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Working with and Learning from Pedagogical Expertise Diana Laurillard 8-11 August 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with and Learning from Pedagogical Expertise Diana Laurillard 8-11 August 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with and Learning from Pedagogical Expertise Diana Laurillard 8-11 August 2006

2 Outline The strategic context for e-learning What practitioners want from strategy Drivers and enablers for innovative change What practitioners want from learning design Learning design information flow A Module Planner A Pedagogy Planner Why does it matter? - A global perspective 8-11 August 2006

3 The aims for a 21 st century system… will need the contributions ICT and e- learning can make, to… Personalisation and choice Flexibility and independence Opening up services Staff development Collaborative partnerships Personalise teaching and learning Include the hard to reach groups Open up a more flexible system Improve productivity and effectiveness DfES 5-year strategy for education and skills (2005) DfES e-learning strategy (2005) Personalise teaching and learning Include the hard to reach groups Open up a more flexible system Improve productivity and effectiveness

4 DfES E-Learning consultation 2004 Low skills Weak content Lack of infrastructure management Barriers to innovation - what the practitioners say: leaders need support for planning and resourcing ICT teachers need support to improve their use of ICT does not exploit the technology for pedagogy immature commercial market unsuitable assessment methods that inhibit change need a more robust approach to standards more institutional capacity to sustain ICT infrastructure a common approach to networks and platforms a joined-up approach to procurement

5 The aims for a 21 st century system… will need the contributions ICT and e-learning can make, to… Personalisation and choice Flexibility and independence Opening up services Staff development Collaborative partnerships Personalise teaching and learning Include the hard to reach groups Open up a more flexible system Improve productivity and effectiveness DfES cross-sector e-learning strategy (2005) An integrated online information service Online learning and personal support for learners A collaborative approach to personalised learning ICT training and support package for practitioners A leadership package for organisational capability A common digital infrastructure

6 What does it take to innovate in teaching? Strategic plans Funding imperatives Learner needs Stakeholder demands Career opportunities Curriculum requirements Assessment requirements Quality standards Teachers Designers Leaders Drivers A strategy must address all these drivers Drivers= things you can’t ignore

7 Teachers Designers Leaders A strategy must provide all these enablers Enablers Training and development Information & guidance Shareable resources Online communities Learning design toolkits Economic modelling R&D on pedagogies ICT systems and services Rights and IPR advice Enablers= things you can’t do without What does it take to innovate in teaching? Drivers

8 Teachers We must address all these drivers and enablers Drivers and enablers for the teacher? Drivers Curriculum requirements Learner needsCareer opportunities Assessment requirements Information, advice Shareable resources Online communities R&D on pedagogies Learning design toolkits Training and development ICT systems and services Quality standards Rights and IPR advice Economic modelling Enablers Shareable resources Online communities R&D on pedagogies Learning design toolkits Learner needsCareer opportunities

9 JISC Design for Learning Programme : a ‘pedagogy planner’ Assistance to promote e-learning quality and re-use Theory-based but adaptable in light of practice Support for ‘module’ level blended learning Support for ‘session’ level blended learning Enabling iterative design of e-learning Enabling lecturers to collaborate An implementation environment for testing e-learning A User-oriented Planner for Learning Analysis and Design

10 Findings from lecturers - Module planning Give me ideas Help me design teaching Make it easy Help me plan the work Offer sources of inspiration Motivate personalised learning - staff, students and managers all have to want it Key issue is lack of familiarity with pedagogy, Not sure what’s possible with new technology Key issue is lack of time; Assume low IT skills - scaffold it carefully, make it painless Language and terminology must be explained and changeable Must be able to work from existing plans and materials Plan use of VLE and what it offers at this level Overcoming system barriers - hints and tips from other staff Need to map out module over weeks then work at sequencing and timing Other tutors may have work managed or negotiated Plan for diverse students, with different skills and experience, pacing, need for feedback Help with planning the links between objectives, resources, and learning activities; Planning in assessment; Address risks of innovation

