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Mentoring for planning and development of career for local youth.

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1 Mentoring for planning and development of career for local youth

2 * The Employment and Education Centre * Thousand Islands Development Corporation

3 * Every Kid in Our Community * Retired Teachers of Eastern Ontario * Upper Canada District School Board * 1000 Islands Region Workforce Development Board * Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce

4 Roots to Wings builds on the roots that youth have established in this community and empowers youth to develop their wings. We strive to enhance their opportunities through training, one on one mentorship and events that serve and inspire individual advancement. Our program will result in the increase of confidence, courage, employment and personal development.”

5 * To provide mentors and mentees with opportunities for learning and skill development; * To provide mentors and mentees with opportunities for personal growth and development; * To provide opportunities for both parties to grow their professional networks; * To act as a conduit in order to further develop and enhance community expertise and knowledge. * Each mentee or a mentor will have their own motivations for joining this program. It is expected that they will set individual goals and objectives for their program. The staff will assist them in doing this.

6 Was held at TISS on October 30, 2012. It was funded by the Retired Teachers of Ontario and the UCDSB Student Success Department. Approximately 70 people were in Attendance including 30 youth and 30 Mentors.

7 Through the generous support of Thousand Islands Development Corporation, Mitch Clark has been hired to act as Assistant Coordinator during the one year pilot project. Mitch has just completed a contract as Youth Volunteer Team Leader through the Youth Volunteer Crew.

8 * Develop the model * Meet with other Agencies involved in mentoring activities in the Community * Meet with Community partners and school personnel * Marketing to inform the public * Develop the training for Mentors and Mentees * Recruit and train Mentors and Mentees * Begin Matches * Provide ongoing support

9 * Number of youth and mentors recruited. * Number of youth enrolled in mentoring. Our goal is to provide 30 matches. * Number of youth actively participating in mentoring * Number and percent of youth who are enrolled in college or further education after the first year of the program * Number and percent of youth who establish themselves in employment/ career. * Satisfaction noted by mentors and mentees.

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