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ODIN Enterprise Management Systems Powered by: ERP, CRM, B2B, B2C, POS, Wholesale, Accounting, Logistics, Clouds Enterprise, and Mobile Apps 名達科技 ( 香港.

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Presentation on theme: "ODIN Enterprise Management Systems Powered by: ERP, CRM, B2B, B2C, POS, Wholesale, Accounting, Logistics, Clouds Enterprise, and Mobile Apps 名達科技 ( 香港."— Presentation transcript:

1 ODIN Enterprise Management Systems Powered by: ERP, CRM, B2B, B2C, POS, Wholesale, Accounting, Logistics, Clouds Enterprise, and Mobile Apps 名達科技 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Famous Point Technology (H.K.) Ltd. Famous Point Technology (Canada) Ltd.

2 Famous Point Technology Ltd. 1. Famous Point Technology is a Canadian and Hong Kong Software Company since 2005. 2. We have developed Enterprise Management Systems for ODIN Wholesale, POS, CRM, ERP, Logistics, Restaurant, Accounting, Financial, Email, Mobile Apps, and Clouds Enterprise.

3 ODIN Enterprise Management Systems 1. ERP and CRM Management System 2. Wholesale and POS Management System 3. Accounting and Financial Management System 4. Sales and Distribution Management System 5. Purchase and Supply Chain management System 6. Logistics and Warehouses Management System

4 Our Achievements: 1. Disneyland System Development 2. Government Highways System Development 3. Airport Plane Maintenance System Development 4. HSBC Human Resource Management System 5. ERP and CRM Enterprise Management System 6. 20 Years of Experiences in System Development

5 Our Customers 1. Kwong Fung Rice Ltd. 2. ePari Limited 3. Healthy Vegetarian Ltd. 4. Hoi Cheong Ho 5. Wing Lee Ho Co Ltd 6. Chung Hing Co. Ltd. 7. Ng Fung Enterprise Ltd. 8. Bright Harvest Limited 9. Tun Hau (Canada) Ltd. 10. Fusion Fashion Limited 11. Golden Pacific Foods Ltd. 12. New Port Stone Tile Ltd.

6 Our Customers 1. Stars Trading Co. Ltd. 2. JK Auto Parts Co. Ltd. 3. Stars Trading (GP) Ltd. 4. Polypak Enterprise Ltd. 5. P&P Packaging Co. Ltd. 6. Universal Paper Co. Ltd. 7. Allcity Importer Limited 8. Twins Enterprise Limited 9. GoGo Enterprise Limited 10. Ocean Trade Seafood Ltd. 11. Long Heng Seafood Ltd. 12. Heng Xing Seafood Ltd. 13. Hi-To Fisheries Limited

7 Enterprise Management System Enterprise System 1. Sales System 2. Inventory System 3. Purchase System 4. Accounting System 5. Reporting System 6. System Setup

8 Sales System Sales System: 1. Invoice 2. Credit Note 3. Quotation 4. Sales Order

9 Customer Profile 1. Create Customer 2. Input Name, Code 3. Tel, Email, Contact 4. Bill & Ship Address 5. Price Type 6. Customer Type 7. Salesperson 8. Terms & Credit Limit 9. Discount

10 Selling Prices Adjustment Selling Prices Adj. 1. Wholesale Price 2. Retail Price 3. Office Price 4. Restaurant Price 5. Minimum Price

11 Invoice 1. Input Customer 2. Add Invoice Items 3. Qty and Unit Price 4. Packing and Unit 5. Discount and Total 6. Remarks and Terms 7. Printing Invoice 8. Packing/Picking Lists

12 Reporting System Sales Reports: 1. Customer Sales Report 2. Customer Return Report 3. Barcode List 4. Item Price List 5. Sales Item History 6. Daily Sales Report 7. Month End Sales Report