11 Make the design tool flexible Make it easy Give me ideas Give me help with design Adapt to my practice Findings from lecturers - Pedagogy planning Must be able to start at any stage, working from macro to micro, or starting at micro Let me modify as module develops, expanding granularity (conditions change) The tool should respond to initial conditions - e.g. offer activities appropriate for numbers Could be one objective per week, or 1.5 weeks, or several objectives Need support for timing of student work Allow links to existing planning tools - MindManager, ModuleGenie Output to powerpoint could be useful; don’t limit output - must be easily available Begin with broad concepts and then prioritise - which need instruction, which need learner activity Enable lecturers to share their practice Introduce novelty but balance with efficacy A framework for thinking, reminders of what’s possible, new techniques and solutions, expand horizons, ideas not advice, talking heads of other lecturers, drop-down menu of ideas, alternatives Link activities to resources Find the relevant resources Link to types of pedagogy: typologies to promote variety Start from a model that can be changed Keep it simple, but extensible - standard templates are good if they produce something Offer generic template, and module-specific ones and links to subject examples

12 Module outline Data Distribution of resources Data Course Schedule/ Calendar Data Publish to staff and students Session plans and learning activities Data Learning Design Information Flow Initial conditions: Curriculum Assessment Resources Learners Students Data Initial conditions: Curriculum Assessment Resources Learners From basic initial data: Design the overall module outline

13 Given the basic information about the module, you can use this template to plan the initial version of the objectives, assignments and resources Design the overall module outline “Give me ideas” A filled template [related] Topical web links Related case studies Subject centre website Research findings Examiners’ reports Student feedback forms Quality reports Requirements of professional bodies “Make it easy” Output to next stage: Topics Learner needs Objectives Assessment types Credit hours Staff resource No. of students Web-pages or Spreadsheet

14 Module outline Data Distribution of resources Data Course Schedule/ Calendar Data Publish to staff and students Session plans and learning activities Data Learning Design Information Flow Initial conditions: Curriculum Assessment Resources Learners Students Data Initial conditions: Curriculum Assessment Resources Learners From basic initial data: Design the overall module outline From overall outline: Plan resource use

15 Please assign total student time (hours) to be spent on each of the following (activities set in module plan): Lecture Tutorial Reading material Library work Assignment Workshop Interactive testing Computer-based tools Web resources Online asynchronous conference Online synchronous conference Decide study hours by method Total matches? “More likely to plan study hours by content than by method” “Methods have to fit together as part of a learning activity”

16 This is your current plan for how students spend their time on this course/module: Assign learning activities to study hours/methods Is this an appropriate balance of learning activities? > 20% of student time on ‘attending’ may be too much? Change or reassign learning activities to suit your context Learner is taking active part in discussion, not necessarily talking all the time, but expecting to talk. If they are not taking part, but listening, or 'lurking', then that activity would count as 'attending'. “Help me plan the work” “Help me design the teaching” Digital tools for data manipulation, charting, designing, testing, etc. Show example

17 Module outline Data Distribution of resources Data Course Schedule/ Calendar Data Publish to staff and students Session plans and learning activities Data Learning Design Information Flow Initial conditions: Curriculum Assessment Resources Learners Students Data Initial conditions: Curriculum Assessment Resources Learners From overall outline: Plan resource use From resource distribution: Plan the schedule

18 This is your Module Calendar for the 4 weeks. The times you have assigned to selected methods can now be distributed by student contact and study time, and senior and support staff time. The first four columns show the total time for staff and students, across your selected methods The totals in the end columns should match those in the first columns. “Lecturers should be able to generate more columns” Develop the Module Calendar

19 The Module Calendar generates an outline Study Guide that can be edited for publishing in the LMS. The contact and study hours assigned to each method have been entered into this template. Edit the yellow squares to fit the objectives for each week. Generate the Module Calendar and Study Guide Study times and objectives have been transferred from the Module Calendar “Help me plan the work” “Make it easy” “Help me design the teaching”

20 Module outline Data Distribution of resources Data Course Schedule/ Calendar Data Publish to staff and students Session plans and learning activities Data Learning Design Information Flow Initial conditions: Curriculum Assessment Resources Learners Students Data Initial conditions: Curriculum Assessment Resources Learners From the schedule: Plan the pedagogy and learning activities From resource distribution: Plan the schedule

21 Select a session or week to design in detail Week 1: Week 1: Objective(s) 1 (from Study Guide) Week 2: Week 2: Objective(s) 2 (from Study Guide) Week 3: Week 3: Objective(s) 3 (from Study Guide) Week 4: Week 4: Objective(s) 4 (from Study Guide) Session planning - the ‘Pedagogy Planner’)

22 Where do you wish to begin (tick one)? Refine the learning objective(s) for this Session Refine the learning objective(s) for this Session Define likely learner difficulties with this topic Define likely learner difficulties with this topic Decide what it takes to achieve these objectives Decide what it takes to achieve these objectives Adapt a related learning activity sequence Adapt a related learning activity sequence Design a new learning activity sequence Design a new learning activity sequence Implement a learning activity design in LAMS Implement a learning activity design in LAMS Planning a session “This would be good for helping new tutors” “By making plans explicit, this process might help students to force recalcitrant lecturers to do their job properly” “Make the design tool flexible”

