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27 th Year of Service to the ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY ASIA PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY ASIA PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY by 10 th Meeting of the Regional Interagency.

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1 27 th Year of Service to the ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY ASIA PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY ASIA PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY by 10 th Meeting of the Regional Interagency Working Group on Information and Communication Technologies (IWG) 1 December, UNCC Meeting Room E, Bangkok APT PROGRAMMES AND INITIATIVES AS A FOLLOW-UP TO WSIS

2 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community “Bangkok Agenda” Adopted at Ministerial Conference on Broadband and ICT Development in July, 2004 “Strategic Plan 2006 - 2008” Adopted at 10 th General Assembly In November, 2006 Key WSIS Activities of the APT Geneva Declaration of Principles Geneva Plan of Action Tunis Commitment Tunis Agenda for the Information Society Geneva Declaration of Principles Geneva Plan of Action Tunis Commitment Tunis Agenda for the Information Society (16 to 18 Nov. 2005) (10 to 12 Dec. 2003)

3 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community - Supported organization of the conference and side events proposed by some APT members - Conducted Consultation Meetings on-site among APT Members to follow- up suggestions and recommendations of the Summit Plan of Action - Support WSIS Initiatives by providing links of its activities through APT website - APT as pro-active participant in the conduct of the general event of the Summit - To improve output of Intersessional Drafting Group - Collective Regional Proposals for the Plan of Action - Closer Coordination through Electronic Means and through APT Reflector among APT Member delegates to the WSIS APT’s Proactive support for WSIS’s outcome documents

4 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Bangkok Agenda

5 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community  In July 2004, the Ministerial Conference on Broadband and ICT Development was held at Bangkok, Thailand. 22 Ministers and Vice/Deputy Ministers, more than 200 participants attended. 22 Ministers and Vice/Deputy Ministers, more than 200 participants attended.  This Ministerial Conference adopted the Bangkok Agenda. Bangkok Agenda Taking into account of… Taking into account of… - The Declaration and Plan of Action of the WSIS, Geneva, 2003 - The Declaration and Action Plan of the Asia Pacific Summit on the Information Society, Tokyo, 2000 on the Information Society, Tokyo, 2000

6 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community The APT Bangkok Agenda for Broadband and ICT Development reaffirms our commitment to WSIS Geneva 2003 Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action which recognize ICT infrastructure as central in achieving the goal of digital inclusion and looks forward to an environment in which broadband and ICTs can accelerate the social and economic development of the Asia-Pacific region. (excerpt from preamble of “Bangkok Agenda”) Bangkok Agenda

7 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Bangkok Agenda The Bangkok Agenda is composed of the 5 sections, followed by the List of Actions. (D) Increasing Confidence and Security for Broadband and ICT Usage Increasing Confidence and Security for Broadband and ICT UsageIncreasing Confidence and Security for Broadband and ICT Usage (C) Improving Access and Encouraging Broadband and ICT Usage Improving Access and Encouraging Broadband and ICT UsageImproving Access and Encouraging Broadband and ICT Usage (B) Creating an Enabling Environment to Encourage Broadband & ICT Investment Creating an Enabling Environment to Encourage Broadband & ICT InvestmentCreating an Enabling Environment to Encourage Broadband & ICT Investment (A) Raising Awareness, Capacity Building and HRD Raising Awareness, Capacity Building and HRDRaising Awareness, Capacity Building and HRD (E) Strengthening International Cooperation Strengthening International CooperationStrengthening International Cooperation

8 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Items in Bangkok Agenda List of Actions (A) Raising Awareness, Capacity Building and HRD Member Countries should raise awareness of broadband and ICT applications and promote partnerships among government, industry and the community, through appropriate programs, policies and structures. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on HRD and capacity building by Member Countries at various levels. Member Countries should promote the use of broadband and ICT where appropriate for addressing illiteracy and improving technical skills. APT training courses, workshops and other related programmes for promoting HRD and capacity building should be further augmented to meet the growing requirement of Member Countries. APT should organize workshops on training techniques with special focus on e-learning applications. APT should consider the extended use of e-learning in its programs which support APT’s HRD activities. APT should regularly update and circulate a database of training programmes and development activities in the region as a mechanism to assist Member Countries in matching training opportunities to their need APT should capitalize on the Young Professionals and Students Forum to provide opportunities for students and young professionals in the region.

