Outcome Targets Set in Consultation Addressing Needs Identified Realistic Measurable Attainable

20 Issues / Risks General Targets v Specific Targets Targets Linked to Funding Hard Outcomes Specific Quality of Life Outcomes – little recognition Outcome timeline variable Service Users needs increasing Inappropriate referrals Open Market

21 Outcome Measurement - Advantages Supports Effective delivery of service Sustainable Success Performance Management / Measurement Control sub contracted services Continuous Improvement Benchmarking / Bench learning

22 Outcome Utilisation / Improvement Initiatives Service Improvement Proof of Efficiency & Effectiveness Supports concept Value for Money Customer Satisfaction – addressing needs Continuous Improvement Business Improvement

23 Conclusion Issue of the Present / Future Input Fundamental Linkage to Funding Measurement Methodology critical Strategy for Service Improvement Key Business Results Benchmarking

24 You don’t have to do this, survival is not compulsory W. Edwards Deming

25 National Strategy Sector Strategy. Sector Standards Development Sector Standards Implementation NATIONALINSPECTORATENATIONALINSPECTORATE Standards Development & Implementation

26 Registration Service Contracts. Service Funding Monitoring & Compliance Service Providers Perspective - Standards Market Share Quality Service

27 Regulated Providers Quality Assurance of Service. Continuous Improvement Service Service User Participation / Feedback Service Users Perspective - Standards Outcomes Focused Individual Needs Results

28 National Launch Regional Launch – Local Service Providers Conferences Service Provider Training / Infromation Staff Training / Information Standards Implementation Strategy Service User Training / Information Provision of Resources / Suppoerts

29 National Standards Strategy Government Commitment Accountability Value for Money Efficiency and Effectiveness Quality / Continuous Improvement Sector Standards link to National Strategy Designated Sector Authority Standards Development Strategy Standards Implementation Strategy

30 Development of Residential Standard for Older People Working Group Service Users Service Providers Advocacy Groups Government Officials Standards Executive – HIQA Sector Professionals

31 Development of Residential Standard for Older People Terms of reference Review and develop Draft Standard Research International Standards / Legislation / Best Practice Establish targeted consultation process Establish Public consultation Co-ordinate consultation process Consider feedback from consultation Finalise Draft Standard for publication

32 Development of Residential Standard for Older People Consultation Process Targeted Consultation - Professionals Public Consultation Workshops Focus Groups – Existing / Prospective Residents / Family / Carers Advertisements in National Press Final National Quality Standard for Residential Care Settings for Older People

33 Development of EQUASS Standard Expert Working Group Existing EQUASS Professionals Quality Professionals Service Professionals

34 Development of EQUASS Standard Terms of reference Standard based on Principles of Quality Defining standards of minimum performance (performance indicators) Designing a method and instruments for verification Testing the system in 2 pilots Evaluation and finalisation

35 SGGI - Social Services of General Interest Service Users Perspective Macro Level

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