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Major Goals Educate top quality engineers to meet the needs of Hawaii, the nation and the engineering profession. Conduct and disseminate research. Provide.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Goals Educate top quality engineers to meet the needs of Hawaii, the nation and the engineering profession. Conduct and disseminate research. Provide."— Presentation transcript:


2 Major Goals Educate top quality engineers to meet the needs of Hawaii, the nation and the engineering profession. Conduct and disseminate research. Provide service to the State of Hawaii, Pacific Basin and engineering profession … seminars, conferences, consulting, work with government agencies and professional societies.

3 ORE Program Options Coastal Offshore Resource + MS ABET
7 Faculty +1 hiring

4 ORE MS Program Requirements
Pre-program classes if necessary Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam or General Exam in 1st semester Core classes Option and elective classes Plan A thesis, Plan B report and oral final exam

5 ORE PhD Program Requirements
Pre-program classes Core classes Qualifying Exam (4 hr, covers core) Comprehensive Exam (defend research proposal) Dissertation defense Expect several peer-reviewed publications

6 ORE Coursework Requirement
Pre-program courses if necessary The ORE graduate program, MS and PhD, includes a core: ORE 411 Buoyancy and Stability ORE 601 Ocean Engineering Laboratory ORE 603 Oceanography for Ocean Engineers ORE 607 Water Wave Mechanics    ORE 609 Hydrodynamics of Fluid-Body Interaction ORE 792 Seminars PhD – Math and 3+ other electives

7 Typical MS timeline

8 Typical PhD timeline

9 ORE Students – Spring 2013 32 students – 20 MS, 12 PhD Support:
2 TAs 18 RAs – NOAA, ONR, NSF, Defense, Energy, Homeland Security, HI Civil, HI Transportation, SOEST, Trex Others – working, GI bill, part-time, etc Time to finish: MS ~2-3 y; PhD ~6 y Recent MS and PhD jobs MS: Makai, Brown and Caldwell, AECOM, ESA-PWA, Global PCCI JV, Navfac, Oceanic, Ocean Imaging, Navatek, PhD, … PhD: Post-docs, Asst prof, Oceanit, Aker Solutions, Houston Offshore, …

10 Recent student recognition and awards
PhD student Justin Stopa JGR article makes the news! Hurricane Sound Waves Could Aid Forecasting Atmospheric infrasound from nonlinear wave interactions during Hurricanes Felicia and Neki of 2009 MS student Jerica Nolte Two scholarships to study hydrodynamic forces of a WEC buoy IEEE Oceanic Society ($2,000) Society Graduate Scholarship of SNAME ($5,000) PhD Student, Masoud Hayatdavoodi: Link Foundation Ocean Engineering Fellowship for ($25,000) The largest, most prestigous student prize in ocean engineering in the world.

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