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Welcome Florida Energy Workforce Consortium (FEWC) May 12, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Florida Energy Workforce Consortium (FEWC) May 12, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Florida Energy Workforce Consortium (FEWC) May 12, 2011

2 FEWC May 12, 2011 9:00 am. 2:00 Adjourn Welcome and Introductions Betsy Levingston, Lakeland Electric Committee Updates Update on NCCER Energy Curriculum Daniele Stacey Tour of Lakeland Electric Power Academy Gary Kiger, Instructor Teacher Externship Tracy Fender, Science Teacher Working Lunch Survey Results/ Discussion Carol Higley, FEWC Co-Chair Update on Florida’s Workforce/ Economic Development Structure Andra Cornelius, WFI, Inc. Open Discussion/Adjourn Jennifer Grove and Carol Higley


4 Seniors 2011 Shadowing Rotation Schedule

5 Power Academy News SkillsUSA Congratulations to Lakeland Electric Power Academy students who won the regional Skills USA contest and went on to compete in the State of Florida Championships State Results:  Jerry Kennedy finished in the top 10 in the Job Skills Demonstration contest  Kathrine Austin finished 3 rd in the employment application contest  Gabriel Velazquez finished 2 nd in the resume writing/job interview contest  Cory McElwee 1 st Place--Extemporaneous Speaking (Advances to the National contest held in Kansas City, Kansas, in June Congratulations!!!

6 Academy Graduates Year 1 - 2009 4 Graduates (2 LE hires) Year 2 - 2010 14 Graduates (1 LE hire) Year 3 - 2011 17 6

7 2011 Graduates

8 Florida Energy Workforce Consortium Executive Committee Update Co-Chair, Carol Higley May 12, 2011

9 Purpose Formed in 2006, FEWC is developing solutions to meet the current and future work force needs of the state’s energy industry. The consortium’s primary goals are to develop accurate projections of future energy industry work force needs detailed by occupation and to prioritize those needs for focused educational and recruiting efforts.

10 Active Committees Career Awareness: Improving the image of the industry and introducing to Floridians the high-paying jobs and career paths within it. [Audrey Brown, OUC, Chair] Policy & Education: Impacting education public policy to support implementation of energy industry-relevant education and training at the secondary and post-secondary levels with an eye toward opportunities to transfer knowledge from the existing workforce to entry-level workers.. [Betsy Levingston, Lakeland Electric, Chair] State and National Outreach: Raising awareness of the impending workforce shortages and its impact on the energy sector and the state’s economic development potential, thus avoiding potential adverse impacts to our state’s citizenry and businesses. [Jennifer Grove, Gulf Power, Chair] Funding & Resources and Untapped Labor Sources

11 HELP WANTED: Treasurer (Funding and Resources) –Marshalling all available resources, focusing them on the most pressing challenges ahead. –Annual invoicing process –Collaborate with Workforce Florida’s Finance Department

12 Passing the torch…June 2011 Thanks to Jennifer Grove for her outstanding leadership over the last six years with FEWC! Congratulations to Betsy Levingston who’s stepping into the Co-Chair role joining Carol Higley for the 2011-2012 fiscal year Welcoming Ken Languedoc to the FEWC Executive Committee as he prepare to lead the Policy & Education Committee

13 Upcoming meetings Join Us!!

14 Florida Energy Workforce Consortium Membership/Funding Update

15 UPDATE Current balance effective 3/31: $39,660 NOTE: Will receive roughly $25,000 per year beginning this year for next 3 years for GIECP Current Paying Members: –JEA –CHELCO –City of Lakeland/Lakeland Electric –OUC –Gulf Power –FP&L –Tampa Electric Company –CLM Workforce Connection

16 Florida Energy Workforce Consortium State and National Outreach Committee Update Chair, Jennifer Grove May 9, 2011

17 MISSION –To raise awareness of the energy industry careers that are critical to our state’s electrical infrastructure –To ensure collaborations are in place to achieve the necessary workforce development solutions to meet the industry’s current and future needs –To ensure that standing committees and councils are aware of the FEWC objectives and action plans –To play a critical role in developing communications between the FEWC and other state energy workforce consortia, other industry-related organizations, and national agency efforts to maximize awareness and solution sharing

18 Workforce Florida, Inc. Florida Department of Education Banner Centers for Energy, Clean Energy, and Construction Florida Ready To Work Florida Workforce Development Association Florida Construction Users Roundtable (FCURT) Florida Advanced Technical Education Center Center for Energy Workforce Development Other state energy workforce consortia Southeastern Manpower Tripartite Alliance (SEMTA) Nuclear Energy Institute Key Linkages/ Partnerships

19 Committee Members: Jennifer Grove, Gulf Power, FEWC Co-Chair Andra Cornelius, WFI (Past FEWC Co-Chair) JB Clark, IBEW Honorary Members: Carol Higley, JEA, FEWC Co-Chair WANT TO JOIN US?

