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Phil Teachen Technology and Assessment in Health & Exercise Science 8 th Grade Health Class.

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2 Phil Teachen Technology and Assessment in Health & Exercise Science 8 th Grade Health Class

3 The Facts  Number one health risk facing America (2004)  The cause of 400,000 deaths per year  $122.9 billion annual cost to the national economy  Lower self esteem, depression, diminish quality of life, social discomfort  2 out of every 3 adults are either overweight or obese  1 out of every 3 children

4 What defines obesity?

5 Prevention  Affects nearly 40% in some states  Estimated that 1/3 of children born in 2000 will develop obesity-related diabetes  Life style Changes  School practices  Urban planning  Nutrition knowledge  Regular doctor physicals


7  Physical education budgets have dropped  Advancements in entertainment and gaming  Transportation  Poor Diets (empty calories, high fructose, processed foods, and sodas)

8  Diabetes  Cardiovascular disease  Heart Disease  Stroke  Certain types of cancer  High blood pressure  High cholesterol  Metabolic syndrome  Sleep apnea  Asthma  Arthritis  Gallbladder disease  Liver disease  Urinary incontinence  Depression


10 Ongoing Problem  Obesity rates at all time high  Rates consistently rising through the years  32.2% for men and 35.5% for women (2008)  Rates have increased in all population groups

11  16% of active duty (2004)  Largest cause for discharge of uniformed personnel  Bariatric surgery reaching 15 million (2002) Bariatric

12  $344 billion estimated medical cost in 2018  Health care spending per adult rose 80% from 1987  Cost for obesity related diseases averaged $2030 for obese adults and $1090 for normal weight adults $344 Billion


14  Controversial artificial colors  Heavily processed foods  Natural/artificial flavors added  High fructose corn syrup  High sodium content  Fast and fried foods

15  People simply don’t know what they are putting in their bodies  Fast pace life leads to fast unhealthy meals  Unhealthy fast food, pizza, and Chinese restaurants located all over  Food companies misleading consumers with advertising

16  Located all over the states  People have the option to work towards a healthy lifestyle  Estimated that 36% of gym profits are from members who show less than 25 times a year  New Years gym joiners on average quit within 4-6 weeks Fitness Centers


18  Being aware of what you are consuming  Plan out you’re meals  Pack a lunch instead of eating out  Get a physical from your family doctor  Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator  Don’t over eat

19  Avoid soda  Check food labels (the less ingredients the better)  Get at least 30 min of physical activity a day  Aim for a lifestyle change not a temporary diet

20  America needs to understand this epidemic that is going on  People need to start taking action and leading a healthy lifestyle  Parents have control over what their children are putting in their bodies  We are only hurting ourselves by not taking action

21 Works Cited  Eliana Perrin,. "Obesity in America." Obesity related diseases. Obesity in America, 2011. Web. 8 Feb 2012.. . "U.S. Obesity Trends." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011. Web. 8 Feb 2012..  Hellmich, N.. "Rising obesity will cost u.s. health care $344 billion a year.". USA Today, 2009. Web. 8 Feb 2012.. . N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb 2012.. . Truth about gyms. N.p., 2008. Web. 8 Feb 2012..

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