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Francisco José Correa-Zabala Professor Researcher Logic and Computation Group Software Engineering Group EAFIT University Medellín, Colombia, South America.

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Presentation on theme: "Francisco José Correa-Zabala Professor Researcher Logic and Computation Group Software Engineering Group EAFIT University Medellín, Colombia, South America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Francisco José Correa-Zabala Professor Researcher Logic and Computation Group Software Engineering Group EAFIT University Medellín, Colombia, South America Braga, Portugal Junio de 2005

2 Colombia Area: 1.14 m. sq km Pop: 45 million Capital City: Bogotá (pop: 6 million) Language: Spanish Religion: Catholic (95%)

3 EAFIT is located in Medellín (Colombia), Second largest and biggest industrial and commercial city in the country. WHERE IS EAFIT LOCATED?

4 MEDELLIN Also called the “City of Eternal Spring” due to its fantastic weather all year long (between 17ºC and 28ºC) and the fact that the Valley in which it is located, is surrounded by huge mountains.

5 MEDELLIN For further information on the city, please check:

6 The University EAFIT stands for “Escuela de Administración, Finanzas y Tecnologías”. 7.900 Undergraduate and 1.200 graduate students 17 undergraduate fields, 26 graduate programs and a dynamic Extension Center One of the leading Management Universities in South America.

7 UNIVERSIDAD EAFIT UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Accountancy Business Management Civil Engineering Communication Computer Science Economics International Business Geology Mathematics Engineering Mechanical Engineering Law Music Physics Engineering Political Studies Process Engineering Production Engineering Prod. Design Engineering

8 Research Funding COLCIENCIAS EAFIT% USD 27.3 millon (estimated five years) USD 462,000 (2002) 1,6 % 950 projects (estimated) 38 groups of investigation 4%

9 COLCIENCIAS’ TOP 10 Institution Research Groups Public/ Private 1Universidad Nacional De Colombia211Public 2Universidad De Antioquia140Public 3Universidad Del Valle81Public 4Universidad De Los Andes74Private 5Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá52Private 6Universidad Del Cauca39Public 7Universidad Industrial De Santander35Public 8Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana29Private 9Fundación Universidad Del Norte29Public 9Universidad Del Atlántico28Public 10Universidad Del Magdalena28Public 10Universidad EAFIT28Private 10Universidad Externado De Colombia28Private 10Universidad Tecnológica De Pereira28Public

10 UNIVERSIDAD EAFIT Research 38 Research Groups. staff – 52 Ph. D. – 110 M. Sc. Relationship teaching – Research – 42 specialization programs – 9 master programs – 1 Ph. D. program –2 Ph. D. program in process (Mathematics and Engineering) Relationship University – Industry – Professional practices. – Co-financing Projects (30)

11 UNIVERSIDAD EAFIT Post-grade Programs Concerning Computer Science and ALFA Projects: Graduate Certificate in Software Development G. C. in Telecommunications and Informatics G. C. in Computer and Education G. C. in Information Systems Master of Science in Computer Science. M. Sc. in Applied Mathematics. Ph. D. in Engineering (in process) Ph. D. in Mathematics (in process)

12 UNIVERSIDAD EAFIT International associations’ membership ALFA Networks. América Latina - Formación Académica. CLEICentro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática EAIE European Association for International Education EUROCENTRO AL-Invest (European Commission) project for Latin America. IAESTE International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. RECLA Red Universitaria de Educación Continua en Latinoamérica

13 Universidad EAFIT ACADEMIC CO-OPERATION AGREEMENTS With Europe –BELGIUM. Université Catholique de Louvain. –SPAIN. Conservatori Sup de Músic del Liceu. Fundación Mapfre Estudios. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Universidad de Málaga. Universidad de Salamanca. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. VICOMTech –FRANCE. ENIM. IECS – Strasbourg. ECOS – NORD. Sup De Co Montpellier. Université Bordeaux 1. Université d’Avignon. Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II).

14 Universidad EAFIT ACADEMIC CO-OPERATION AGREEMENTS With Europe –GERMANY. HHL Leipzig (MBA Double Degree). HHL Leipzig (Undergraduate). Hochschule Bremen. Hochschule Bremerhaven. Universität Flensburg. Universität Mannheim –ITALY. Universidad degli Studi de Genova –SWEDEN. Jönköpink International Business School –SWITZERLAND. Universität St. Gallen –NETHERLANDS. Universidad Tecnológica de Delft

15 Universidad EAFIT ACADEMIC CO-OPERATION AGREEMENTS With America –ARGENTINA. Fundación Evolución (REDAL Project). Universidad Nacional del Litoral –BRAZIL. Universidade de Sâo Paulo. Universidade Santa Catarina. –CANADA. CREPUQ. École des Hautes Etudes - Montreal –COSTA RICA. Universidad de Costa Rica. –MÉXICO. TEC de Monterrey. Universidad de Colima

16 Universidad EAFIT ACADEMIC CO-OPERATION AGREEMENTS –PERU. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú –USA. Berkeley College. University of West Florida (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition). University of Texas-Panamerican –CUBA. Universidad de La Habana With Asia –AUSTRALIA. Australian Nacional University. Macquarie Universtiy. University of Wollongong.

17 Dept. of Computer Science and Information Systems

18 Software Engineering Group Research areas Methodology and models for software development Software Quality Knowledge Management Declarative debugging Logical and functional programming

19 Software Engineering Group Researchers –Raquel Anaya de Paez (Ph. D. Informatics) –Mónica Henao Calad (Ph. D. Informatics) –Francisco José Correa Zabala (Ph. D. Informatics) –Omar García Palencia (Student Ph. D. ) –Rafael David Rincón Bermudez (M. Sc. Qualify system) –Alberto Restrepo Velásquez (MBA)

20 Networks and distribute System Research areas –Distributed multimedia system. –Collaborative environment –Network security –Advanced protocols and services in internet –Distributed virtual reality –Programming languages –Architecture of distributed development (CORBA, Java, RMI, Web,.net, etc.) –Parallel processing –Concurrency

21 Networks and Distribute System Group Researchers –Edwin Nelson Montoya Munera (Ph. D. Telecomm.) –Juan Guillermo Lalinde Pulido (Ph. D. Telecomm.) –Juan Francisco Cardona Mc'Cormick (M. Sc. Computer Science) (candidate to Ph. D. LerNet Proyect)

22 Research Groups in Dept. Fundamental Sciences

23 Research Groups in Dept. of Fundamental Sciences Functional analysis Differential equations Mathematics education and history Applied electromagnetism Logic and computation Applied optics Stochastic process Control systems Topology and geometry

24 Logic and Computation Group Research areas –Computability –Quantum computation –Non-classical logics –Declarative debugging –Logical and functional programming

25 Logic and Computation Group Researchers –Francisco Correa (Ph. D. Informatics) –Andrés Sicard (Computer Sciences, M. Sc. Computer Science) (candidate to Ph. D. LerNet Proyect)) –Juan Fernando Ospina (Physics) –Manuel Sierra (Logic) –Mario Vélez (Physics) –Raúl Gómez (Philosophy)

26 Research Related Groups in Other Departments Laboratory of CAD/CAM/CAE Bioengineering Mechatronics and machines design Geographic Information System Image processing

27 Goals associated with Leernet Project 3 Ph. D. New Networks New relations with Universities of the project –Interchange of students –Interchange of professors –Interchanges of researcher

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