23 The following learning designs are listed in order of likely usefulness. Raising awareness of alternative perspectives on an issue Eliciting and comparing learners’ initial constructs for a concept Generating constructive questions Supporting a design process Understanding how a system works Select one to work through, and file any sequences, cases or RLOs that might be useful. Decide what it takes to achieve these objectives Week 2: [Objectives from Module Calendar] Student contact time: 2 hours Student study time: 2 hours Method(s): Workshop (2 hours) Digital tool (2 hours) Learners’ needs: [As defined in Module Planner and further refined in previous steps…] “Use student feedback forms” The following learning designs are listed in order of likely usefulness. Raising awareness of alternative perspectives on an issue Eliciting and comparing learners’ initial constructs for a concept Generating constructive questions Supporting a design process Understanding how a system works Select one to work through, and file any sequences, cases or RLOs that might be useful. “Capture experiences of other lecturers” These patterns would help students think through their initial thoughts for an unfamiliar area of study, and prepare for being introduced to theoretical constructs and definitions. Related learning patterns Related LAMS sequence [Topic] case study from CETL, JISC MLA, etc[Topic] case study from CETL, JISC MLA, etc Reusable learning objects for [Topic] from MERLOT, JORUM, etc.Reusable learning objects for [Topic] from MERLOT, JORUM, etc

24 Adapt a related learning activity sequence This sequence is designed to help learners think through their initial ideas for an unfamiliar field of study, and prepare for understanding the expert definitions and concepts. Work through the sequence, to see how you experience it as a learning process.

25 A sequence to elicit and compare learners’ constructs for ‘paintings’ Voting: Which of the rest have this property or feature? Q&A: You have sorted the items in the same way for these properties: A, C, F. What does that tell you? Forum: propose your ideas to others, and compare your sorts - are they the same? Voting: propose and vote on properties that are the most interesting Forum: here are the experts’ definitions - how would you sort using these? Voting: Select any three of these paintings Repeat the last three steps, selecting threes for the student until all instances have been covered at least once Q&A: Can you think of a property or description that applies to two but not to the third? Link to separate window displaying paintings displayed with access to zoom Property: Yes No

26 Does it meet the requirements for a fully supported learning process? Access to the teacher/expert ideas Learner can offer their ideas Feedback from other learners Can discuss the work with a teacher Clear task goal Meaningful intrinsic feedback Learners can improve their work Learners can compare their work Can discuss and debate their work The teacher can adjust the task set Adapt a related learning activity sequence “A framework for thinking, reminders of what’s possible”

27 RETHINKING UNIVERSITY TEACHING a conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies 2 nd Edition RoutledgeFalmer, 2002

28 Does it meet the requirements for a fully supported learning process? Access to the teacher/expert ideas Learner can offer their ideas Feedback from other learners Can discuss the work with a teacher Clear task goal Meaningful intrinsic feedback Learners can improve their work Learners can compare their work Can discuss and debate their work The teacher can adjust the task set Adapt a related learning activity sequence Not explicitly stated Forum: here are the experts’ definitions - how would you sort using these? Q&A: Can you think of a property or description that applies to two but not to the third? Forum: propose your ideas to others, and compare your sorts - are they the same? Q&A: You have sorted the items in the same way for these properties: A, C, F. What does that tell you? Yes if they repeat activities Forum: propose your ideas to others, and compare your sorts - are they the same? No - needs to be adapted

29 Week 2: Objective(s) from Module Calendar Consider the assessable learner output from this pattern: Adapt a related learning activity sequence ‘Properties’ defined by individual ‘Properties’ defined by group Discussion contributions Voting decisions Use of expert definitions Does this give you sufficient to assess (a) whether the objective has been achieved, (b) whether the sequence is effective? Adapt the sequence until it is ready for testing

30 Implement and share a learning activity sequence Set up the learning activity design as a LAMS sequence Adapt and test until it is clearly an effective learning design Capture learner outcomes as evidence Publish sequence on the Module website Generalise the topic and activities Publish on the LAMS Community website