13 Sales Reports Sales By Customer Report 1. Input Date Range 2. Select Customers 3. Select Area 4. Select Type

14 Sales Reports Daily Sales Report 1. Input Date Range 2. Select Customers 3. Select Area 4. Select Type

15 Sales Reports Sales Item History Report 1. Input Date Range 2. Select Customers 3. Select Items

16 Vendor Profile 1. Create Vendor 2. Input Name, Code 3. Tel, Fax, Email 4. Address 5. Post and Dept. 6. Vendor Type 7. Buyer 8. Terms

17 Purchase Order 1. Input Vendor Info 2. Qty and Unit Cost 3. Freight Charge 4. Duty and Misc Fee 5. Currency & Ex. Rate 6. Total Cartons 7. Volume and Weight 8. Print Purchase Order

18 Purchase Receive 1. Select PO # 2. Input Receive Qty 3. Save and Confirm 4. Assign Lot # 5. Update Stock Qty 6. Update Stock Cost 7. Printing Receiving

19 Inventory System Inventory System: 1. Category Setup 2. Item Setup 3. Stock In 4. Stock Out 5. Stock Transfer 6. Qty Adjustment 7. FIFO, Avg. Cost 8. Last Cost

20 Category Setup 1. Create Category 2. Create Subcategory

21 Item Setup 1. Create product/Item 2. Item Pictures 3. Description & Code 4. Types and Color 5. Unit and Size 6. Packing and Qty 7. Unit Cost & Markup 8. Barcode & Location 9. Volume & Weight

22 System Setup System Setup: 1. Company 2. Employee 3. Security Setting 4. Default Setting 5. Backup Data 6. Batch Process

23 Company Profile Company Info 1. Company Name 2. Contact, Tel, Fax 3. Email and Website 4. Address 5. Tax Setup 6. Business License

24 Employee File Employee Info 1. Name, Tel, Mobile 2. Home Address 3. Login Name 4. Password 5. Salary, Joined Date 6. Emergency Contact 7. Job Title and Dept.

25 Accounting System Accounting: 1. Account Receivable 2. Monthly Statement 3. Account Payment 4. Expense Control

26 Account Receivable 1. Search Customer/Inv 2. Select Date Range 3. Select Invoices 4. Select Credit Notes 5. Pay Type, Date, Amt. 6. Input Cheque Info 7. A/R Posting 8. Search A/R History

27 Monthly Statement 1. Select Customers 2. Select Area 3. Select Month / year 4. Select Criteria

28 Account Payable 1. Search Vendor or PO 2. Select Date Range 3. Select PO 4. Select Debit Notes 5. Pay Type, Date, Amt. 6. Printing Cheque 7. A/P Posting 8. Search A/P History

29 General Ledger System GL System 1. Chart of Account 2. Bank Account 3. General Journal 4. Bank Reconciliation 5. Trial Balance 6. Income Statement 7. Balance Sheet

30 General Journal 1. Select GL Account 2. Input Debit Amt 3. Input Credit Amt 4. Select GL Sub A/C

31 General Ledger 1. Select Date Range 2. Select GL Account 3. Select GL Sub A/C 4. Transaction Listing

32 Balance Sheet 1. Input Date Range 2. Select GL Sub A/C 3. Print Balance Sheet

33 POS Sales System POS System: 1. Sales 2. Inventory 3. Reports 4. System

34 POS Sales System Sales System: 1. Sales Receipt 2. Sales Exchange 3. Sales Refund 4. Cash Count 5. Customer Profile 6. Selling Prices Adj.

35 Sales Receipt 1. VIP/Walk-in Customer 2. Scanning Barcode 3. Input Customer Code 4. Sales Qty and Price 5. Special Discount 6. Payment Amount 7. Change Amount 8. Printing Receipt

36 For more information, please contact Leo Lam at 6089 1281 visit our website Thank you. 名達科技 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Famous Point Technology (H.K.) Ltd. Famous Point Technology (Canada) Ltd.

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