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Moped Safety Class March 15 See Mr Dalton for pre registration details.

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Presentation on theme: "Moped Safety Class March 15 See Mr Dalton for pre registration details."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moped Safety Class March 15 See Mr Dalton for pre registration details.

2 LeMars Community High School Technology Academy

3 Framing for the Future: Career Pathways Ensure All Students Plan for their Future

4 Shift in Skills 1970’s2010 High Skills Low Skills

5 By 2008, women will make up almost 50% of the workforce. Women – 48% Men – 52% US Dept. of Labor, Jan. 2005

6 Why Career Planning is Important! Your career will influence nearly every aspect of your life! Work Income Location Friends Family Leisure activities Personal satisfaction Contribution to society

7 How many times can a student who has just graduated from high school plan to change jobs? 10-15 times by 2010


9 Career Pathways provide: Students with a foundation and framework to help them plan for registration Students with an understanding as to why they need to take certain courses

10 Students with information to plan Students, teachers, and parents with a critical connection Career Pathways provide:


12 The Skills You Will Need: Computer literacyComputer literacy Higher science, math, & contextual reading skillsHigher science, math, & contextual reading skills Team work is criticalTeam work is critical Continual learning – lifelong learningContinual learning – lifelong learning Problem-solving &Problem-solving & critical thinking skills critical thinking skills Technical reading &Technical reading & writing skills writing skills


14 Career Pathways: Educating All Students for Their Futures! Foundational Knowledge and Skills for All Students in All Career Clusters/Pathways Academic Foundation Communication Systems Employability Skills Academic Foundation Communication Systems Employability Skills Legal Responsibilities Safety Practices Ethics Technical Skills Legal Responsibilities Safety Practices Ethics Technical Skills Information Technology Applications Health Maintenance Practices Information Technology Applications Health Maintenance Practices PreK-5 th Grade Intro to 16 Career Clusters Classroom Speakers High School Student Demos Reading & Sharing about Careers 6 th -8 th Grade Explore & Investigate Interest Inventories Tours Exploratory Activities Career Fairs 8 th Grade Personal Learning Plan for All Students 9 th -10 th Grade CTE Foundation Courses All students identify a career cluster focus. Take as many gen ed requirements and electives as possible, allowing for advanced academic and career courses later. All students take a careers class. Students completing Algebra II should go to WITCC/NCC to CLEP College Algebra. All students should take a College Placement Exam to determine if they need any remediation prior to graduating from high school. 11 th -12 th Grade All students enroll and complete Advanced Academic and Career Technical Dual Credit Courses in a specific pathway. Identification of 2 year and 4 year institutions that provided continuing education and training in those pathways. Students have opportunities for internships and work- based learning experiences. Complete a senior project to demonstrate skills across curriculum. 13 th -20 th Year Community College and/or University Students will: Move seamlessly into further education and training with advanced standing. Know more definitely what focus their career preparation will be in their postsecondary education and training. Continue to improve in their foundational knowledge and skills, able to compete in the global economy and market. Be able to transition to a number of career pathways as their employment needs change. Be able to access training for life-long learning to stay competitive in the global market and current with technology. Assess student preparedness (academic & career). Identify & meet student needs.

15 Successful Transition 100 students begin high school at 9 th grade 68 of these students graduate from high school 40 of these students start college 27 leave after sophomore year 18 graduate 31 % leave with 0 credits earned Education Weekly, March 2005

16 LCHS Career Pathways Design Engineer Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Technician

17 Vision Career preparation in three pathways Industry standard hardware and software Partnership between school, business + industry, and community college

18 Technician Tech Mods A+ Certification Mechanical Drawing Designer’s Choice Manufacturing Electronics Internship/ Apprenticeship

19 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Tech Mods Mechanical Drawing Pro Design Designer Choice Manufacturing Web Design Internship

20 Design Engineer Tech Mods Mechanical Drawing Intro to AutoCAD Intro to Architectural Design Production Design and Engineering Designers Choice Web Design Internship/Apprenticeship

21 Tech Module pictures

22 Tech Modules Tech Mods provides a career survey course for students and is strongly recommended at the 9 th or 10 th grade

23 Value of Technology modules Provides students with a wide range of materials and processes used in many careers. Provides the students with hands on real world learning. Recommended for 9 th and 10 th graders but can be taken anytime.