31 A sequence to elicit and compare learners’ constructs for ‘paintings’ Voting: Which of the rest have this property or feature? Q&A: You have sorted the items in the same way for these properties: A, C, F. What does that tell you? Forum: propose your ideas to others, and compare your sorts - are they the same? Voting: propose and vote on properties that are the most interesting Forum: here are the experts’ definitions - how would you sort using these? Voting: Select any three of these paintings Repeat the last three steps, selecting threes for the student until all instances have been covered at least once Q&A: Can you think of a property or description that applies to two but not to the third? Link to separate window displaying paintings displayed with access to zoom A sequence to elicit and compare learners’ constructs for ‘chemicals’ Voting: Select any three of these chemicals Link to separate window displaying chemicals displayed with access to zoom Property: Yes No “Start from a model that can be changed” “Keep it simple, but extensible - standard templates are good if they produce something”

32 Implement and share a learning activity sequence Set up the learning activity design as a LAMS sequence Adapt and test until it is clearly an effective learning design Capture learner outcomes as evidence Publish sequence on the Module website Generalise the topic and activities Publish on the LAMS Community website

33 A sequence to elicit and compare learners’ constructs for ‘X’ Voting: Which of the rest have this property or feature? Q&A: You have sorted the items in the same way for these properties: A, C, F. What does that tell you? Forum: propose your ideas to others, and compare your sorts - are they the same? Voting: propose and vote on properties that are the most interesting Forum: here are the experts’ definitions - how would you sort using these? Voting: Select any three of these instances of the concept ‘X’ Repeat the last three steps, selecting threes for the student until all instances have been covered at least once Q&A: Can you think of a property or description that applies to two but not to the third? Link to separate window displaying ‘instances of X’ displayed with access to zoom From specific to generic ~ The pedagogy is captured in a customisable form and populated with RLOs “Offer generic templates, and module-specific ones and links to subject examples”

34 Teachers We must address all these drivers and enablers Drivers and enablers for the teacher? Drivers Curriculum requirements Learner needsCareer opportunities Assessment requirements Information, advice Shareable resources Online communities R&D on pedagogies Learning design toolkits Training and development ICT systems and services Quality standards Rights and IPR advice Economic modelling Enablers Shareable resources Online communities R&D on pedagogies Learning design toolkits Learner needsCareer opportunities

35 Implement and share a learning activity sequence Set up the learning activity design as a LAMS sequence Adapt and test until it is clearly an effective learning design Capture learner outcomes as evidence Publish sequence on the Module website Generalise the topic and activities Publish on the LAMS Community website “Enable lecturers to share their designs”

36 Add to library of teachers’ sequences The LAMS Community - The LAMS Community - Ratings of sequences in terms of usefulness and number of downloads

37 fully trained through an apprenticeship program highly knowledgeable in a specialist area licensed to practice as both practitioner and mentor to others in the field building on the work of others in their field whenever they begin new work conducting practical work using the agreed standards of evidence working in collaborative teams of respected peers seeking new insights and ways of rethinking disseminating findings for peer review and use Is innovation in teaching like research? Characteristics of being a researcherteacher innovating

38 Teachers We must address all these drivers and enablers Drivers and enablers for the teacher? Drivers Curriculum requirements Learner needsCareer opportunities Assessment requirements Information, advice Shareable resources Online communities R&D on pedagogies Learning design toolkits Training and development ICT systems and services Quality standards Rights and IPR advice Economic modelling Enablers Shareable resources Online communities R&D on pedagogies Learning design toolkits Learner needsCareer opportunities

39 JISC e-Learning and Pedagogy Design for Learning Programme Pedagogy Planner project Learning Patterns project ‘ Rethinking Pedagogy for the Digital Age ’ (forthcoming). References

40 How much HE is online Low Income/Low-Middle Income countries (LI/LMI) [Source: OBHE, 2004] Learning design tools will help to lower the barriers to online teaching and learning

41 Demand for Higher Education Worldwide HE places to be 125 million in 2020 Demand for international education places: –2.1 million in 2003 –5.8 million by 2020 Age participation rate: –40% – 50% in ‘north’ –Below 5% in many developing and emerging economies [Source: OBHE, 2004] The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education Collaborative online teaching innovation will help to meet the demand for HE

42 We must clarify what we do for education strategies Practitioners need both career and innovation support Practitioners want flexibility and ideas in learning design Innovation in teaching should be more research-like A ‘Learning Design Planner’ must support action research It must capture the pedagogy in a customisable form Why does this matter? - Education for all - Millennium Goal - HE for all those who want it - Worldwide demand There is no alternative to effective exploitation of technology 8-11 August 2006 Summary

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