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Introduction to Drama. All plays are dramas, but not all dramas are plays. Consider the cast (dramatis personae); in many cases diagramming cast relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Drama. All plays are dramas, but not all dramas are plays. Consider the cast (dramatis personae); in many cases diagramming cast relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Drama

2 All plays are dramas, but not all dramas are plays. Consider the cast (dramatis personae); in many cases diagramming cast relationships will be beneficial. Stage directions are important – don’t skip them. Use your imagination. Read more than once – perhaps silently, then aloud. Use your imagination to imagine (visualize) the action.

3 Read for details – long speeches have meaning, foreshadowing (the smallest detail may reveal a greater subtlety later). Think about the title – it has meaning, too! Notice opening and closing lines – why does the playwright start here; why does the play end at that moment? What motivates character?

4 Character What he/she says What he/she does What others say and do about the character What others say and do to the character Does the character’s name have a specific meaning or implication?

5 Character literary terms Protagonist Antagonist Major Minor Round Flat Static Dynamic Soliloquy

6 Dialogue Read and listen for style and tone Pay attention to word choice and sentence structure Interpret figures of speech and notice imagery

7 Dramatic Conflict Physical Social Internal (psychological)

8 Setting and Structure Not just where but when Cultural context – important The set is influential

9 External form Cast list Stage directions Text divisions with tags identifying speaker Acts and scenes

10 Internal form Centers on plot – In medias res – Exposition – Flashbacks Five Act Play (natural rhythm) – page 949 – Exposition – Complication – Crisis – Climax – Catastrophe – Resolution – Dénouement

11 Freytag’s Pyramid

12 Watch for Compression of time Contrast of events Symbols Foils

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