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“G-Gov” and E-Gov Pamela Johnson Deputy Director National Partnership for Reinventing Government August 28, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "“G-Gov” and E-Gov Pamela Johnson Deputy Director National Partnership for Reinventing Government August 28, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 “G-Gov” and E-Gov Pamela Johnson Deputy Director National Partnership for Reinventing Government August 28, 2000

2 I. E-gov II. Interactive Town Square III. “G-gov”

3 E-GOV Enable Americans to have access to all government information and be able to conduct all their government business online by 2003.

4 E-gov: Current Status n Information on-line, e.g. –Health - - Healthfinder, nursing homes –Access America - - seniors, students –Live information - - air, traffic reports n Transactions –IRS: 33 million taxpayers file on line –Submit reports, apply for grants, submit trademark applications, paperless procurement, lots more coming –Buy stamps, coins, etc.

5 Current Activities  E-gov Executive Order   Ensuring privacy and security   Increaseuse of automation to transact services   Expand training for 21st century workforce   Adopt e-gov initiatives, e.g.  500 forms on line by December  public e-mail for citizen contact –First Gov Portal - - launch September 2000

6 An Interactive Town Square... “a unique, 21st Century contribution to the vision and the reality of self- government”

7 Interactive Town Square n More accountable & effective government –provide information on line –deliver services & transactions –focus on results, map performance to local level –allow citizens to engage, make suggestions, give feedback

8 Principles n A concept that creates possibilities n Serves customers and communities  Incorporates approaches such as licensing and branding to engage the private sector  Uses multiple forms of technology  Puts agency “stovepipes” in the backroom  Reduces cost of government  Protects privacy  Allows access for all Americans.


10 n... we have an unparalleled opportunity to turn a flood of raw data into understandable information about our society and our planet. If we are successful, it will have broad societal and commercial benefits in areas such as education, decision-making for a sustainable future, land-use planning, agricultural, and crisis management. Vice President Al Gore

11 Why is “g-gov” important? n Better information n Better decisions n Better operations n Better customer service n Greater accountability n More trust in government

12 Better Information n Where is there a good nursing home near me? – n Is there a severe storm coming? – –

13 Better Decisions: Tillamook County n 1996 floods n - drowned 700+ cows n - more than $53 million in damages n County worked with FEMA, Army Corps, HUD & ESRI to map the county –planned flood mitigation –elevated 55 homes, 14 businesses n 1999 floods: 96% reduction in losses n

14 Better Operations n Reducing repetitive loss properties n Reducing 911 calls n Routing emergency vehicles/delivery trucks –Sears saved $53 million –Routing debris trucks n Polio eradication // n Crime reduction

15 Better Customer Services n Buying a flood map – –S:\SAFER STRONGER FAMILIES\Public Safety\FEMA FloodMaps.htm n Applying for child health insurance – – n Tracking packages –// n Service locator

16 Better Customer Services

17 Better Accountability n FEMA: Tracking repetititve losses –5000 high risk properties mapped n Census: Tracking response rate n Baltimore: CitiStat –clear goals –real time data –“everyone in the room”

18 E-gov & G-Gov n Think global, act local n Think local, act global

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