24 Mechanical Drawing College Credit (Mr Wichers) Highly recommended for the 9 or 10 th grade. Take it early so you can get other Tech courses such as Intro to AutoCAD, Intro to Arch Desktop, Production Design and Engineering, Manufacturing Tech,Web Design, and Woods.

25 Intro to AutoCAD College credit Designing 2d Mechanical drawing Majority of class is spent with hands on training in creating 2d object, setting up layers, object snap, modifying objects, plotting drawings in 2 d Fun class

26 Careers in Intro to AutoCAD Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Design Drafting Designer Tool Designer Civil Engineering Income 40,000 and up

27 Intro to Architectural Design College Credit Pre-requisite:Intro to AutoCAD 3d Object based design course for Residential and commercial use Fun, challenging and high income careers Projects include designing houses and commercial structures

28 Architectural Design Elements Floor and Foundation plans Front and Side elevation Sectional Kitchen Details Commercial structures

29 Careers in Intro to Arch Design Architects Industrial Design Interior Design Landscape Design Commercial Structures Construction Drafting Designer Civil Engineering Others (too many to list) Income 40,000 and up

30 Designer Choice New offering with no pre-requiste and no book. Offered 10 th thru 12 th grade. Students choose any combination of these areas: –Revit (House and commercial structures) –3d Civil (Land Parcels development and related fields of study) –Inventor (3d solid and animation)

31 One Designers Choice project

32 Web Design Recommended 10-12 th grade

33 Web Design (College Credit) Highly recommended for college bound students. Helps student master using the internet Helps facilitate the gathering of useful resources on the internet.

34 Web Design Projects Create and maintain the LCHS school web site. Create a commercial web site (student choice) Use industrial state of the art Web Developing software –Dreamweaver –Flash –Fireworks

35 Web Projects Book Exercises Forms Flash Video Highlights LCHS Project

36 Fireworks Projects

37 More Fireworks

38 Photoshop Collages/Banners

39 3D Cool Imaging

40 Careers in Web Design Entrepreneurship Web Developer Print and Web Developer E-Business manager Information Systems Career Many careers to numerous to mention that involve creative and technological careers Income 40,000 and up

41 Pro Design and Engineering Recommended 10-12 th grade

42 Pro Design Project Key Points –Sketching –Create Features –Constraints –2D and 3D Drawings –Creating Balloon Part Lists –Creating Presentations

43 Pro Design Teaming Weight Machine Project Team 1 –Craig –Eric –Ryan Key Points of Project –Teaming –Network Linking and Sharing

44 Careers in Production Design and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Design Drafting Designer Tool Designer Civil Engineering Income 40,000 and up

45 Production Design and Engineering Powerful 3d design principles will be explored. Very high student interest in this class, sign up early in your process and take it 11 th or 12 the grade year. Get ready to have a blast designing-fun class. Supply-Demand. Engineers are in HIGH DEMAND.

46 Manufacturing Technologies (College)Pre-requisite:Pro Design More Design principles College level units of study in Tech World Curriculum (4 weeks each): –CNC Lathe and Mill –Mechanical Systems (Mechanism/Hydraulic) –Automation (Robotics, Programming, Sensors –Electronics (in the near future hopefully) Design and construct hydraulic robot arm for competition Manufacturing concepts with real world learning will be covered.

47 Careers in Manufacturing Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Design Programmer, Line Setup. Maintenance operator CNC operator Manufacturing careers are 21 percent of jobs in Iowa. Income 40,000 and up

48 Win for the Students Opportunity for real life training in industry standard technology applications Preparation for either entry level employment or jump start on post-secondary training Training in a career field where jobs currently exist Students become familiar with WITCC and it’s technology offerings

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