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How does Advent move us to serve our lords and masters, God’s poor? from Advent letter of G. Gregory Gay, C.M. Superior General Advent, 2012 from Advent.

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Presentation on theme: "How does Advent move us to serve our lords and masters, God’s poor? from Advent letter of G. Gregory Gay, C.M. Superior General Advent, 2012 from Advent."— Presentation transcript:

1 How does Advent move us to serve our lords and masters, God’s poor? from Advent letter of G. Gregory Gay, C.M. Superior General Advent, 2012 from Advent letter of G. Gregory Gay, C.M. Superior General Advent, 2012

2 Advent can be a time that brings out our anxiety and uncertainty. The Gospel for the first Sunday of Advent says: 1 1 “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars, and nations will be in dismay... people will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world.” (Lk.21:25) Week

3 Wars Natural Disasters Poverty Human Miseries Catastrophic Challenges Ignorance and Indifference towards God and Church How did our founders respond? Week 1 1

4 Be vigilant Pray Meditate on the Word Receive Jesus in the Eucharist Make Jesus the center of your life Trust in God Undertake a dynamic way of living the Gospel Be vigilant Pray Meditate on the Word Receive Jesus in the Eucharist Make Jesus the center of your life Trust in God Undertake a dynamic way of living the Gospel Week 1 1

5 Advent is a time of awareness and anticipation. The Gospel for the second Sunday of Advent says: [John the Baptist proclaimed a] “baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins... a voice of one crying out in the desert, ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make straight his paths.’” (Lk.3:2-3) Week 2 2

6 Beginnings Endings New Liturgical Year End of Calendar Year Regrets About the Past Year Awareness of Our Sinfulness How did our founders respond? Week 2 2

7 Rejoice that God is forever with us Thank God for His forgiveness Practice self- discipline; avoid self-indulgence Focus on the beauty of Scripture, hymns Advance the reign of God on earth by serving Christ in the poor Rejoice that God is forever with us Thank God for His forgiveness Practice self- discipline; avoid self-indulgence Focus on the beauty of Scripture, hymns Advance the reign of God on earth by serving Christ in the poor Week 2 2

8 Advent is a call to conversion to Christ and our charism. In the Gospel for the third Sunday of Advent, we hear that although the crowds varied from ordinary folk to tax collectors and soldiers, all had the same question: “What should we do?” (Luke 3:10) John’s response was simple and direct: Share all you have with the needy; do not collect more taxes than required; do not extort or falsely accuse anyone; and be satisfied with your wages. (Luke 3:11-15) Week 3 3

9 Is conversion nothing more than a jump in the Jordan, and then a fleeting feeling of relief? Is following Christ all about esoteric spiritual exercises, or abstract religious doctrines? How did our founders respond? Week 3 3

10 Open your heart for Jesus to enter, and He will gently reveal new ways to live the Gospel truths Decide: on whom and what do I set my heart? Minister to others as though they were Jesus himself Be “ambassadors for Christ” Open your heart for Jesus to enter, and He will gently reveal new ways to live the Gospel truths Decide: on whom and what do I set my heart? Minister to others as though they were Jesus himself Be “ambassadors for Christ” Week 3 3

11 Advent is a time for redemptive action. The Gospel for the fourth Sunday of Advent says: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb…blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:39-45). Week 4 4

12 Do we seek merely temporary relief for those we serve? How do we handle life’s worries and anxieties? Do we continue anew each year, regardless of our ordinariness, our age, or our state in life? How did our founders respond? Week 4 4

13 Be a missionary: share the Gospel, communicate life to the poor. Seek not only temporary relief but redemptive change Remember that ordinary people in salvation history were called by God to play extraordinary roles Be a missionary: share the Gospel, communicate life to the poor. Seek not only temporary relief but redemptive change Remember that ordinary people in salvation history were called by God to play extraordinary roles Week 4 4

14 May the Lord Jesus bless you abundantly in the Advent and Christmas seasons

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