9 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Items in Bangkok Agenda List of Actions (B) Creating an Enabling Environment to Encourage Broadband and ICT Investment To attract investment, policy and regulatory issues including licensing, interconnection, pricing, competitive safeguards, universal service obligations and trade liberalization must be addressed, with policy initiatives and capacity building to strengthen regulatory frameworks and support good regulatory practice. Transparent and investment friendly policies need to be promoted for the development of broadband and ICT infrastructure. Existing APT activities in conjunction with Member Countries could be further tailored to enhance investor confidence through sound policy and regulatory measures, standardisation and business promotion. APT should assist Member Countries in finalising technical specifications for Internet Gateway Exchanges and provide a platform for facilitating the interconnection and interoperability of networks. Member Countries should cooperate in developing the framework for commercial international Internet connection agreements. Such a framework should encourage ICT investment by taking into account the exchange of value between networks. Where appropriate, Member Countries should encourage operators to prepare plans for migrating to IPv6 networks. APT should conduct appropriate and effective studies on the use of innovative technologies to facilitate delivery of affordable broadband delivery on existing networks, enhancing the quality of existing networks and minimizing the costs for rural broadband applications. Spectrum requirements for new wireless systems with higher regional demands should be identified through APT. APT should contribute to ensure that spectrum be allocated for the new systems in international allocations within the ITU Radio Regulations as soon as possible Usage of the available spectrum for new radiocommunication systems by Member Countries should be harmonized.

10 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Items in Bangkok Agenda List of Actions (C) Improving Access and Encouraging Broadband and ICT Usage Improving Access and Encouraging Broadband and ICT Usage National broadband policies should focus on improving access, enhancing ICT uses and creating more job opportunities Member Countries should promote discussion on the development and use of affordable ubiquitous broadband. APT will support Member Countries developing transparent funding models for the promotion of universal services, appropriate for a multi vendor, commercial environment. APT should promote sharing best practice transparent funding models. APT should assist Member Countries to exchange information on such issues for ensuring access to underserved communities. APT should promote applications for overcoming language barriers to information flows in the region, paying special attention to the region’s rich cultural and linguistic diversity. In addition, it should encourage development of various applications that help the disabled, senior citizens and others to access information easily. Member Countries should consider measures to make broadband access more affordable in remote and rural areas. Member Countries should consider ways to encourage R&D and private sector contributions in ICT activities. APT should assist Member Countries to collaborate and exchange information and to build partnerships amongst national/regional stakeholders, by providing forums on e-applications and successful business models. APT programmes should promote the development of ubiquitous broadband delivery technologies for the benefit of Member Countries. R&D activities for the realization of the ubiquitous network should be strengthened further by harmonization amongst Member Countries. APT should enhance activities to promote standardization in Asia Pacific Region, in particular, to actively submit common/joint proposal to ITU by reflecting well the opinion and needs of the region.

11 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Items in Bangkok Agenda List of Actions (D) Increasing Confidence and Security for Broadband and ICT Usage APT should raise awareness about the significance of information security and personal information protection, provide guidelines for effective mutual assistance efforts in conjunctions with international best practices and promote self-regulatory activities in the Asia-pacific region. Information exchange should include sharing of security information being undertaken in other regional and international organizations covering issues such as National CERTs (Computer Emergency and Response Team) and ISACs (Information Sharing and Analysis Centres). R&D activities including public individual certification system should be enhanced in collaboration with all sectors including government, private sector and academia. APT should cooperate with other regional or international organizations in order to ensure information security and personal information protection in the Asia-Pacific region in particular for the least developed countries APT should gather information on available sources of network security expertise. APT should encourage the exchange of information on anti-spam policies and practices.

