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Howard Cohen, Chancellor. Strategic Vision  Position Purdue University Calumet to be a full- service, high quality regional university  A resource for.

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Presentation on theme: "Howard Cohen, Chancellor. Strategic Vision  Position Purdue University Calumet to be a full- service, high quality regional university  A resource for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Howard Cohen, Chancellor

2 Strategic Vision  Position Purdue University Calumet to be a full- service, high quality regional university  A resource for Northwest Indiana  Commitment --High academic standards --For our diverse students --To attain success beyond graduation  Support and challenge students --Bridge the transition from college to career --To contribute in a 21 st century world

3 The Students We Serve  9,800+ students  580 “in residence”  61% full time  70% first generation (neither parent a grad)  55% female  35% minority (primarily African American and Hispanic)  80% work more than 20 hours/week

4 GOAL 1: Foster Engaged Learning  Implement Experiential Learning Requirement  Metric: Implement 2 course requirement for all baccalaureate students  Undergraduate Research  Metric: Increase participation 5%/year  Expand Global Engagement  Metric: International students to 10%  Metric: Grow study abroad 200% (100/year)

5 GOAL 1 PROGRESS Experiential Learning –Approved courses in all departments –218 Community partners –2,089 students enrolled 2010-11 Undergraduate Research –Target: 850; Projected: 900 Global Engagement –Study abroad target: 100/year; Projected 35 –International students target: 1000; Enrolled 613

6 GOAL 2: Prepare an Educated Workforce and Citizenry for our Region  Grow enrollment to 10,500 --Increase admission of targeted, well-prepared undergraduates by 15%  Increase graduate enrollment to 15% of student body  Job creation through Technology Center, Hammond Incubator, SBDC and E-Center  Consulting partner for Hammond Academy of Science and Technology

7 GOAL 2 PROGRESS Enrollment –Target: 10,500; Current: 9,800 Graduate Enrollment –Target: 1500; Current: 1,143 Job Creation –SBDC: 39 businesses, 279 jobs created/retained –Technology Center: 22 clients/58 employees/5 interns Hammond Academy of Science and Technology –School opened successfully (Grades 6-9) –Curriculum development ongoing

8 GOAL 3: Improve Student Success  Use technology to reduce barriers to learning  Metric: Use of on-line course management systems in 60% of courses Reengineer the advising system  Metric: Standardize responsibilities, orient advisors, and assess student satisfaction  Improve retention and graduation rates: --70% fall-to-fall retention --90% term-to-term persistence --30% six year graduation rate --51% graduation efficiency rate

9 GOAL 3 PROGRESS Active use of Blackboard –Target: 60% of courses; Current: 53% Advising –Positions redefined; first orientation complete; pilot student survey scheduled Student success metrics 70% fall-to-fall retention (69%) 90% term-to-term persistence (82%) 30% six year graduation rate (29%) 51% graduation efficiency rate (56%) Entering SAT improved from 980 (2001) to 1037 (2010)

10 GOAL 4: Increase Support for Faculty and Staff Excellence  Maintain competitive salaries  Metric: Faculty at 100% of median for comparison group; other employees at 90% of median  Mentors for all untenured faculty  Metric: 100% of untenured faculty with mentors  Increase funds for professional development 10%  Metric: Dollar amount to be calculated  Increase funds for recognition 25%  Metric: $8,400 to $10,500

11 GOAL 4 PROGRESS Competitive Salaries –Faculty: 103% of CUPA median –Administrative: 93% of CUPA median –Mid-level: 99% of CUPA median –Hourly: 101% of CUPA median Mentors for Untenured Faculty –100% assigned Funds for Professional Development –Baseline to be constructed Funds for Recognition –Increased allocation from $8,400 to $10,500 –Programs in place

12 GOAL 5: Develop a Vibrant Campus Community  Student involvement in campus life  Metric: Add 10 new sports  Maintain diversity profile reflective of service area  Student diversity  Faculty/staff diversity Campus climate quality improvement  Metric: Implement survey recommendations --Climate survey, employee satisfaction, customer service survey, evaluation survey  Facilities to support campus pride of place  Metric: Complete first stage of campus master plan

13 GOAL 5 PROGRESS Student involvement in campus life –Six new sports added Diversity profile –Students: White 56%; Black 17%; Hispanic 16%; International 6%; Other 5% –Faculty/Staff Minorities: Faculty (28%), Professional (24%), Clerical (33%), Service (46%) Percent of employees: 30% Campus climate quality improvement –Service Standards Secret Shopper Dramatic improvement across the board (greet/treat/help)

14 GOAL 5 PROGRESS Facilities: Space Deficiencies

15 Benchmark Institutions  William Patterson of New Jersey  University of Central Oklahoma  University of Michigan – Dearborn  Kean University  Southern University of Illinois – Edwardsville  University of North Carolina – Wilmington  University of Tennessee – Chattanooga  Kennesaw State (GA)  University of Southern Indiana  University of Wisconsin – Platteville

16 Benchmark IPEDS Comparisons ComparisonsPurdue CalumetBenchmarks Ethnicity African American Hispanic 17% 14% 10% 4% Degrees awarded – reporting year Bachelors Associate 843 160 1808 0 Graduation/Retention Graduation rate Retention rate 29% 69% 46% 75% Transfer out36%22% Cost to students Net price of attendance Financial aid $7,893 $6,226 $11,245 $5,441

17 Aligning Annual Goals with Strategic Goals


19 Summing Up…. Foundations for Strategic Success Experiential Learning –From “developmental “ to “mature” Centers and Institutes –Grow external funding Retention and Graduation –Continue trajectory of improvement Faculty/Staff Quality –Remain competitive in recruitment Facilities –Our biggest challenge

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