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S CIENTIFIC T RAINING FOR G RADUATE S TUDENTS Priming PhD Students for Effective Training Inês Crisóstomo Vienna Biocenter.

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1 S CIENTIFIC T RAINING FOR G RADUATE S TUDENTS Priming PhD Students for Effective Training Inês Crisóstomo Vienna Biocenter

2 My career path and motivations

3 The Vienna Biocenter 4 Research institutes focused on fundamental biology research Multidisciplinary and vibrant scientific environment State-of-the-art scientific infrastructure and technology platforms 2 incoming PhD Classes per year: Winter and Summer.average 15 students per class (number of positions varies per call).no common starting date.heterogeneous group My current position

4 My view on Scientific training Learn science by doing science The role of the Program/Educators/Supervisors: -ensure a supportive and stimulating environment; -teach and encourage rigorous and critical approaches; -provide constructive feedback; -provide opportunities for career and personal development Empower PhD students to become independent scientists with potential

5 The challenge prime students for an effective training A course: Priming your PhD (1) Developing critical scientific skills; (2) Increasing resourcefulness; (3) Advancing their organizational and interpersonal skills; (5) Building a peer group and strengthen their network on campus.

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