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Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Training Workshop Invoicing Procedures.

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1 Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged Training Workshop Invoicing Procedures

2 Invoice Summary  Invoice Number (1)  Start Date of Contract (2)  Remittance Address (3)  Dates of Service (4)

3 Invoice Summary!  Total Estimated Project Cost (5)  Maximum Commission Participation (6)  90% of Project Cost  Located on page 2, Section 4 of the Grant Agreement  Includes Voluntary Dollar Amount

4 Invoice Summary!  Total Eligible Project Costs Incurred to Date (7)  Subtotal of Trip Amounts before deducting 10% match – This will be a cumulative total of all invoices billed to date  Commission Participation In Eligible Costs Incurred to Date (8)  Cumulative amount Reimbursed to Date (including This Billing)

5 Invoice Summary!  Previously Billed Amount (9)  This Billing (10)  Amount of reimbursement requested  Previously Billed + This Billing = Commission Participation in Eligible Costs Incurred to Date

6 Invoice Summary!  CTC authorized signature (11)  This position/person is named in the Resolution of the Grant Application  FM # (12)  Identify which project you are billing  Located at top of page 1 on contract

7 Invoice Summary!  Grant Agreement #/Contract # (12)  Refer to top of page 1 of the Agreement  Number of Trips (13)  Equipment Amount (14)  For RCAP or equipment purchased with T/E grant

8 Summary of Services!  Name of CTC (1)  Dates of Service Period (2)  Type of Service Provided (3)  Needs to be identical to Rate Sheet terminology in Exhibit B of Agreement  Number of Trips Provided (4)  Cost per Unit (5)  Number of Units Provided (6)  Amount of the Service cost (7)

9 Summary of Services!  Total Project Cost (8)  Sum of all service costs  Commission Participation  Total Project Cost x 90%  Less amount over Schedule B in contract  Total Amount billed to CTD (This Billing)

10 Rate Structure Adherence  Use Language and Rates that appear on your Rate Page located in Exhibit B of the Agreement  The terminology must match exactly

11 Support Documentation  Dates of Services must match the Invoice submitted  Trip totals in support documentation must match to trip totals on Invoice Summary  Service Types listed on the Summary of Service must be easily identifiable in support documentation

12 Schedule of Disbursements  Why a Schedule?  Aids in Commission Financial Planning  Tool for CTC’s to manage trip volume  All payments will strictly adhere to this disbursement schedule  Cumulative  Requesting amounts reduced from prior invoices

13 Processing Time  A payment is not considered late until 40 working days after approval/receipt of a proper invoice.  CTD has 11 working days to approve a proper invoice after it has been received in the CTD office.  Check on payment status at Dept. of Financial Services website 

14 Invoicing for Voluntary Dollars  It is advisable to request the Voluntary Dollar amount on 1 st Invoice  Use Project ID ending in -38401  The “Monetary Value of In-Kind Match” is the vendor’s match to the Voluntary Dollar (if applicable)

15 Invoicing for Equipment Purchases  Use correct Project ID  Remember to match 10% if applicable  Use correct language as appears in Grant Agreement  Submit copy of invoice from Vendor for equipment purchase  List CTD as First Lein Holder in Registration Application for vehicles

16 Rate Increases  What is needed:  LCB minutes and roll call vote to approve rate increase  Questions Form and Rate Review Checklist Form; they are located on Commission website  Approved Rate Methodology Model  8% increases processed using the same model, but approved by the Executive Director.  If a CTC requests a rate increase with in 12 months of a prior increase award, the percent increase awarded on the prior request will be added to the new request to test for 8% Executive Director approval authority  CTD requires 4 weeks to process rate increase request before it appears before the next Rate Review Committee meeting

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