20 State and National Outreach Highlights Collaborate with 23 other state energy consortia Represent and/or present at multiple state and national energy and workforce conferences – recent and upcoming events: –Sunshine State Scholars Event: January, 2011 –Academies on the Hill: February, 2011 –CEWD Southeast Region Meeting: March, 2011 –WFI/FACTE NGLC Conference: March, 2011 (Bay, Clay, Polk, Pinellas) –Ford Partnership for Advanced Studies National Hub Directors Meeting: March, 2011 –Clay County NGLC Stakeholders Meeting: May, 2011 –Polk County VPSC Strategic Planning Conference: June, 2011 –FACTE Annual Convention: July, 2011

21 Collaboration with Workforce Florida: –WFI Strategic Plan explicitly addresses Energy as key Infrastructure Industry to focus on and has STEM focus –WFI Banner Centers (Jennifer Grove chairs ad hoc committee); In addition to Banner Centers for Energy, Clean Energy and Construction, the Banner Center for Water Resources was established in 2010 –Florida’s Green Jobs Workshop (5/09) Collaboration with STEMflorida and Florida Chamber Talent & Education Caucus through Jennifer Grove’s membership on both State and National Outreach Highlights

22 United States Department of Energy - Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy: Matthew Maguire Inman –Primary interest in curriculum Covanta Energy (EfW: Energy from Waste) contact: Greg Gillespie, Regional Training Specialist – Fort Myers New Collaborations:

23 2011 Key Area of Focus: GIECP Implementation of Get into Energy Career Pathways –Northwest FL Region: Jennifer Grove, Gulf Power –Polk County: Betsy Levingston, Lakeland Electric –Southeast FL Region: Ken Languedoc, FPL Career Coaches completed training in April Recruitment of Target Participants: May Assessments/ Career Coaching: May/June Training of Energy Foundations Teachers: June 13-14 in Pensacola – co-sponsored by FACTE

24 Florida Energy Workforce Consortium Chair, Betsy Levingston May 12, 2011 Policy & Education Committee Update

25 MISSION The mission of the FEWC Policy & Education Committee is to influence education to collaborate with the energy industry to develop efficient systems, policies and programs for successfully preparing a pool of qualified applicants for energy careers.

26 Policy & Education Target Audiences Partnerships Academic Administration Banner Center for Energy Guidance CounselorsCenter for Energy Workforce Dev. Educators Florida Department of Education Florida Dept. of Education Workforce Florida Students/Parents CORD Technical CollegesNCCER AcademiesNational Energy Foundation NEED Project SkillsUSA EPCE

27 Committee Members: Betsy Levingston, Lakeland Electric – Chair Susan VanBuren, CHELCO Mary Jo Rager, Banner Center for Energy Dr. Alexander Domijan, USF Gwenda Thompson, WDB/Treasure Coast Kim McDougal, FLDOE Jose Farinos, IRSC Ken Languedoc, FPL Honorary Members: Jennifer Grove, Gulf Power, FEWC Co-Chair Carol Higley, JEA, FEWC Co-Chair

28 2010 Accomplishments Facilitated the development of an Energy Working Group for the Department of Education’s Next Generation Occupational Standards. (Two industry FEWC members Co-Chair this Group). Partnered with CEWD and CORD to develop Energy Foundations course materials for completion and piloting in 2011-2012 school year. Proclamation by Florida’s Governor of “Careers in Energy Week” for week of October 18-22, 2010. Partnershipwith NCCER to develop Alternative Energy course materials. Presented information about Florida’s Energy curriculum frameworks at various industry and educational events, including FACTE, FCPN, CEWD and MEA conferences. Developed draft of Energy Career Cluster workbook Hosted a Science teacher extern during summer, 2010.

29 2011 Action Items Meet goals and expectations of the GIECP initiative Complete the development of course materials for Energy Foundations (CORD) and Introduction to Alternative Energy (NCCER). Pilot energy courses in Florida schools/regions. (Gulf Power Academy & Lakeland Electric Power Academy) –Training Instructors: Prepare instructors to use Industry Fundamentals course materials (partnering with FACTE) (Pensacola, June 13 & 14, 2011) –Launch the Florida Energy Teacher Network Add teacher “toolkit” to Get Into Energy Florida web site Develop incentive program for educators to use the new curriculum frameworks and materials. Develop Teacher Certification for the energy curriculum CEWD committee to develop an Energy Industry certificate for students completing the Energy Fundamentals course

30 2011 Action Items Develop Virtual format for energy curriculum Publish the Florida Energy Career Cluster Career Guide Continue to seek opportunities to present at various state Teacher Workshops to introduce Energy curriculum and STEM Develop a FEWC teacher externship program and place Science and/or Math teachers in utility summer positions in 5 Florida regions. Consider use of FEWC/Industry matching funds Continue the “Careers in Energy” Week (3 rd week in October) and gain approval as an annual proclamation. (Governor Scott’s signature for 2011)

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