12 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Items in Bangkok Agenda List of Actions (E) Strengthening International Cooperation APT should provide opportunities for Member Countries at the regional level for information sharing and exchange of views with an aim to promote broadband and ICT development. APT, where appropriate and in conjunction with the needs of Member Countries, will tailor practical programs on broadband and ICT Development with a particular emphasis on needs of Small Island Countries (SICs), Landlocked Least Developed Countries (LLDCs), and other LDCs. APT should continue to cooperate with the UN, the ITU and other international and regional organizations to implement WSIS Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action at the regional level.

13 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Strategic Plan of the APT 2006-2008

14 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community  The 10 th Session of the General Assembly of the APT was held in Islamabad, Islamic Republic of Pakistan from 30 Nov. to 2 Dec. 2005.  This General Assembly adopted the Strategic Plan of the APT for the period 2006-2008. Strategic Plan of the APT 2006-2008

15 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community  Our Vision  Strategic Direction  Key Areas  Enhancing APT’s Role as a Key Regional Player  Implementation Mechanism  Efficient and Effective Management The Strategic Plan is composed of the following six parts. Strategic Plan of the APT 2006-2008

16 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Working together to foster the development of telecommunications and ICT throughout the Asia-Pacific region. - Our Vision - Contents of the Strategic Plan(1) (excerpt from preamble of “Bangkok Agenda”)

17 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Framework  Building online confidence  Broadband development and applications  Attracting investment and promoting trade in ICT  Preparedness for natural disaster and a response plan for affected countries Assist members to develop sound ICT policy and regulatory frameworks, putting emphasis on: Development  Providing access to cost effective telecom and info services  Fostering development e-enabled services  Promotion on development of Internet multi- lingual content Assist members in bridging digital divide by fostering and facilitating ICT development, focusing on: Cooperation  Implementing appropriate regional, sub- regional and national programs  Strengthening intra-regional and inter-regional cooperation  Establishing closer relationships with funding agencies for resource mobilization  Strengthening relationships with concerned UN agencies and other organizations for achieving synergy of efforts Maximize the benefits of APT programs through internal & external cooperation by: Efficiency  Focusing on member’s needs  Emphasizing on efficient resource management  Ensuring effective financial management  Developing and implementing an effective and efficient work program  Introducing performance measures Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of APT operations by: - Strategic Direction - Following 4 main directions will act as the four pillars from which the key areas are drawn: Contents of the Strategic Plan(2)


19 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Instituting APT ICT Programmes, including WSIS activities including WSIS activities

20 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Instituting APT ICT programmes Workshops / Seminars / Symposia Workshops / Seminars / Symposia ICT Development Programme for Supporting ICT Pilot Projects in Rural Areas ICT Development Programme for Supporting ICT Pilot Projects in Rural Areas Broadband Compendium Broadband Compendium Asia-Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF) Asia-Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF)

21 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community Asia-Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF)  Programme for exchanging views on development issues and harmonizing views among APT Members.  Follow-up of Bangkok Agenda and WSIS and preparation for WTDC.  Follow-up of other ICT related activities of APT. The 1 st ADF 28-29 June, 2004, Bangkok, Thailand The 2 nd ADF 18-21 July, 2005, Goa, India The 3 rd ADF 10-14 July, 2006, Chennai, India

22 27 th Year of Service to the ASIA-PACIFIC TELECOMMUNITY Workshops/Seminars/Symposia on ICT Role of Telecom and ICT for Disaster Reduction Role of Telecom and ICT for Disaster Reduction and Relief and Relief ICT and Broadband Applications ICT and Broadband Applications Workshop on e-Government Workshop on e-Government ICT Experts Forum in Asia-Pacific regions ICT Experts Forum in Asia-Pacific regions Telemedicine Applications Telemedicine Applications ICT Publication and Dissemination ICT Publication and Dissemination

23 27 th Year of Service to the Tele-Community You may contact us at :

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