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Unit 6 The Revolutionary War

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1 Unit 6 The Revolutionary War
Lessons 1-7

2 Vocabulary A soldier from one country who is paid to fight for another country To stop fighting and move away from the enemy A series of battles to achieve a specific purpose A time when important changes occur The surrounding of a place by an army in order to capture it A representative sent by one government to another To talk about something in order to reach an agreement retreat siege campaign mercenary turning point ambassador negotiate

3 To gather for one’s own future use An increase in prices
A person who works for change A person who charges unfair high prices for goods To provide money for An open rebellion against authority, especially by sailors or soldiers A written plan of government activist inflation hoard finance profiteer mutiny constitution

4 Land owned or controlled by a particular country To approve officially
An important belief or aim To end A plan for doing or managing something ideal ratify territory policy abolish

5 The Revolutionary War began in Massachusetts in
1774 1775 1776 1773

6 What was the importance of the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga?
We totally just won that battle! Good thing we were able to capture all of those badly needed cannons! Go Patriots! Beat the British!

7 A plantation of their own
Both the British and the Patriots enlisted the help of African Americans to fight during the war. For fighting, what were African Americans promised in return? A plantation of their own Allowed African Americans to earn freedom from slavery Money known as Continentals To retreat to Canada

8 The Battle of Saratoga was important because
President Obama told everyone, “Yes, we can!” Nike came up with the slogan, “Just do it!” The British took New England It showed that the United States had a chance to win the war.

The colonists sent ____________ to gain support for the ________. ambassadors war NETHERLANDS RUSSIA

10 What did France contribute to the war?
money supplies troops

11 Abigail Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, and Phillis Wheatley supported the Revolution
by baking chocolate chip cookies by visiting troops by fighting along with the troops by writing poems, plays, or letters

12 Mary Ludwig Hays supported the Revolution by…
…firing cannons during battle! Go Mary!

13 It was hard for the Patriots to pay for the war because ______ kept going up and __________ __________ kept going down. prices Continental currency

14 During the war people hoarded goods because they thought
prices would keep rising the Grinch was coming to take their stuff up the chimney the British would take the goods they could then trade with the French

15 Who did Congress ask to provide money to help pay for the war?
Congress asked Britain for loans. Congress didn’t ask anyone. They just went broke. Congress asked General Washington for a loan. Congress asked for loans from European countries.

16 After the war, states guaranteed basic rights for their citizens by including a ______ ___ ________ in their ___________ . Bill of Rights constitutions

17 Proclamation of 1763 You shall not pass!
X X X X X X X X Appalachian Mountains X X X American expansion was banned into the Northwest

18 What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
It stated that pioneers could not settle west of the Appalachians. It set up rules about how western lands would be sold. It set up rules for governing lands west of the Appalachians. It allowed slavery in the western lands.

19 African Americans have the right to be free!
Many abolitionists argued… African Americans have the right to be free! FREE AFRICAN AMERICANS!

20 Battle of Yorktown General Cornwallis
In 1781, ________________ (British) moved north into Virginia. He knew help was arriving by sea and moved his troops to ___________. Meanwhile, _________________ knew French ships were arriving at Yorktown, so he moved his troops south. When the French arrived, they ____________ the British and __________ surrendered. This was the turning point of the war. General Cornwallis Yorktown General Washington surrounded Cornwallis

21 Could the colonists have won the war if they had not negotiated with other countries?
No. The colonists would have lost the war if they had not negotiated with other countries because Britain was a powerful _______ with a strong ______ and ______. nation army navy

22 How did the war change women’s roles in America?
Many became activists Some fought in battles of supported the soldiers Others ran farms or businesses

23 Name three hardships people at home faced during the war.
People at home lost _______ _______, faced __________, and had fewer ________. loved ones inflation goods

24 How did state constitutions balance powers in their states?
State constitutions called for elected _________ and elected __________. The governors had limited ________. Each member of the assembly represented a certain number of _________. governors assemblies powers people

25 Did settlers respect American Indians’ rights as stated in the Northwest Ordinance? Explain.
The settlers did not respect the American Indians’ rights as stated in the Northwest Ordinance because settlers took over their _______, and the ______ supported the settlers. lands army

26 How did the ideals in the Declaration of Independence affect people’s views of slavery?
According to the Declaration of Independence, “All ____ are created ______,” but ________ people did not have equal rights with _____ citizens. men equal enslaved free

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